Source code for qibo.noise

"""Module defining Error channels and NoiseModel class(es)."""

import collections
from itertools import combinations
from math import log2
from typing import Optional, Union

from qibo import gates
from qibo.config import raise_error

[docs]class KrausError: """Quantum error associated with the :class:`qibo.gates.KrausChannel`. Args: ops (list): List of Kraus operators of type ``np.ndarray`` or ``tf.Tensor`` and of the same shape. """ def __init__(self, ops): shape = ops[0].shape if any(o.shape != shape for o in ops): raise_error( ValueError, "Kraus operators of different shapes." "Use qibo.noise.CustomError instead.", ) self.rank = shape[0] self.options = ops
[docs] def channel(self, qubits, options): """Returns the quantum channel associated to the quantum error.""" return [ gates.KrausChannel(q, options) for q in combinations(qubits, int(log2(self.rank))) ]
[docs]class UnitaryError: """Quantum error associated with the :class:`qibo.gates.UnitaryChannel`. Args: probabilities (list): List of floats that correspond to the probability that each unitary Uk is applied. unitaries (list): List of unitary matrices as ``np.ndarray``/``tf.Tensor`` of the same shape. Must have the same length as the given probabilities ``p``. """ def __init__(self, probabilities, unitaries): shape = unitaries[0].shape if any(o.shape != shape for o in unitaries): raise_error( ValueError, "Unitary matrices have different shapes." "Use qibo.noise.CustomError instead.", ) self.rank = shape[0] self.options = list(zip(probabilities, unitaries))
[docs] def channel(self, qubits, options): """Returns the quantum channel associated to the quantum error.""" return [ gates.UnitaryChannel(q, options) for q in combinations(qubits, int(log2(self.rank))) ]
[docs]class PauliError: """Quantum error associated with the :class:`qibo.gates.PauliNoiseChannel`. Args: operators (list): see :class:`qibo.gates.PauliNoiseChannel` """ def __init__(self, operators): self.options = operators
[docs] def channel(self, qubits, options): """Returns the quantum channel associated to the quantum error.""" return [gates.PauliNoiseChannel(q, options) for q in qubits]
[docs]class DepolarizingError: """Quantum error associated with the :class:`qibo.gates.DepolarizingChannel`. Args: options (float): see :class:`qibo.gates.DepolarizingChannel` """ def __init__(self, lam): self.options = lam = gates.DepolarizingChannel
[docs]class ThermalRelaxationError: """Quantum error associated with the :class:`qibo.gates.ThermalRelaxationChannel`. Args: options (tuple): see :class:`qibo.gates.ThermalRelaxationChannel` """ def __init__(self, t1, t2, time, excited_population=0): self.options = [t1, t2, time, excited_population] = gates.ThermalRelaxationChannel
[docs]class AmplitudeDampingError: """Quantum error associated with the :class:`qibo.gates.AmplitudeDampingChannel`. Args: options (float): see :class:`qibo.gates.AmplitudeDampingChannel` """ def __init__(self, gamma): self.options = gamma = gates.AmplitudeDampingChannel
[docs]class PhaseDampingError: """Quantum error associated with the :class:`qibo.gates.PhaseDampingChannel`. Args: options (float): see :class:`qibo.gates.PhaseDampingChannel` """ def __init__(self, gamma): self.options = gamma = gates.PhaseDampingChannel
[docs]class ReadoutError: """Quantum error associated with :class:'qibo.gates;ReadoutErrorChannel'. Args: options (array): see :class:'qibo.gates.ReadoutErrorChannel' """ def __init__(self, probabilities): self.options = probabilities = gates.ReadoutErrorChannel
[docs]class ResetError: """Quantum error associated with the `qibo.gates.ResetChannel`. Args: options (tuple): see :class:`qibo.gates.ResetChannel` """ def __init__(self, p0, p1): self.options = [p0, p1] = gates.ResetChannel
