"""Models for time evolution of state vectors."""
from qibo import optimizers, solvers
from qibo.callbacks import Gap, Norm
from qibo.config import log, raise_error
from qibo.hamiltonians.abstract import AbstractHamiltonian
from qibo.hamiltonians.adiabatic import AdiabaticHamiltonian, BaseAdiabaticHamiltonian
from qibo.hamiltonians.hamiltonians import SymbolicHamiltonian
[docs]class StateEvolution:
"""Unitary time evolution of a state vector under a Hamiltonian.
hamiltonian (:class:`qibo.hamiltonians.abstract.AbstractHamiltonian`): Hamiltonian
to evolve under.
dt (float): Time step to use for the numerical integration of
Schrondiger's equation.
solver (str): Solver to use for integrating Schrodinger's equation.
Available solvers are 'exp' which uses the exact unitary evolution
operator and 'rk4' or 'rk45' which use Runge-Kutta methods to
integrate the Schordinger's time-dependent equation in time.
When the 'exp' solver is used to evolve a
:class:`qibo.hamiltonians.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian` then the
Trotter decomposition of the evolution operator will be calculated
and used automatically. If the 'exp' is used on a dense
:class:`qibo.core.hamiltonians.hamiltonians.Hamiltonian` the full Hamiltonian
matrix will be exponentiated to obtain the exact evolution operator.
Runge-Kutta solvers use simple matrix multiplications of the
Hamiltonian to the state and no exponentiation is involved.
callbacks (list): List of callbacks to calculate during evolution.
accelerators (dict): Dictionary of devices to use for distributed
execution. This option is available only when the Trotter
decomposition is used for the time evolution.
.. testcode::
import numpy as np
from qibo import models, hamiltonians
# create critical (h=1.0) TFIM Hamiltonian for three qubits
hamiltonian = hamiltonians.TFIM(3, h=1.0)
# initialize evolution model with step dt=1e-2
evolve = models.StateEvolution(hamiltonian, dt=1e-2)
# initialize state to |+++>
initial_state = np.ones(8) / np.sqrt(8)
# execute evolution for total time T=2
final_state2 = evolve(final_time=2, initial_state=initial_state)
def __init__(self, hamiltonian, dt, solver="exp", callbacks=[], accelerators=None):
hamtypes = (AbstractHamiltonian, BaseAdiabaticHamiltonian)
if isinstance(hamiltonian, hamtypes):
ham = hamiltonian
ham = hamiltonian(0)
if not isinstance(ham, AbstractHamiltonian):
raise TypeError(f"Hamiltonian type {type(ham)} not understood.")
self.nqubits = ham.nqubits
self.backend = ham.backend
if dt <= 0:
raise_error(ValueError, f"Time step dt should be positive but is {dt}.")
self.dt = dt
disthamtypes = (SymbolicHamiltonian, BaseAdiabaticHamiltonian)
if accelerators is not None: # pragma: no cover
if not isinstance(ham, disthamtypes) or solver != "exp":
"Distributed evolution is only "
+ "implemented using the Trotter "
+ "exponential solver.",
ham.circuit(dt, accelerators)
self.solver = solvers.get_solver(solver, self.dt, hamiltonian)
self.callbacks = callbacks
self.accelerators = accelerators
self.normalize_state = self._create_normalize_state(solver)
self.calculate_callbacks = self._create_calculate_callbacks(accelerators)
def _create_normalize_state(self, solver):
if "rk" in solver:
log.info("Normalizing state during RK solution.")
return lambda s: s / self.backend.calculate_vector_norm(s)
return lambda s: s
def _create_calculate_callbacks(self, accelerators):
def calculate_callbacks(state):
for callback in self.callbacks:
callback.nqubits = self.nqubits
# by executing callbacks.apply we also append the object to history
# see callbacks module for this
callback.apply(self.backend, state)
if accelerators is None:
return calculate_callbacks
else: # pragma: no cover
def calculate_callbacks_distributed(state):
if not isinstance(state, self.backend.tensor_types):
state = state.state()
return calculate_callbacks_distributed
[docs] def execute(self, final_time, start_time=0.0, initial_state=None):
"""Runs unitary evolution for a given total time.
final_time (float): Final time of evolution.
start_time (float): Initial time of evolution. Defaults to t=0.
initial_state (np.ndarray): Initial state of the evolution.
Final state vector a ``tf.Tensor`` or a
:class:`qibo.core.distutils.DistributedState` when a
distributed execution is used.
if initial_state is None:
ValueError, "StateEvolution cannot be used without " "initial state."
state = self.backend.cast(initial_state)
self.solver.t = start_time
nsteps = int((final_time - start_time) / self.solver.dt)
for _ in range(nsteps):
state = self.solver(state)
if self.callbacks:
state = self.normalize_state(state)
state = self.normalize_state(state)
return state
def __call__(self, final_time, start_time=0.0, initial_state=None):
"""Equivalent to :meth:`qibo.models.StateEvolution.execute`."""
return self.execute(final_time, start_time, initial_state)
[docs]class AdiabaticEvolution(StateEvolution):
"""Adiabatic evolution of a state vector under the following Hamiltonian:
.. math::
H(t) = (1 - s(t)) H_0 + s(t) H_1
h0 (:class:`qibo.hamiltonians.abstract.AbstractHamiltonian`): Easy Hamiltonian.
h1 (:class:`qibo.hamiltonians.abstract.AbstractHamiltonian`): Problem Hamiltonian.
