Source code for qibocal.protocols.drag

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from qibolab import AcquisitionType, AveragingMode, ExecutionParameters
from qibolab.platform import Platform
from qibolab.pulses import PulseSequence
from qibolab.qubits import QubitId
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from qibocal import update
from import Data, Parameters, Results, Routine
from qibocal.config import log

from .utils import (

# TODO: add errors in fitting

[docs]@dataclass class DragTuningParameters(Parameters): """DragTuning runcard inputs.""" beta_start: float """DRAG pulse beta start sweep parameter.""" beta_end: float """DRAG pulse beta end sweep parameter.""" beta_step: float """DRAG pulse beta sweep step parameter.""" unrolling: bool = False """If ``True`` it uses sequence unrolling to deploy multiple sequences in a single instrument call. Defaults to ``False``."""
[docs]@dataclass class DragTuningResults(Results): """DragTuning outputs.""" betas: dict[QubitId, float] """Optimal beta paramter for each qubit.""" fitted_parameters: dict[QubitId, dict[str, float]] """Raw fitting output.""" chi2: dict[QubitId, tuple[float, Optional[float]]] = field(default_factory=dict) """Chi2 calculation."""
DragTuningType = np.dtype( [("prob", np.float64), ("error", np.float64), ("beta", np.float64)] )
[docs]@dataclass class DragTuningData(Data): """DragTuning acquisition outputs.""" anharmonicity: dict[QubitId, float] = field(default_factory=dict) """Anharmonicity of each qubit.""" data: dict[QubitId, npt.NDArray[DragTuningType]] = field(default_factory=dict) """Raw data acquired."""
[docs]def _acquisition( params: DragTuningParameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[QubitId], ) -> DragTuningData: r""" Data acquisition for drag pulse tuning experiment. See Fig. 2 (c). """ data = DragTuningData( anharmonicity={ qubit: platform.qubits[qubit].anharmonicity * HZ_TO_GHZ for qubit in targets } ) # define the parameter to sweep and its range: # qubit drive DRAG pulse beta parameter beta_param_range = np.arange(params.beta_start, params.beta_end, params.beta_step) sequences, all_ro_pulses = [], [] for beta_param in beta_param_range: sequence = PulseSequence() ro_pulses = {} for qubit in targets: RX_drag_pulse = platform.create_RX_drag_pulse( qubit, start=0, beta=beta_param / data.anharmonicity[qubit] ) RX_drag_pulse_minus = platform.create_RX_drag_pulse( qubit, start=RX_drag_pulse.finish, beta=beta_param / data.anharmonicity[qubit], relative_phase=np.pi, ) ro_pulses[qubit] = platform.create_qubit_readout_pulse( qubit, start=RX_drag_pulse_minus.finish ) sequence.add(RX_drag_pulse) sequence.add(RX_drag_pulse_minus) sequence.add(ro_pulses[qubit]) sequences.append(sequence) all_ro_pulses.append(ro_pulses) options = ExecutionParameters( nshots=params.nshots, relaxation_time=params.relaxation_time, acquisition_type=AcquisitionType.DISCRIMINATION, averaging_mode=AveragingMode.SINGLESHOT, ) # execute the pulse sequence if params.unrolling: results = platform.execute_pulse_sequences(sequences, options) elif not params.unrolling: results = [ platform.execute_pulse_sequence(sequence, options) for sequence in sequences ] for ig, (beta, ro_pulses) in enumerate(zip(beta_param_range, all_ro_pulses)): for qubit in targets: serial = ro_pulses[qubit].serial if params.unrolling: result = results[serial][ig] else: result = results[ig][serial] prob = result.probability(state=0) # store the results data.register_qubit( DragTuningType, (qubit), dict( prob=np.array([prob]), error=np.array([np.sqrt(prob * (1 - prob) / params.nshots)]), beta=np.array([beta]), ), ) return data
[docs]def drag_fit(x, offset, amplitude, period, phase): return offset + amplitude * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x / period + phase)
[docs]def _fit(data: DragTuningData) -> DragTuningResults: qubits = data.qubits betas_optimal = {} fitted_parameters = {} chi2 = {} for qubit in qubits: qubit_data = data[qubit] beta_params = qubit_data.beta prob = qubit_data.prob beta_min = np.min(beta_params) beta_max = np.max(beta_params) normalized_beta = (beta_params - beta_min) / (beta_max - beta_min) # Guessing period using fourier transform period = fallback_period(guess_period(normalized_beta, prob)) pguess = [0.5, 0.5, period, 0] try: popt, _ = curve_fit( drag_fit, normalized_beta, prob, p0=pguess, maxfev=100000, bounds=( [0, 0, 0, -np.pi], [1, 1, np.inf, np.pi], ), sigma=qubit_data.error, ) translated_popt = [ popt[0], popt[1], popt[2] * (beta_max - beta_min), popt[3] - 2 * np.pi * beta_min / popt[2] / (beta_max - beta_min), ] fitted_parameters[qubit] = translated_popt predicted_prob = drag_fit(beta_params, *translated_popt) betas_optimal[qubit] = beta_params[np.argmax(predicted_prob)] chi2[qubit] = ( chi2_reduced( prob, predicted_prob, qubit_data.error, ), np.sqrt(2 / len(prob)), ) except Exception as e: log.warning(f"drag_tuning_fit failed for qubit {qubit} due to {e}.") return DragTuningResults(betas_optimal, fitted_parameters, chi2=chi2)
[docs]def _plot(data: DragTuningData, target: QubitId, fit: DragTuningResults): """Plotting function for DragTuning.""" figures = [] fitting_report = "" qubit_data = data[target] betas = qubit_data.beta fig = go.Figure( [ go.Scatter( x=qubit_data.beta, y=qubit_data.prob, opacity=1, mode="lines", name="Probability", showlegend=True, legendgroup="Probability", ), go.Scatter( x=np.concatenate((betas, betas[::-1])), y=np.concatenate( ( qubit_data.prob + qubit_data.error, (qubit_data.prob - qubit_data.error)[::-1], ) ), fill="toself", fillcolor=COLORBAND, line=dict(color=COLORBAND_LINE), showlegend=True, name="Errors", ), ] ) # add fitting traces if fit is not None: beta_range = np.linspace( min(betas), max(betas), 20, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=beta_range, y=drag_fit(beta_range, *fit.fitted_parameters[target]), name="Fit", line=go.scatter.Line(dash="dot"), ), ) fitting_report = table_html( table_dict( target, ["Optimal Beta Param", "Chi2 reduced"], [(np.round(fit.betas[target], 4), 0), fit.chi2[target]], display_error=True, ) ) fig.update_layout( showlegend=True, xaxis_title="Beta parameter", yaxis_title="Ground State Probability", ) figures.append(fig) return figures, fitting_report
[docs]def _update(results: DragTuningResults, platform: Platform, target: QubitId): try: update.drag_pulse_beta( results.betas[target] / platform.qubits[target].anharmonicity / HZ_TO_GHZ, platform, target, ) except ZeroDivisionError: log.warning( f"Beta parameter cannot be updated since the anharmoncity for qubit {target} is 0." )
drag_tuning = Routine(_acquisition, _fit, _plot, _update) """DragTuning Routine object."""