[docs]class CustomError: """Quantum error associated with the :class:`qibo.gates.Channel` Args: channel (:class:`qibo.gates.Channel`): any channel Example: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from qibo.gates import KrausChannel from qibo.noise import CustomError # define |0><0| a1 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]]) # define |0><1| a2 = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]]) # Create an Error associated with Kraus Channel # rho -> |0><0| rho |0><0| + |0><1| rho |0><1| error = CustomError(gates.KrausChannel((0,), [a1, a2])) """ def __init__(self, channel): = channel
[docs]class NoiseModel: """Class for the implementation of a custom noise model. Example: .. testcode:: from qibo import Circuit, gates from qibo.noise import NoiseModel, PauliError # Build specific noise model with 2 quantum errors: # - Pauli error on H only for qubit 1. # - Pauli error on CNOT for all the qubits. noise_model = NoiseModel() noise_model.add(PauliError([("X", 0.5)]), gates.H, 1) noise_model.add(PauliError([("Y", 0.5)]), gates.CNOT) # Generate noiseless circuit. circuit = Circuit(2) circuit.add([gates.H(0), gates.H(1), gates.CNOT(0, 1)]) # Apply noise to the circuit according to the noise model. noisy_circuit = noise_model.apply(circuit) """ def __init__(self): self.errors = collections.defaultdict(list)
[docs] def add( self, error, gate: Optional[gates.Gate] = None, qubits: Optional[Union[int, tuple]] = None, conditions=None, ): """Add a quantum error for a specific gate and qubit to the noise model. Args: error: quantum error to associate with the gate. Possible choices are :class:`qibo.noise.PauliError`, :class:`qibo.noise.DepolarizingError`, :class:`qibo.noise.ThermalRelaxationError`, :class:`qibo.noise.AmplitudeDampingError`, :class:`qibo.noise.PhaseDampingError`, :class:`qibo.noise.ReadoutError`, :class:`qibo.noise.ResetError`, :class:`qibo.noise.UnitaryError`, :class:`qibo.noise.KrausError`, and :class:`qibo.noise.CustomError`. gate (:class:`qibo.gates.Gate`, optional): gate after which the noise will be added. If ``None``, the noise will be added after each gate except :class:`qibo.gates.Channel` and :class:`qibo.gates.M`. qubits (int or tuple, optional): qubits where the noise will be applied. If ``None``, the noise will be added after every instance of the gate. Defaults to ``None``. condition (callable, optional): function that takes :class:`qibo.gates.Gate` object as an input and returns ``True`` if noise should be added to it. Example: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from qibo import Circuit, gates from qibo.noise import NoiseModel, PauliError # Check if a gate is RX(pi/2). def is_sqrt_x(gate): return np.pi/2 in gate.parameters # Build a noise model with a Pauli error on RX(pi/2) gates. error = PauliError(list(zip(["X", "Y", "Z"], [0.01, 0.5, 0.1]))) noise = NoiseModel() noise.add(PauliError([("X", 0.5)]), gates.RX, conditions=is_sqrt_x) # Generate a noiseless circuit. circuit = Circuit(1) circuit.add(gates.RX(0, np.pi / 2)) circuit.add(gates.RX(0, 3 * np.pi / 2)) circuit.add(gates.X(0)) # Apply noise to the circuit. noisy_circuit = noise.apply(circuit) """ if isinstance(qubits, int): qubits = (qubits,) if ( conditions is not None and not callable(conditions) and not isinstance(conditions, list) ): raise_error( TypeError, "`conditions` should be either a callable or a list of callables. " + f"Got {type(conditions)} instead.", ) if isinstance(conditions, list) and not all( callable(condition) for condition in conditions ): raise_error( TypeError, "A element of `conditions` list is not a callable.", ) if callable(conditions): conditions = [conditions] self.errors[gate].append((conditions, error, qubits))
