Source code for qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.standard_rb

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Iterable, Optional, TypedDict, Union

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from qibolab.platform import Platform
from qibolab.qubits import QubitId

from import Parameters, Routine

from ..utils import table_dict, table_html
from .fitting import exp1B_func
from .utils import RBData, StandardRBResult, fit, number_to_str, rb_acquisition

[docs]class Depthsdict(TypedDict): """Dictionary used to build a list of depths as ``range(start, stop, step)``.""" start: int stop: int step: int
[docs]@dataclass class StandardRBParameters(Parameters): """Standard Randomized Benchmarking runcard inputs.""" depths: Union[list, Depthsdict] """A list of depths/sequence lengths. If a dictionary is given the list will be build. """ niter: int """Sets how many iterations over the same depth value.""" uncertainties: Optional[float] = None """Method of computing the error bars of the signal and uncertainties of the fit. If ``None``, it computes the standard deviation. Otherwise it computes the corresponding confidence interval. Defaults `None`. """ unrolling: bool = False """If ``True`` it uses sequence unrolling to deploy multiple circuits in a single instrument call. Defaults to ``False``. """ seed: Optional[int] = None """A fixed seed to initialize ``np.random.Generator``. If ``None``, uses a random seed. Defaults is ``None``. """ noise_model: Optional[str] = None """For simulation purposes, string has to match what is in :mod:`qibocal.protocols.randomized_benchmarking.noisemodels`""" noise_params: Optional[list] = field(default_factory=list) """With this the noise model will be initialized, if not given random values will be used.""" nshots: int = 10 """Just to add the default value.""" def __post_init__(self): if isinstance(self.depths, dict): self.depths = list( range(self.depths["start"], self.depths["stop"], self.depths["step"]) )
[docs]def _acquisition( params: StandardRBParameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[QubitId], ) -> RBData: """The data acquisition stage of Standard Randomized Benchmarking. 1. Set up the scan 2. Execute the scan 3. Post process the data and initialize a standard rb data object with it. Args: params: All parameters in one object. platform: Platform the experiment is executed on. target: list of qubits the experiment is executed on. Returns: RBData: The depths, samples and ground state probability of each experiment in the scan. """ return rb_acquisition(params, platform, targets)
[docs]def _fit(data: RBData) -> StandardRBResult: """Takes a data frame, extracts the depths and the signal and fits it with an exponential function y = Ap^x+B. Args: data (RBData): Data from the data acquisition stage. Returns: StandardRBResult: Aggregated and processed data. """ return fit(data.qubits, data)
[docs]def _plot( data: RBData, fit: StandardRBResult, target: QubitId ) -> tuple[list[go.Figure], str]: """Builds the table for the qq pipe, calls the plot function of the result object and returns the figure es list. Args: data (RBData): Data object used for the table. fit (StandardRBResult): Is called for the plot. target (_type_): Not used yet. Returns: tuple[list[go.Figure], str]: """ if isinstance(target, list): target = tuple(target) qubit = target fig = go.Figure() fitting_report = "" x = data.depths raw_data = data.extract_probabilities(qubit) y = np.mean(raw_data, axis=1) raw_depths = [[depth] * data.niter for depth in data.depths] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.hstack(raw_depths), y=np.hstack(raw_data), line=dict(color="#6597aa"), mode="markers", marker={"opacity": 0.2, "symbol": "square"}, name="iterations", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, line=dict(color="#aa6464"), mode="markers", name="average", ) ) # Create a dictionary for the error bars error_y_dict = None if fit is not None: popt, perr = fit.fit_parameters[qubit], fit.fit_uncertainties[qubit] label = "Fit: y=Ap^x<br>A: {}<br>p: {}<br>B: {}".format( number_to_str(popt[0], perr[0]), number_to_str(popt[1], perr[1]), number_to_str(popt[2], perr[2]), ) x_fit = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), len(x) * 20) y_fit = exp1B_func(x_fit, *popt) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x_fit, y=y_fit, name=label, line=go.scatter.Line(dash="dot", color="#00cc96"), ) ) if fit.error_bars is not None: error_bars = fit.error_bars[qubit] # Constant error bars if isinstance(error_bars, Iterable) is False: error_y_dict = {"type": "constant", "value": error_bars} # Symmetric error bars elif isinstance(error_bars[0], Iterable) is False: error_y_dict = {"type": "data", "array": error_bars} # Asymmetric error bars else: error_y_dict = { "type": "data", "symmetric": False, "array": error_bars[1], "arrayminus": error_bars[0], } fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, error_y=error_y_dict, line={"color": "#aa6464"}, mode="markers", name="error bars", ) ) if fit is not None: fitting_report = table_html( table_dict( str(qubit), ["niter", "nshots", "uncertainties", "fidelity", "pulse_fidelity"], [ data.niter, data.nshots, data.uncertainties, number_to_str([qubit], np.array(fit.fit_uncertainties[qubit][1]) / 2, ), number_to_str( fit.pulse_fidelity[qubit], np.array(fit.fit_uncertainties[qubit][1]) / (2 * data.npulses_per_clifford), ), ], ) ) fig.update_layout( showlegend=True, xaxis_title="Circuit depth", yaxis_title="Survival Probability", ) return [fig], fitting_report
standard_rb = Routine(_acquisition, _fit, _plot)