Double-Bracket Iteration diagonalization algorithm#
In this example we present the Qibo
’s implementation of the Double-Bracket Iteration (DBI) algorithm, which can be used to prepare the eigenstates of a quantum system.
The initial setup#
At first we import some useful packages.
# uncomment this line if seaborn is not installed
# !python -m pip install seaborn
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from hyperopt import hp, tpe
from qibo import hamiltonians, set_backend
from qibo.models.dbi.double_bracket import DoubleBracketGeneratorType, DoubleBracketIteration, DoubleBracketScheduling
Here we define a simple plotting function useful to keep track of the diagonalization process.
def visualize_matrix(matrix, title=""):
"""Visualize hamiltonian in a heatmap form."""
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))
im = ax.imshow(np.absolute(matrix), cmap="inferno")
except TypeError:
im = ax.imshow(np.absolute(matrix.get()), cmap="inferno")
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
def visualize_drift(h0, h):
"""Visualize drift of the evolved hamiltonian w.r.t. h0."""
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))
ax.set_title(r"Drift: $|\hat{H}_0 - \hat{H}_{\ell}|$")
im = ax.imshow(np.absolute(h0 - h), cmap="inferno")
except TypeError:
im = ax.imshow(np.absolute((h0 - h).get()), cmap="inferno")
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
def plot_histories(histories, labels):
"""Plot off-diagonal norm histories over a sequential evolution."""
colors = sns.color_palette("inferno", n_colors=len(histories)).as_hex()
for i, (h, l) in enumerate(zip(histories, labels)):
plt.plot(h, lw=2, color=colors[i], label=l, marker='.')
plt.ylabel(r"$\| \sigma(\hat{H}) \|^2$")
plt.title("Loss function histories")
We need to define a target hamiltonian which we aim to diagonalize. As an example, we consider the Transverse Field Ising Model (TFIM):
which is already implemented in Qibo
. For this tutorial we set \(N=6\) and \(h=3\).
# set the qibo backend (we suggest qibojit if N >= 20)
# hamiltonian parameters
nqubits = 5
h = 3
# define the hamiltonian
h = hamiltonians.TFIM(nqubits=nqubits, h=h)
# vosualize the matrix
visualize_matrix(h.matrix, title="Target hamiltonian")
[Qibo 0.2.9|INFO|2024-07-03 11:29:11]: Using numpy backend on /CPU:0
The generator of the evolution#
The model is implemented following the procedure presented in [1], and the first practical step is to define the generator of the iteration \(\hat{\mathcal{U}}_{\ell}\), which executes one diagonalization step
In Qibo
, we define the iteration type through a DoubleBracketGeneratorType
object, which can be chosen between one of the following: - canonical
: the generator of the iteration at step \(k+1\) is defined using the commutator between the off diagonal part \(\sigma(\hat{H_k})\) and the diagonal part \(\Delta(\hat{H}_k)\) of the target evolved hamiltonian:
: the evolution follows a similar procedure of the previous point in this list, but any additional matrix \(D_k\) can be used to control the evolution at each step:
: the following group commutator is used to compute the evolution:
which approximates the canonical commutator for small \(s\).
In order to set one of this evolution generators one can do as follow:
# we have a look inside the DoubleBracketGeneratorType class
for generator in DoubleBracketGeneratorType:
# here we set the canonical generator
iterationtype = DoubleBracketGeneratorType.canonical
The DoubleBracketIteration
A DoubleBracketIteration
object can be initialize by calling the qibo.models.double_braket.DoubleBracketIteration
model and passing the target hamiltonian and the generator type we want to use to perform the evolutionary steps.
dbf = DoubleBracketIteration(hamiltonian=deepcopy(h), mode=iterationtype)
# on which qibo backend am I running the algorithm?
print(f"Backend: {dbf.backend}")
Backend: numpy
# the initial target hamiltonian is a qibo hamiltonian
# thus the matrix can be accessed typing h.matrix
print(f"Initial form of the target hamiltonian:\n{dbf.h0.matrix}")
Initial form of the target hamiltonian:
[[-5.-0.j -3.-0.j -3.-0.j ... -0.-0.j -0.-0.j -0.-0.j]
[-3.-0.j -1.-0.j -0.-0.j ... -0.-0.j -0.-0.j -0.-0.j]
[-3.-0.j -0.-0.j -1.-0.j ... -0.-0.j -0.-0.j -0.-0.j]
[-0.-0.j -0.-0.j -0.-0.j ... -1.-0.j -0.-0.j -3.-0.j]
[-0.-0.j -0.-0.j -0.-0.j ... -0.-0.j -1.-0.j -3.-0.j]
[-0.-0.j -0.-0.j -0.-0.j ... -3.-0.j -3.-0.j -5.-0.j]]
# let's visualize it in a more graphical way
visualize_matrix(dbf.h0.matrix, r"$H_0$")
# since we didn't perform yet any evolutionary step they are the same
visualize_drift(dbf.h0.matrix, dbf.h.matrix)
which shows \(\hat{H}\) is now identical to \(\hat{H}_0\) since no evolution step has been performed yet.
