Here is a scheme with the protocols currently available in Qibocal.
In this section we introduce the basics of all protocols supported by qibocal
- Time Of Flight (Readout)
- Calibrate Discrimination Kernels
- Resonator spectroscopy
- Resonator punchout
- Qubit spectroscopies
- Rabi experiments
- Ramsey experiments
- T1 experiments
- T2 experiments
- Hahn echo experiments
- Frequency vs flux experiments
- Flux crosstalk experiments
- Single Shot Experiments
- Dispersive shift
- All-XY
- Flipping
- Readout mitigation matrix
- Avoided crossing
- Readout optimization
- Standard Randomize Benchmarking
- Chevron
- Virtual Z
- State Tomographies
- Coupler Chevron
- References