qibocal.cli package#

CLI entry point.


qibocal.cli.acquisition module#

qibocal.cli.acquisition.acquire(runcard, folder, force)[source]#

Data acquisition


RUNCARD (-) – runcard with declarative inputs.

qibocal.cli.autocalibration module#

qibocal.cli.autocalibration.autocalibrate(runcard, folder, force, update)[source]#



RUNCARD (-) – runcard with declarative inputs.

qibocal.cli.fit module#

qibocal.cli.fit.fit(input_path, update, output_path, force)[source]#

Post-processing analysis


  • input_path: input folder.

  • update: perform platform update

  • output_path: new folder with data and fit

qibocal.cli.report module#


Report produced by protocol.

qibocal.cli.report.generate_figures_and_report(node: Completed, target: Union[str, int, Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]], list[Union[str, int]]]) tuple[str, list[plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure]][source]#

Calling protocol plot by checking if fit has been performed.

It operates on a completed node and a specific protocol target, generating a report outcome (cf. ReportOutcome).

qibocal.cli.report.plotter(node: Completed, target: Union[str, int, Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]], list[Union[str, int]]]) tuple[str, str][source]#

Run plotly pipeline for generating html.

Performs conversions of plotly figures in html rendered code for completed node on specific target.

qibocal.cli.report.report(path: Path, history: Optional[History] = None)[source]#

Report generation.

Generates the report for protocol dumped in path. Executor can be passed to generate report on the fly.

qibocal.cli.upload module#

Upload report to server.

qibocal.cli.upload.upload_report(path: Path, tag: str, author: str)[source]#

qibocal.cli.utils module#

Helper functions for the cli module

qibocal.cli.utils.dump_report(meta, path)[source]#
qibocal.cli.utils.generate_meta(backend, platform, path)[source]#

Methods that takes care of: - dumping original platform - storing qq runcard - generating meta.yml

qibocal.cli.utils.generate_output_folder(folder, force)[source]#

Generation of qq output folder

  • folder (path) – path for the output folder. If None it will be created a folder automatically

  • force (bool) – option to overwrite the output folder if it exists already.


Output path.