# diagonal part of the H target
The Hilbert-Schmidt norm of a Hamiltonian is defined as:
\(\langle A\rangle_{HS}=\sqrt{A^\dagger A}\)
# Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the off-diagonal part
# which we want to bring to be close to zero
print(f"HS norm of the off diagonal part of H: {dbf.off_diagonal_norm}")
HS norm of the off diagonal part of H: 37.94733192202055
Finally, the energy fluctuation of the system at step \(k\) over a given state \(\mu\)
can be computed:
# define a quantum state
# for example the ground state of a multi-qubit Z hamiltonian
Z = hamiltonians.Z(nqubits=nqubits)
state = Z.ground_state()
# compute energy fluctuations using current H and given state
Call the DoubleBracketIteration
to perform a DBF iteration#
If the DBF object is called, a Double Bracket Iteration iteration is performed. This can be done customizing the iteration by setting the iteration step and the desired DoubleBracketGeneratorType
. If no generator is provided, the one passed at the initialization time is used (default is DoubleBracketGeneratorType.canonical
# perform one evolution step
# initial value of the off-diagonal norm
print(f"Initial value of the off-diagonal norm: {dbf.off_diagonal_norm}")
dbf(step=0.01, mode=iterationtype)
# after one step
print(f"One step later off-diagonal norm: {dbf.off_diagonal_norm}")
Initial value of the off-diagonal norm: 37.94733192202055
One step later off-diagonal norm: 34.179717587686405
We can check now if something happened by plotting the drift:
visualize_drift(dbf.h0.matrix, dbf.h.matrix)
The set step can be good, but maybe not the best one. In order to do this choice in a wiser way, we can call the DBF hyperoptimization routine to search for a better initial step. The dbf.hyperopt_step
method is built on top of the `hyperopt
<>`__ package. Any algorithm or sampling space provided by the official package can be used. We are going to use the default options (we sample new steps from a uniform space following a Tree of Parzen estimators
# restart
dbf.h = dbf.h0
# optimization of the step, we allow to search in [1e-5, 1]
step = dbf.choose_step(
step_min = 1e-5,
step_max = 1,
space = hp.uniform,
optimizer = tpe,
max_evals = 1000,
visualize_drift(dbf.h0.matrix, dbf.h.matrix)
Let’s evolve the model for NSTEPS
We know recover the initial hamiltonian, and we perform a sequence of DBF iteration steps, in order to show how this mechanism can lead to a proper diagonalization of the target hamiltonian.
Method 1: fixed step#
# restart
dbf_1 = DoubleBracketIteration(hamiltonian=deepcopy(h), mode=iterationtype)
off_diagonal_norm_history = [dbf_1.off_diagonal_norm]
histories, labels = [], ["Fixed step"]
# set the number of evolution steps
step = 0.005
for s in range(NSTEPS):
plot_histories(histories, labels)
Method 2: optimizing the step#
# restart
dbf_2 = DoubleBracketIteration(hamiltonian=deepcopy(h), mode=iterationtype, scheduling=DoubleBracketScheduling.hyperopt)
off_diagonal_norm_history = [dbf_2.off_diagonal_norm]
# set the number of evolution steps
# optimize first step
step = dbf_2.choose_step(
step_min = 1e-5,
step_max = 1,
space = hp.uniform,
optimizer = tpe,
max_evals = 500,
for s in range(NSTEPS):
if s != 0:
step = dbf_2.choose_step(
step_min = 1e-5,
step_max = 1,
space = hp.uniform,
optimizer = tpe,
max_evals = 100,
print(f"New optimized step at iteration {s}/{NSTEPS}: {step}")
labels.append("Optimizing step")
New optimized step at iteration 1/20: 0.012285383759689142
New optimized step at iteration 2/20: 0.008447438941779167
New optimized step at iteration 3/20: 0.007844606075793771
New optimized step at iteration 4/20: 0.005843560327876751
New optimized step at iteration 5/20: 0.010251929595700982
New optimized step at iteration 6/20: 0.005841082475272156
New optimized step at iteration 7/20: 0.004631288000301592
New optimized step at iteration 8/20: 0.006817597467464319
New optimized step at iteration 9/20: 0.010226644173464028
New optimized step at iteration 10/20: 0.007818628910859757
New optimized step at iteration 11/20: 0.005826089136496147
New optimized step at iteration 12/20: 0.016243987144888304
New optimized step at iteration 13/20: 0.0012186965495374139
New optimized step at iteration 14/20: 0.0013670062367486478
New optimized step at iteration 15/20: 0.014667317020784512
New optimized step at iteration 16/20: 0.007361713849428013
New optimized step at iteration 17/20: 0.03387196372964355
New optimized step at iteration 18/20: 0.00385715363849674
New optimized step at iteration 19/20: 0.00441489412311609
plot_histories(histories, labels)
The hyperoptimization can lead to a faster convergence of the algorithm.