Source code for qibo.models.iqae

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

from qibo import Circuit, gates
from qibo.config import raise_error

[docs]class IQAE: """Model that performs the Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation algorithm. The implemented class in this code utilizes the Iterative Quantum Amplitude Estimation (IQAE) algorithm, which was proposed in `arxiv:1912.05559 <>`_. The algorithm provides an estimated output that, with a probability ``alpha``, differs from the target value by ``epsilon``. Both ``alpha`` and ``epsilon`` can be specified. Unlike Brassard's original QAE algorithm `arxiv:quant-ph/0005055 <>`_, this implementation does not rely on Quantum Phase Estimation but instead is based solely on Grover's algorithm. The IQAE algorithm employs a series of carefully selected Grover iterations to determine an estimate for the target amplitude. Args: circuit_a (:class:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit`): quantum circuit that specifies the QAE problem. circuit_q (:class:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit`): quantum circuit of the Grover/Amplification operator. alpha (float): confidence level, the target probability is 1 - ``alpha``, has values between 0 and 1. epsilon (float): target precision for estimation target `a`, has values between 0 and 0.5. method (str): statistical method used to estimate the confidence intervals in each iteration, can be either `chernoff` (default) for the Chernoff intervals or `beta` for the Clopper-Pearson intervals. n_shots (int): number of shots. Raises: ValueError: If ``epsilon`` is not in (0, 0.5]. ValueError: If ``alpha`` is not in (0, 1). ValueError: If ``method`` is not supported. ValueError: If the number of qubits in ``circuit_a`` is greater than in ``circuit_q``. Example: .. testcode:: from qibo import Circuit, gates from qibo.models.iqae import IQAE # Defining circuit A to integrate sin(x)^2 from [0,1] a_circuit = Circuit(2) a_circuit.add(gates.H(0)) a_circuit.add(gates.RY(q = 1, theta = 1 / 2)) a_circuit.add(gates.CU3(0, 1, 1, 0, 0)) # Defining circuit Q = -A S_0 A^-1 S_X q_circuit = Circuit(2) # S_X q_circuit.add(gates.Z(q = 1)) # A^-1 q_circuit = q_circuit + a_circuit.invert() # S_0 q_circuit.add(gates.X(0)) q_circuit.add(gates.X(1)) q_circuit.add(gates.CZ(0, 1)) # A q_circuit = q_circuit + a_circuit # Executing IQAE and obtaining the result iae = IQAE(a_circuit, q_circuit) results = iae.execute() integral_value = results.estimation integral_error = results.epsilon_estimated """ def __init__( self, circuit_a, circuit_q, alpha=0.05, epsilon=0.005, n_shots=1024, method="chernoff", ): self.circuit_a = circuit_a self.circuit_q = circuit_q if circuit_a.nqubits > circuit_q.nqubits: raise_error( ValueError, "The number of qubits for Q must be greater or equal than the number" "of qubits of A.", ) if not isinstance(n_shots, int): raise_error( ValueError, "The number of shots must be an integer number.", ) # validate ranges of input arguments if not 0 < epsilon <= 0.5: raise_error(ValueError, f"Epsilon must be in (0, 0.5], but is {epsilon}.") if not 0 < alpha < 1: raise_error( ValueError, f"The confidence level alpha must be in (0, 1), but is {alpha}.", ) if method not in {"chernoff", "beta"}: raise_error( ValueError, f"The confidence interval method must be chernoff or beta, but is {method}.", ) self.alpha = alpha self.epsilon = epsilon self.n_shots = n_shots self.method = method
[docs] def construct_qae_circuit(self, k): """Generates quantum circuit for QAE. Args: k (int): number of times the amplification operator ``circuit_q`` is applied. Returns: The quantum circuit of the QAE algorithm. """ initialization_circuit_a = self.circuit_a amplification_circuit_q = self.circuit_q qc = Circuit(amplification_circuit_q.nqubits) qc.add( initialization_circuit_a.on_qubits( *range(0, initialization_circuit_a.nqubits, 1) ) ) for i in range(k): qc = qc + amplification_circuit_q qc.add(gates.M(initialization_circuit_a.nqubits - 1)) return qc
