qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking package#
qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.dict_utils module#
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.dict_utils.find_cliffords(cz_list)[source]#
Splits a clifford (list of gates) into sublists based on the occurrence of the “CZ” gate.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.dict_utils.separator(clifford)[source]#
Separates values in the given clifford sublist based on certain conditions.
- Returns:
- A tuple containing three elements:
values_with_1 (str): A comma-separated string of values containing ‘1’.
values_with_2 (str): A comma-separated string of values containing ‘2’.
value_with_CZ (bool): True if ‘CZ’ is present in the clifford list, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.dict_utils.clifford2gates(clifford)[source]#
Converts a Clifford string into a list of gates.
- Parameters:
clifford (str) – A comma-separated string representing a sequence of gates that represent a Clifford gate.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.dict_utils.clifford_to_matrix(clifford)[source]#
Converts a Clifford gate as a string to its corresponding unitary matrix representation.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.dict_utils.generate_inv_dict_cliffords_file(two_qubit_cliffords, output_file=None)[source]#
Generate an inverse dictionary of Clifford matrices and save it to a npz file.
Parameters: two_qubit_cliffords (dict): A dictionary of two-qubit Cliffords. output_file (str): The path to the output npz file.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.dict_utils.clifford_to_pulses(clifford)[source]#
From a Clifford gate sequence into the number of pulses required to implement it.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.dict_utils.calculate_pulses_clifford(cliffords)[source]#
Calculate the average number of pulses per Clifford operation.
Parameters: - cliffords (dict): A dictionary of Clifford operations.
Returns: - pulses_per_clifford (float): The average number of pulses per Clifford operation.
qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.filtered_rb module#
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.filtered_rb.FilteredRBParameters(depths: Union[list, Depthsdict], niter: int, uncertainties: Optional[float] = None, unrolling: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None, nshots: int = 10)[source]#
Filtered Randomized Benchmarking runcard inputs.
- seed: Optional[int] = None#
A fixed seed to initialize
, uses a random seed. Defaults isNone
- uncertainties: Optional[float] = None#
Method of computing the error bars of the signal and uncertainties of the fit.
, it computes the standard deviation. Otherwise it computes the corresponding confidence interval. Defaults None.
- unrolling: bool = False#
it uses sequence unrolling to deploy multiple circuits in a single instrument call.Defaults to
- depths: Union[list, Depthsdict]#
A list of depths/sequence lengths.
If a dictionary is given the list will be build.
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.filtered_rb.FilteredRBResult[source]#
Filtered RB outputs.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.filtered_rb._acquisition(params: FilteredRBParameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[Union[str, int]]) RBData [source]#
The data acquisition stage of Filtered Randomized Benchmarking.
Set up the scan
Execute the scan
Post process the data and initialize a filtered rb data object with it.
- Parameters:
params – All parameters in one object.
platform – Platform the experiment is executed on.
target – list of qubits the experiment is executed on.
- Returns:
The depths, samples and ground state probability of each experiment in the scan.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.filtered_rb._fit(data: RBData) FilteredRBResult [source]#
Takes a data frame, extracts the depths and the signal and fits it with an exponential function y = Ap^x+B.
- Parameters:
data (RBData) – Data from the data acquisition stage.
- Returns:
Aggregated and processed data.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.filtered_rb._plot(data: RBData, fit: FilteredRBResult, target: Union[str, int]) tuple[list[plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure], str] [source]#
Builds the table for the qq pipe, calls the plot function of the result object and returns the figure es list.
- Parameters:
data (RBData) – Data object used for the table.
fit (FilteredRBResult) – Is called for the plot.
target (_type_) – Not used yet.