These Hamiltonians should be time-independent.
s (callable): Function of time that defines the scheduling of the
adiabatic evolution. Can be either a function of time s(t) or a
function with two arguments s(t, p) where p corresponds to a vector
of parameters to be optimized.
dt (float): Time step to use for the numerical integration of
Schrondiger's equation.
solver (str): Solver to use for integrating Schrodinger's equation.
Available solvers are 'exp' which uses the exact unitary evolution
operator and 'rk4' or 'rk45' which use Runge-Kutta methods to
integrate the Schordinger's time-dependent equation in time.
When the 'exp' solver is used to evolve a
:class:`qibo.hamiltonians.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian` then the
Trotter decomposition of the evolution operator will be calculated
and used automatically. If the 'exp' is used on a dense
:class:`qibo.hamiltonians.hamiltonians.Hamiltonian` the full Hamiltonian
matrix will be exponentiated to obtain the exact evolution operator.
Runge-Kutta solvers use simple matrix multiplications of the
Hamiltonian to the state and no exponentiation is involved.
callbacks (list): List of callbacks to calculate during evolution.
accelerators (dict): Dictionary of devices to use for distributed
execution. This option is available only when the Trotter
decomposition is used for the time evolution.
ATOL = 1e-7 # Tolerance for checking s(0) = 0 and s(T) = 1.
def __init__(self, h0, h1, s, dt, solver="exp", callbacks=[], accelerators=None):
self.hamiltonian = AdiabaticHamiltonian(h0, h1) # pylint: disable=E0110
super().__init__(self.hamiltonian, dt, solver, callbacks, accelerators)
# Set evolution model to "Gap" callback if one exists
for callback in self.callbacks:
if isinstance(callback, Gap):
callback.evolution = self
# Flag to control if loss messages are shown during optimization
self.opt_messages = False
self.opt_history = {"params": [], "loss": []}
self.parametrized_schedule = None
nparams = s.__code__.co_argcount
if nparams == 1: # given ``s`` is a function of time only
self.schedule = s
elif nparams == 2: # given ``s`` has undefined parameters
self.parametrized_schedule = s
f"Scheduling function shoud take one or "
"two arguments but it takes {nparams}.",
def schedule(self):
"""Returns scheduling as a function of time."""
if self.hamiltonian.schedule is None:
"Cannot access scheduling function before "
"setting its free parameters.",
return self.hamiltonian.schedule
def schedule(self, f):
"""Sets scheduling s(t) function."""
s0 = f(0)
if abs(s0) > self.ATOL:
raise_error(ValueError, f"s(0) should be 0 but is {s0}.")
s1 = f(1)
if abs(s1 - 1) > self.ATOL:
raise_error(ValueError, f"s(1) should be 1 but is {s1}.")
self.hamiltonian.schedule = f
[docs] def set_parameters(self, params):
"""Sets the variational parameters of the scheduling function."""
if self.parametrized_schedule is not None:
self.schedule = lambda t: self.parametrized_schedule(t, params[:-1])
self.hamiltonian.total_time = params[-1]
def execute(self, final_time, start_time=0.0, initial_state=None):
if start_time != 0:
"Adiabatic evolution supports only t=0 " "as initial time.",
self.hamiltonian.total_time = final_time - start_time
if initial_state is None:
initial_state = self.backend.cast(
self.hamiltonian.ground_state(), copy=True
return super().execute(final_time, start_time, initial_state)
def _loss(params, adiabatic_evolution, h1, opt_messages, opt_history):
"""Expectation value of H1 for a choice of scheduling parameters.
Returns a ``tf.Tensor``.
ham = adiabatic_evolution.hamiltonian
initial_state = ham.backend.cast(ham.h0.ground_state(), copy=True)
final_state = super(AdiabaticEvolution, adiabatic_evolution).execute(
params[-1], initial_state=initial_state
loss = h1.expectation(final_state, normalize=True)
if opt_messages:
log.info(f"Params: {params} - <H1> = {loss}")
return loss
[docs] def minimize(self, initial_parameters, method="BFGS", options=None, messages=False):
"""Optimize the free parameters of the scheduling function.
initial_parameters (np.ndarray): Initial guess for the variational
parameters that are optimized.
The last element of the given array should correspond to the
guess for the total evolution time T.
method (str): The desired minimization method.
One of ``"cma"`` (genetic optimizer), ``"sgd"`` (gradient descent) or
any of the methods supported by
`scipy.optimize.minimize <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.minimize.html>`_.
options (dict): a dictionary with options for the different optimizers.
messages (bool): If ``True`` the loss evolution is shown during
self.opt_messages = messages
if method == "sgd":
loss = self._loss
loss = lambda p, ae, h1, msg, hist: self.backend.to_numpy(
self._loss(p, ae, h1, msg, hist)
args = (self, self.hamiltonian.h1, self.opt_messages, self.opt_history)
result, parameters, extra = optimizers.optimize(
loss, initial_parameters, args=args, method=method, options=options
if isinstance(parameters, self.backend.tensor_types) and not len(
): # pragma: no cover
# some optimizers like ``Powell`` return number instead of list
parameters = [parameters]
return result, parameters, extra