[docs] def clopper_pearson(self, count, n, alpha): """Calculates the confidence interval for the quantity to estimate `a`. Args: count (int): number of successes. n (int): total number of trials. alpha (float): significance level. Must be in (0, 0.5). Return: The confidence interval [a_min, a_max]. """ beta_prob_function = scipy.stats.beta.ppf a_min = beta_prob_function(alpha / 2, count, n - count + 1) a_max = beta_prob_function(1 - alpha / 2, count + 1, n - count) if np.isnan(a_min): a_min = 0 if np.isnan(a_max): a_max = 1 return a_min, a_max
[docs] def h_calc_CP(self, n_successes, n_total_shots, upper_bound_t): """Calculates the `h` function. Args: n_successes (int): number of successes. n_total_shots (int): total number of trials. upper_bound_t (int): maximum number of rounds to achieve the desired absolute error. Returns: The h function for the given inputs. """ a_min, a_max = self.clopper_pearson( n_successes, n_total_shots, alpha=(self.alpha / upper_bound_t) ) return np.abs(np.arccos(1 - 2 * a_max) - np.arccos(1 - 2 * a_min)) / 2
[docs] def calc_L_range_CP(self, n_shots, upper_bound_t): """Calculate the confidence interval for the Clopper-Pearson method. Args: n_shots (int): number of shots. upper_bound_t (int): maximum number of rounds to achieve the desired absolute error. Returns: max_L, min_L (float, float): The maximum and minimum possible error which could be returned on a given iteration. """ x = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 10000) x_domain = [x <= 1.0 + 1 / 10 / n_shots] y = [ self.h_calc_CP(int(t * n_shots), n_shots, upper_bound_t) for t in x[tuple(x_domain)] ] max_L = np.max(y) / (2 * np.pi) min_L = np.min(y) / (2 * np.pi) return max_L, min_L
[docs] def calc_L_range_CH(self, n_shots, upper_bound_t): """Calculate the confidence interval for the Chernoff method. Args: n_shots (int): number of shots. upper_bound_t (int): maximum number of rounds to achieve the desired absolute error. Returns: max_L, min_L (float, float): The maximum and minimum possible error which could be returned on a given iteration. """ max_L = ( np.arcsin( (2 / (n_shots) * np.log(2 * upper_bound_t / self.alpha)) ** (1 / 4) ) / 2 / np.pi ) min_L = np.arcsin(np.sin(max_L) ** 2) return max_L, min_L
[docs] def find_next_k(self, uppercase_k_i, up_i, theta_l, theta_u, r=2): r"""Find the largest integer ``uppercase_k`` such that the interval ``uppercase_k`` * [ ``theta_l`` , ``theta_u`` ] lies completely in [0, `\pi`] or [`\pi`, 2 `\pi`]. Args: uppercase_k_i (int): the current ``uppercase_k`` such ``uppercase_k`` = 4 ``k`` + 2, where ``k`` is the power of the operator ``circuit_q``. up_i (bool): boolean flag of whether theta_interval lies in the upper half-circle [0, `\pi`] or in the lower one [`\pi`, 2 `\pi`]. theta_l (float): the current lower limit of the confidence interval for the angle theta. theta_u (float): the current upper limit of the confidence interval for the angle theta. r (int): lower bound for ``uppercase_k``. Returns: The next power `K_i`, and boolean flag for the extrapolated interval. """ uppercase_k_max = int(1 / (2 * (theta_u - theta_l))) uppercase_k = uppercase_k_max - (uppercase_k_max - 2) % 4 while uppercase_k >= r * uppercase_k_i: theta_min = uppercase_k * theta_l - int(uppercase_k * theta_l) theta_max = uppercase_k * theta_u - int(uppercase_k * theta_u) if int(uppercase_k * theta_u) == int(uppercase_k * theta_l): if theta_max <= 1 / 2 and theta_min <= 1 / 2: up = True return (uppercase_k, up) elif theta_max >= 1 / 2 and theta_min >= 1 / 2: up = False return (uppercase_k, up) uppercase_k -= 4 return (uppercase_k_i, up_i)