- Return type:
qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.fitting module#
In this python script the fitting methods for the gate set protocols are defined. They consist mostly of exponential decay fitting.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.fitting.exp1_func(x: ndarray, A: float, f: float) ndarray [source]#
is annp.ndarray
are floats
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.fitting.exp1B_func(x: ndarray, A: float, f: float, B: float) ndarray [source]#
is annp.ndarray
are floats
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.fitting.exp2_func(x: ndarray, A1: float, A2: float, f1: float, f2: float) ndarray [source]#
is annp.ndarray
are floats. There is no linear offsett B.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.fitting.esprit(xdata: ndarray, ydata: ndarray, num_decays: int, hankel_dim: Optional[int] = None) ndarray [source]#
Implements the ESPRIT algorithm for peak detection.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The decay parameters.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – When the x-labels are not equally spaced the algorithm does not work.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.fitting.fit_exp1B_func(xdata: Union[ndarray, list], ydata: Union[ndarray, list], **kwargs) tuple[tuple, tuple] [source]#
Calculate an single exponential A*p^m+B fit to the given ydata.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.fitting.fit_exp1_func(xdata: Union[ndarray, list], ydata: Union[ndarray, list], **kwargs) tuple[tuple, tuple] [source]#
Calculate an single exponential A*p^m fit to the given ydata, no linear offset.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.fitting.fit_expn_func(xdata: Union[ndarray, list], ydata: Union[ndarray, list], n: int = 2) tuple[tuple, tuple] [source]#
Calculate n exponentials on top of each other, fit to the given ydata. No linear offset, the ESPRIT algorithm is used to identify
exponential decays.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.fitting.fit_exp2_func(xdata: Union[ndarray, list], ydata: Union[ndarray, list]) tuple[tuple, tuple] [source]#
Calculate 2 exponentials on top of each other, fit to the given ydata.
No linear offset, the ESPRIT algorithm is used to identify the two exponential decays.
qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb module#
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb.Depthsdict[source]#
Dictionary used to build a list of depths as
range(start, stop, step)
.- clear() None. Remove all items from D. #
- copy() a shallow copy of D #
- fromkeys(value=None, /)#
Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
- get(key, default=None, /)#
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items #
- keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys #
- pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. #
If the key is not found, return the default if given; otherwise, raise a KeyError.
- popitem()#
Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order. Raises KeyError if the dict is empty.
- setdefault(key, default=None, /)#
Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. #
If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- values() an object providing a view on D's values #
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb.StandardRBParameters(depths: Union[list, Depthsdict], niter: int, uncertainties: Optional[float] = None, unrolling: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None, nshots: int = 10)[source]#
Standard Randomized Benchmarking runcard inputs.
- depths: Union[list, Depthsdict]#
A list of depths/sequence lengths.
If a dictionary is given the list will be build.
- uncertainties: Optional[float] = None#
Method of computing the error bars of the signal and uncertainties of the fit.
, it computes the standard deviation. Otherwise it computes the corresponding confidence interval. Defaults None.
- unrolling: bool = False#
it uses sequence unrolling to deploy multiple circuits in a single instrument call.Defaults to
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb._acquisition(params: StandardRBParameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[Union[str, int]]) RBData [source]#
The data acquisition stage of Standard Randomized Benchmarking.
Set up the scan
Execute the scan
Post process the data and initialize a standard rb data object with it.
- Parameters:
params – All parameters in one object.
platform – Platform the experiment is executed on.
target – list of qubits the experiment is executed on.
- Returns:
The depths, samples and ground state probability of each experiment in the scan.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb._fit(data: RBData) StandardRBResult [source]#
Takes a data frame, extracts the depths and the signal and fits it with an exponential function y = Ap^x+B.
- Parameters:
data (RBData) – Data from the data acquisition stage.
- Returns:
Aggregated and processed data.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb._plot(data: RBData, fit: StandardRBResult, target: Union[str, int]) tuple[list[plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure], str] [source]#
Builds the table for the qq pipe, calls the plot function of the result object and returns the figure es list.
- Parameters:
data (RBData) – Data object used for the table.
fit (StandardRBResult) – Is called for the plot.
target (_type_) – Not used yet.