[docs] def apply(self, circuit): """Generate a noisy quantum circuit according to the noise model built. Args: circuit (:class:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit`): quantum circuit Returns: :class:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit`: initial circuit with noise gates added according to the noise model. """ noisy_circuit = circuit.__class__(**circuit.init_kwargs) for gate in circuit.queue: errors_list = ( self.errors[gate.__class__] if isinstance(gate, (gates.Channel, gates.M)) else self.errors[gate.__class__] + self.errors[None] ) if all(not isinstance(error, ReadoutError) for _, error, _ in errors_list): noisy_circuit.add(gate) for conditions, error, qubits in errors_list: if conditions is None or all( condition(gate) for condition in conditions ): qubits = ( gate.qubits if qubits is None else tuple(set(gate.qubits) & set(qubits)) ) if len(qubits) == 0: continue if isinstance(error, CustomError) and qubits: noisy_circuit.add( elif ( isinstance( error, ( ThermalRelaxationError, AmplitudeDampingError, PhaseDampingError, ResetError, ), ) and qubits ): for qubit in qubits: noisy_circuit.add(, error.options)) elif isinstance(error, ReadoutError) and qubits: noisy_circuit.add(, error.options)) noisy_circuit.add(gate) else: noisy_circuit.add(, error.options)) if == "measure": readout_error_qubits = [ qubits for _, error, qubits in errors_list if isinstance(error, ReadoutError) ] if ( gate.qubits not in readout_error_qubits and gate.register_name not in noisy_circuit.measurement_tuples.keys() ): noisy_circuit.add(gate) return noisy_circuit
class _Conditions: def __init__(self, qubits=None): self.qubits = qubits def condition_qubits(self, gate): return gate.qubits == self.qubits def condition_gate_single(self, gate): """Condition that had to be matched to apply noise channel to single-qubit ``gate``.""" return len(gate.qubits) == 1 def condition_gate_two(self, gate): """Condition that had to be matched to apply noise channel to two-qubit ``gate``.""" return len(gate.qubits) == 2
[docs]class IBMQNoiseModel(NoiseModel): """Class for the implementation of a IBMQ noise model. This noise model applies a :class:`qibo.gates.DepolarizingChannel` followed by a :class:`qibo.gates.ThermalRelaxationChannel` after each one- or two-qubit gate in the circuit. It also applies single-qubit :class:`qibo.gates.ReadoutErrorChannel` *before* every measurement gate. Example: .. testcode:: from qibo import Circuit, gates from qibo.models.encodings import phase_encoder from qibo.noise import DepolarizingError, ThermalRelaxationError, ReadoutError from qibo.noise import IBMQNoiseModel, NoiseModel nqubits = 4 # creating circuit phases = list(range(nqubits)) circuit = phase_encoder(phases, rotation="RY") circuit.add(gates.CNOT(qubit, qubit + 1) for qubit in range(nqubits - 1)) circuit.add(gates.M(qubit) for qubit in range(1, nqubits - 1)) # creating noise model from dictionary parameters = { "depolarizing_one_qubit" : {"0": 0.1, "2": 0.04, "3": 0.15}, "depolarizing_two_qubit": {"0-1": 0.2}, "t1" : {"0": 0.1, "1": 0.2, "3": 0.01}, "t2" : {"0": 0.01, "1": 0.02, "3": 0.0001}, "gate_times" : (0.1, 0.2), "excited_population" : 0.1, "readout_one_qubit" : {"0": (0.1, 0.1), "1": 0.1, "3": [0.1, 0.1]}, } noise_model = IBMQNoiseModel() noise_model.from_dict(parameters) noisy_circuit = noise_model.apply(circuit) """
[docs] def from_dict(self, parameters: dict): """Method used to pass noise ``parameters`` as inside dictionary. Args: parameters (dict): Contains parameters necessary to initialise :class:`qibo.noise.DepolarizingError`, :class:`qibo.noise.ThermalRelaxationError`, and :class:`qibo.noise.ReadoutError`. The keys and values of the dictionary parameters are defined below: - ``"depolarizing_one_qubit"`` (*int* or *float* or *dict*): If ``int`` or ``float``, all qubits share the same single-qubit depolarizing parameter. If ``dict``, expects qubit indexes as keys and their respective depolarizing parameter as values. See :class:`qibo.gates.channels.DepolarizingChannel` for a detailed definition of depolarizing parameter. - ``"depolarizing_two_qubit"`` (*int* or *float* or *dict*): If ``int`` or ``float``, all two-qubit gates share the same two-qubit depolarizing parameter regardless in which pair of qubits the two-qubit gate is acting on. If ``dict``, expects pair qubit indexes as keys separated by a hiphen (e.g. "0-1" for gate that has "0" as control and "1" as