[docs] def execute(self, backend=None): """Execute IQAE algorithm. Args: backend: the qibo backend. Returns: A :class:`qibo.models.iqae.IterativeAmplitudeEstimationResult` results object. """ from qibo.backends import _check_backend backend = _check_backend(backend) # Initializing all parameters k = [0] # uppercase_k=4k+2 uppercase_k = [2] theta_u = 1 / 4 theta_l = 0 theta_intervals = [theta_l, theta_u] a_intervals = [ np.sin(2 * np.pi * theta_l) ** 2, np.sin(2 * np.pi * theta_u) ** 2, ] a_min = [0] a_max = [1] theta_dif = np.abs(theta_u - theta_l) up = [True] samples_history = [] n_shots_history = [] eps = self.epsilon / (2 * np.pi) upper_bound_t = int(np.log2(np.pi / (8 * self.epsilon))) + 1 n_total_shots = self.n_shots num_oracle_queries = 0 if self.method == "chernoff": # Chernoff method max_L, min_L = self.calc_L_range_CH(n_total_shots, upper_bound_t) else: # Clopper-Pearson (beta) method max_L, min_L = self.calc_L_range_CP(n_total_shots, upper_bound_t) i = 0 while theta_dif > 2 * eps: i = i + 1 uppercase_k_i, up_i = self.find_next_k( uppercase_k[-1], up[-1], theta_l, theta_u ) k_i = int((uppercase_k_i - 2) / 4) uppercase_k.append(uppercase_k_i) up.append(up_i) k.append(k_i) # Checking the no-overshooting condition if uppercase_k_i > int(max_L / eps): # We ensure to not make unnecessary measurement shots at last iterations of the algorithm n_shots_i = int((max_L / eps) * self.n_shots / uppercase_k_i / 10) # To avoid having a null number of shots if n_shots_i == 0: n_shots_i = 1 else: n_shots_i = self.n_shots # Calling and executing the quantum circuit qc = self.construct_qae_circuit(k_i) samples = backend.execute_circuit(qc, nshots=n_shots_i).frequencies( binary=True )["1"] samples_history.append(samples) n_shots_history.append(n_shots_i) num_oracle_queries += n_shots_i * k_i m = 1 if i > 1: while uppercase_k[i - m] == uppercase_k[i] and i >= m + 1: m += 1 sum_total_samples = sum([samples_history[j] for j in range(i - m, i)]) n_total_shots = sum([n_shots_history[j] for j in range(i - m, i)]) else: sum_total_samples = samples n_total_shots = n_shots_i a = sum_total_samples / n_total_shots if self.method == "chernoff": delta_a = np.sqrt( np.log(2 * upper_bound_t / self.alpha) / 2 / n_total_shots ) a_min_i = max(0, a - delta_a) a_max_i = min(1, a + delta_a) else: a_min_i, a_max_i = self.clopper_pearson( sum_total_samples, n_total_shots, alpha=self.alpha / upper_bound_t ) a_min.append(a_min_i) a_max.append(a_max_i) if up_i: theta_min_i = np.arccos(1 - 2 * a_min_i) / 2 / np.pi theta_max_i = np.arccos(1 - 2 * a_max_i) / 2 / np.pi else: theta_min_i = 1 - np.arccos(1 - 2 * a_max_i) / 2 / np.pi theta_max_i = 1 - np.arccos(1 - 2 * a_min_i) / 2 / np.pi theta = min(int(uppercase_k_i * theta_u), int(uppercase_k_i * theta_l)) theta_u = (theta + theta_max_i) / uppercase_k_i theta_l = (theta + theta_min_i) / uppercase_k_i theta_dif = np.abs(theta_u - theta_l) theta_intervals.append([theta_l, theta_u]) a_l = np.sin(2 * np.pi * theta_l) ** 2 a_u = np.sin(2 * np.pi * theta_u) ** 2 a_intervals.append([a_l, a_u]) result = IterativeAmplitudeEstimationResult() result.alpha = self.alpha result.epsilon_target = self.epsilon result.epsilon_estimated = (a_u - a_l) / 2 result.estimate_intervals = a_intervals result.num_oracle_queries = num_oracle_queries result.estimation = (a_u + a_l) / 2 result.theta_intervals = theta_intervals result.k_list = k result.ratios = samples_history result.shots = n_shots_history return result
[docs]class IterativeAmplitudeEstimationResult: """The ``IterativeAmplitudeEstimationResult`` result object.""" def __init__(self): self._alpha = None self._epsilon_target = None self._epsilon_estimated = None self._num_oracle_queries = None self._estimation = None self._estimate_intervals = None self._theta_intervals = None self._k_list = None self._ratios = None self._shots = None