- Return type:
qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb_2q module#
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb_2q.StandardRB2QParameters(depths: Union[list, Depthsdict], niter: int, uncertainties: Optional[float] = None, unrolling: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None, nshots: int = 10, file: str = '2qubitCliffs.json', file_inv: str = '2qubitCliffsInv.npz')[source]#
Parameters for the standard 2q randomized benchmarking protocol.
- seed: Optional[int] = None#
A fixed seed to initialize
, uses a random seed. Defaults isNone
- uncertainties: Optional[float] = None#
Method of computing the error bars of the signal and uncertainties of the fit.
, it computes the standard deviation. Otherwise it computes the corresponding confidence interval. Defaults None.
- unrolling: bool = False#
it uses sequence unrolling to deploy multiple circuits in a single instrument call.Defaults to
- depths: Union[list, Depthsdict]#
A list of depths/sequence lengths.
If a dictionary is given the list will be build.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb_2q._acquisition(params: StandardRB2QParameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]]]) RB2QData [source]#
Data acquisition for two qubit Standard Randomized Benchmarking.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb_2q._fit(data: RB2QData) StandardRBResult [source]#
qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb_2q_inter module#
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb_2q_inter.StandardRB2QInterParameters(depths: Union[list, Depthsdict], niter: int, uncertainties: Optional[float] = None, unrolling: bool = False, seed: Optional[int] = None, nshots: int = 10, file: str = '2qubitCliffs.json', file_inv: str = '2qubitCliffsInv.npz', interleave: str = 'CZ')[source]#
Parameters for the standard 2q randomized benchmarking protocol.
- seed: Optional[int] = None#
A fixed seed to initialize
, uses a random seed. Defaults isNone
- uncertainties: Optional[float] = None#
Method of computing the error bars of the signal and uncertainties of the fit.
, it computes the standard deviation. Otherwise it computes the corresponding confidence interval. Defaults None.
- unrolling: bool = False#
it uses sequence unrolling to deploy multiple circuits in a single instrument call.Defaults to
- depths: Union[list, Depthsdict]#
A list of depths/sequence lengths.
If a dictionary is given the list will be build.
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb_2q_inter.StandardRB2QInterResult(fidelity: dict[typing.Union[str, int], float], pulse_fidelity: dict[typing.Union[str, int], float], fit_parameters: dict[typing.Union[str, int], list[float]], fit_uncertainties: dict[typing.Union[str, int], list[float]], error_bars: dict[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[float, list[float], NoneType]] = <factory>, fidelity_cz: ~typing.Optional[dict[typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]], list]] = None)[source]#
Standard RB outputs.
- fidelity_cz: dict[Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]], list] = None#
The overall fidelity for the CZ gate and its uncertainty.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb_2q_inter._acquisition(params: StandardRB2QInterParameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]]]) RB2QInterData [source]#
Data acquisition for two qubit Interleaved Randomized Benchmarking.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb_2q_inter._fit(data: RB2QInterData) StandardRB2QInterResult [source]#
Takes a data frame, extracts the depths and the signal and fits it with an exponential function y = Ap^x+B.
- Parameters:
data – Data from the data acquisition stage.
- Returns:
Aggregated and processed data.
- Return type:
qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils module#
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.NPULSES_PER_CLIFFORD = 1.875#
Global phases that could appear in the Clifford group we defined in the “2q_cliffords.json” file due to the gates we selected to generate the Clifford group.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.RBType = dtype([('samples', '<i4')])#
Custom dtype for RB.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.random_clifford(random_index_gen)[source]#
Generates random Clifford operator.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.random_2q_clifford(random_index_gen, two_qubit_cliffords)[source]#
Generates random two qubit Clifford operator.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.random_circuits(depth: int, targets: list[Union[str, int, Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]]]], niter, rb_gen, inverse_layer=True, single_qubit=True, file_inv=PosixPath('.'), interleave=None) Iterable [source]#
Returns random (self-inverting) Clifford circuits.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.number_to_str(value: Number, uncertainty: Optional[Union[Number, list, tuple, ndarray]] = None, precision: Optional[int] = None)[source]#
Converts a number into a string.