target) and their respective depolarizing parameter as values. See :class:`qibo.gates.channels.DepolarizingChannel` for a detailed definition of depolarizing parameter. - ``"t1"`` (*int* or *float* or *dict*): If ``int`` or ``float``, all qubits share the same ``t1``. If ``dict``, expects qubit indexes as keys and its respective ``t1`` as values. See :class:`qibo.gates.channels.ThermalRelaxationChannel` for a detailed definition of ``t1``. Note that ``t1`` and ``t2`` must be passed with the same type. - ``"t2"`` (*int* or *float* or *dict*): If ``int`` or ``float``, all qubits share the same ``t2``. If ``dict``, expects qubit indexes as keys and its respective ``t2`` as values. See :class:`qibo.gates.channels.ThermalRelaxationChannel` for a detailed definition of ``t2``. Note that ``t2`` and ``t1`` must be passed with the same type. - ``"gate_times"`` (*tuple* or *list*): pair of gate times representing gate times for :class:`ThermalRelaxationError` following, respectively, one- and two-qubit gates. - ``"excited_population"`` (*int* or *float*): See :class:`ThermalRelaxationChannel`. - ``"readout_one_qubit"`` (*int* or *float* or *dict*): If ``int`` or ``float``, :math:`p(0|1) = p(1|0)`, and all qubits share the same readout error probabilities. If ``dict``, expects qubit indexes as keys and values as ``tuple`` (or ``list``) in the format :math:`(p(0|1),\\,p(1|0))`. If values are ``tuple`` or ``list`` of length 1 or ``float`` or ``int``, then it is assumed that :math:`p(0|1) = p(1|0)`. """ t_1 = parameters["t1"] t_2 = parameters["t2"] gate_time_1, gate_time_2 = parameters["gate_times"] excited_population = parameters["excited_population"] depolarizing_one_qubit = parameters["depolarizing_one_qubit"] depolarizing_two_qubit = parameters["depolarizing_two_qubit"] readout_one_qubit = parameters["readout_one_qubit"] if isinstance(depolarizing_one_qubit, (float, int)): self.add( DepolarizingError(depolarizing_one_qubit), conditions=_Conditions().condition_gate_single, ) if isinstance(depolarizing_one_qubit, dict): for qubit_key, lamb in depolarizing_one_qubit.items(): self.add( DepolarizingError(lamb), qubits=int(qubit_key), conditions=_Conditions().condition_gate_single, ) if isinstance(depolarizing_two_qubit, (float, int)): self.add( DepolarizingError(depolarizing_two_qubit), conditions=_Conditions().condition_gate_two, ) if isinstance(depolarizing_two_qubit, dict): for key, lamb in depolarizing_two_qubit.items(): qubits = key.replace(" ", "").split("-") qubits = tuple(map(int, qubits)) self.add( DepolarizingError(lamb), qubits=qubits, conditions=[ _Conditions().condition_gate_two, _Conditions(qubits).condition_qubits, ], ) if isinstance(t_1, (float, int)) and isinstance(t_2, (float, int)): self.add( ThermalRelaxationError(t_1, t_2, gate_time_1, excited_population), conditions=_Conditions().condition_gate_single, ) self.add( ThermalRelaxationError(t_1, t_2, gate_time_2, excited_population), conditions=_Conditions().condition_gate_two, ) if isinstance(t_1, dict) and isinstance(t_2, dict): for qubit_key in t_1.keys(): self.add( ThermalRelaxationError( t_1[qubit_key], t_2[qubit_key], gate_time_1, excited_population ), qubits=int(qubit_key), conditions=_Conditions().condition_gate_single, ) self.add( ThermalRelaxationError( t_1[qubit_key], t_2[qubit_key], gate_time_2, excited_population ), qubits=int(qubit_key), conditions=_Conditions().condition_gate_two, ) if isinstance(readout_one_qubit, (int, float)): probabilities = [ [1 - readout_one_qubit, readout_one_qubit], [readout_one_qubit, 1 - readout_one_qubit], ] self.add(ReadoutError(probabilities), gate=gates.M) if isinstance(readout_one_qubit, dict): for qubit, probs in readout_one_qubit.items(): if isinstance(probs, (int, float)): probs = (probs, probs) elif isinstance(probs, (tuple, list)) and len(probs) == 1: probs *= 2 probabilities = [[1 - probs[0], probs[0]], [probs[1], 1 - probs[1]]] self.add( ReadoutError(probabilities), gate=gates.M, qubits=int(qubit), )