Source code for

import io
import pathlib
from typing import Optional, Union

import plotly.graph_objects as go
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from qibolab.qubits import QubitId, QubitPairId

from import History
from import Output
from import Completed
from qibocal.config import log
from import STYLES, TEMPLATES, Report, report_css_styles

ReportOutcome = tuple[str, list[go.Figure]]
"""Report produced by protocol."""

[docs]def generate_figures_and_report( node: Completed, target: Union[QubitId, QubitPairId, list[QubitId]] ) -> ReportOutcome: """Calling protocol plot by checking if fit has been performed. It operates on a completed `node` and a specific protocol `target`, generating a report outcome (cf. `ReportOutcome`). """ if node.results is None: # plot acquisition data return, fit=None, target=target) if target not in node.results: # plot acquisition data and message for unsuccessful fit figures =, fit=None, target=target)[0] return figures, "An error occurred when performing the fit." # plot acquisition and fit return, fit=node.results, target=target)
[docs]def plotter( node: Completed, target: Union[QubitId, QubitPairId, list[QubitId]] ) -> tuple[str, str]: """Run plotly pipeline for generating html. Performs conversions of plotly figures in html rendered code for completed node on specific target. """ figures, fitting_report = generate_figures_and_report(node, target) buffer = io.StringIO() html_list = [] for figure in figures: figure.write_html(buffer, include_plotlyjs=False, full_html=False) html_list.append( buffer.close() all_html = "".join(html_list) return all_html, fitting_report
[docs]def report(path: pathlib.Path, history: Optional[History] = None): """Report generation. Generates the report for protocol dumped in `path`. Executor can be passed to generate report on the fly. """ if (path / "index.html").exists(): # pragma: no cover log.warning(f"Regenerating {path}/index.html") # load meta output = Output.load(path) if history is None: history = output.history env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATES)) template = env.get_template("template.html") html = template.render( is_static=True, css_styles=report_css_styles(STYLES), path=path,, report=Report( path=path, history=history, meta=output.meta.dump(), plotter=plotter, ), ) (path / "index.html").write_text(html)