- Parameters:
value (Number) – the number to display
uncertainty (Number or list or tuple or np.ndarray, optional) – number or 2-element interval with the low and high uncertainties of
. Defaults toNone
.precision (int, optional) – nonnegative number of floating points of the displayed value. If
, defaults to the second significant digit ofuncertainty
. Defaults toNone
- Returns:
The number expressed as a string, with the uncertainty if given.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.data_uncertainties(data, method=None, data_median=None, homogeneous=True)[source]#
Compute the uncertainties of the median (or specified) values.
- Parameters:
data (list or np.ndarray) – 2d array with rows containing data points from which the median value is extracted.
method (float, optional) – method of computing the method. If it is None, computes the standard deviation, otherwise it computes the corresponding confidence interval using
. Defaults toNone
.data_median (list or np.ndarray, optional) – 1d array for computing the errors from the confidence interval. If
, the median values are computed fromdata
.homogeneous (bool) – if
, assumes that all rows indata
are of the same size and returnsnp.ndarray
. Default isTrue
- Returns:
uncertainties of the data.
- Return type:
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.RB_Generator(seed, file=None)[source]#
This class generates random two qubit cliffords for randomized benchmarking.
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.RBData(depths: list, uncertainties: ~typing.Optional[float], seed: ~typing.Optional[int], nshots: int, niter: int, data: dict[typing.Union[str, int, typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]]], numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[dtype([('samples', '<i4')])]]] = <factory>, circuits: dict[typing.Union[str, int, typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]]], list[list[int]]] = <factory>, npulses_per_clifford: float = 1.875)[source]#
The output of the acquisition function.
- data: dict[typing.Union[str, int, typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]]], numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[dtype([('samples', '<i4')])]]]#
Raw data acquired.
- circuits: dict[Union[str, int, Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]]], list[list[int]]]#
Clifford gate indexes executed.
- _to_npz(path: Path, filename: str)#
Helper function to use np.savez while converting keys into strings.
- property pairs#
Access qubit pairs ordered alphanumerically from data structure.
- property qubits#
Access qubits from data structure.
- register_qubit(dtype, data_keys, data_dict)#
Store output for single qubit.
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.RB2QData(depths: list, uncertainties: ~typing.Optional[float], seed: ~typing.Optional[int], nshots: int, niter: int, data: dict[typing.Union[str, int, typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]]], numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[dtype([('samples', '<i4')])]]] = <factory>, circuits: dict[typing.Union[str, int, typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]]], list[list[int]]] = <factory>, npulses_per_clifford: float = 8.6)[source]#
The output of the acquisition function.
- _to_npz(path: Path, filename: str)#
Helper function to use np.savez while converting keys into strings.
- property pairs#
Access qubit pairs ordered alphanumerically from data structure.
- property qubits#
Access qubits from data structure.
- register_qubit(dtype, data_keys, data_dict)#
Store output for single qubit.
- data: dict[typing.Union[str, int, typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]]], numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[dtype([('samples', '<i4')])]]]#
Raw data acquired.
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.RB2QInterData(depths: list, uncertainties: ~typing.Optional[float], seed: ~typing.Optional[int], nshots: int, niter: int, data: dict[typing.Union[str, int, typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]]], numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[dtype([('samples', '<i4')])]]] = <factory>, circuits: dict[typing.Union[str, int, typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]]], list[list[int]]] = <factory>, npulses_per_clifford: float = 8.6, fidelity: dict[typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]], list] = <factory>)[source]#
The output of the acquisition function.
- fidelity: dict[Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]], list]#
The interleaved fidelity of this qubit.
- _to_npz(path: Path, filename: str)#
Helper function to use np.savez while converting keys into strings.
- extract_probabilities(qubits)#
Extract the probabilities given (qubit, qubit)
- property pairs#
Access qubit pairs ordered alphanumerically from data structure.
- property qubits#
Access qubits from data structure.
- register_qubit(dtype, data_keys, data_dict)#
Store output for single qubit.
- data: dict[typing.Union[str, int, typing.Tuple[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[str, int]]], numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[dtype([('samples', '<i4')])]]]#
Raw data acquired.
- class qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.StandardRBResult(fidelity: dict[typing.Union[str, int], float], pulse_fidelity: dict[typing.Union[str, int], float], fit_parameters: dict[typing.Union[str, int], list[float]], fit_uncertainties: dict[typing.Union[str, int], list[float]], error_bars: dict[typing.Union[str, int], typing.Union[float, list[float], NoneType]] = <factory>)[source]#
Standard RB outputs.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.setup(params: Parameters, platform: Platform, single_qubit: bool = True, interleave: Optional[str] = None)[source]#
Set up the randomized benchmarking experiment backend and data class.
- Parameters:
params (Parameters) – The parameters for the experiment.
single_qubit (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether the experiment is for a single qubit or two qubits. Defaults to True.
interleave – (str, optional): The type of interleaving to apply. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the experiment data and backend.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.get_circuits(params, targets, add_inverse_layer, interleave, single_qubit=True)[source]#
Generate randomized benchmarking circuits.
- Parameters:
params (Parameters) – Experiment parameters.
targets (list) – List of target qubit IDs.
add_inverse_layer (bool) – Flag indicating whether to add an inverse layer to the circuits.
interleave (str) – String indicating whether to interleave the circuits with the given gate.
single_qubit (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether to generate single qubit circuits.
- Returns:
- A tuple containing the generated circuits, indexes, and the number of pulses per Clifford.
circuits (list): List of generated circuits.
indexes (dict): Dictionary containing the random indexes for each qubit and depth.
npulses_per_clifford (float): Number of pulses per Clifford.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.execute_circuits(circuits, targets, params, backend, single_qubit=True)[source]#
Executes a list of circuits on a given backend.
- Parameters:
circuits (list) – List of quantum circuits to be executed.
targets (list) – List of target qubits for each circuit.
params (Parameters) – Experiment parameters.
backend (object) – Backend to execute the circuits on.
single_qubit (bool) – Flag indicating whether the circuits are single-qubit or multi-qubit.
- Returns:
List of executed circuits.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.rb_acquisition(params: Parameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[Union[str, int]], add_inverse_layer: bool = True, interleave: Optional[str] = None) RBData [source]#
RB data acquisition function.
This function performs data acquisition for randomized benchmarking experiments.
- Parameters:
params (RBParameters) – All parameters in one object.
targets (dict[int, Union[str, int]] or list[Union[str, int]]) – List of qubits the experiment is executed on.
add_inverse_layer (bool, optional) – Whether to add an inverse layer to the circuits. Defaults to True.
interleave (str, optional) – Interleaving pattern for the circuits. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
The depths, samples, and ground state probability of each experiment in the scan.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.twoq_rb_acquisition(params: Parameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]]], add_inverse_layer: bool = True, interleave: Optional[str] = None) Union[RB2QData, RB2QInterData] [source]#
The data acquisition stage of two qubit Standard Randomized Benchmarking.
- Parameters:
params (RB2QParameters) – The parameters for the randomized benchmarking experiment.
targets (list[QubitPairId]) – The list of qubit pair IDs on which to perform the benchmarking.
add_inverse_layer (bool, optional) – Whether to add an inverse layer to the circuits. Defaults to True.
interleave (str, optional) – The type of interleaving to apply. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
The acquired data for two qubit randomized benchmarking.
- Return type:
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.layer_circuit(rb_gen: Callable, depth: int, target, interleave: Optional[str] = None) tuple[qibo.models.circuit.Circuit, list] [source]#
Creates a circuit of depth layers from a generator layer_gen yielding Circuit or Gate and a dictionary with random indexes used to select the clifford gates.
- qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.utils.add_inverse_layer(circuit: Circuit, rb_gen: RB_Generator, single_qubit=True, file_inv=PosixPath('.'))[source]#
Adds an inverse gate/inverse gates at the end of a circuit (in place).
- Parameters:
circuit (Circuit) – circuit