"""Module defining Hamiltonian classes."""
from itertools import chain
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import sympy
from qibo.backends import PyTorchBackend, _check_backend
from qibo.config import EINSUM_CHARS, log, raise_error
from qibo.hamiltonians.abstract import AbstractHamiltonian
from qibo.symbols import Z
[docs]class Hamiltonian(AbstractHamiltonian):
"""Hamiltonian based on a dense or sparse matrix representation.
nqubits (int): number of quantum bits.
matrix (ndarray): Matrix representation of the Hamiltonian in the
computational basis as an array of shape :math:`2^{n} \\times 2^{n}`.
Sparse matrices based on ``scipy.sparse`` for ``numpy`` / ``qibojit`` backends
(or on ``tf.sparse`` for the ``tensorflow`` backend) are also supported.
backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used
in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`.
Defaults to ``None``.
def __init__(self, nqubits, matrix, backend=None):
from qibo.backends import _check_backend
self.backend = _check_backend(backend)
if not (
isinstance(matrix, self.backend.tensor_types)
or self.backend.is_sparse(matrix)
f"Matrix of invalid type {type(matrix)} given during Hamiltonian initialization",
matrix = self.backend.cast(matrix)
self.nqubits = nqubits
self.matrix = matrix
self._eigenvalues = None
self._eigenvectors = None
self._exp = {"a": None, "result": None}
def matrix(self):
"""Returns the full matrix representation.
For :math:`n` qubits, can be a dense :math:`2^{n} \\times 2^{n}` array or a sparse
matrix, depending on how the Hamiltonian was created.
return self._matrix
def matrix(self, mat):
shape = tuple(mat.shape)
if shape != 2 * (2**self.nqubits,):
f"The Hamiltonian is defined for {self.nqubits} qubits "
+ f"while the given matrix has shape {shape}.",
self._matrix = mat
[docs] @classmethod
def from_symbolic(cls, symbolic_hamiltonian, symbol_map, backend=None):
"""Creates a :class:`qibo.hamiltonian.Hamiltonian` from a symbolic Hamiltonian.
We refer to :ref:`How to define custom Hamiltonians using symbols? <symbolicham-example>`
for more details.
symbolic_hamiltonian (sympy.Expr): full Hamiltonian written with ``sympy`` symbols.
symbol_map (dict): Dictionary that maps each symbol that appears in
the Hamiltonian to a pair ``(target, matrix)``.
backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used
in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`.
Defaults to ``None``.
:class:`qibo.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian`: object that implements the
Hamiltonian represented by the given symbolic expression.
"`Hamiltonian.from_symbolic` and the use of symbol maps is "
"deprecated. Please use `SymbolicHamiltonian` and Qibo symbols "
"to construct Hamiltonians using symbols."
return SymbolicHamiltonian(
symbolic_hamiltonian, symbol_map=symbol_map, backend=backend
[docs] def eigenvalues(self, k=6):
if self._eigenvalues is None:
self._eigenvalues = self.backend.calculate_eigenvalues(self.matrix, k)
return self._eigenvalues
[docs] def eigenvectors(self, k=6):
if self._eigenvectors is None:
self._eigenvalues, self._eigenvectors = self.backend.calculate_eigenvectors(
self.matrix, k
return self._eigenvectors
[docs] def exp(self, a):
from qibo.quantum_info.linalg_operations import ( # pylint: disable=C0415
if self._exp.get("a") != a:
self._exp["a"] = a
self._exp["result"] = matrix_exponentiation(
a, self.matrix, self._eigenvectors, self._eigenvalues, self.backend
return self._exp.get("result")
[docs] def expectation(self, state, normalize=False):
if isinstance(state, self.backend.tensor_types):
state = self.backend.cast(state)
shape = tuple(state.shape)
if len(shape) == 1: # state vector
return self.backend.calculate_expectation_state(self, state, normalize)
if len(shape) == 2: # density matrix
return self.backend.calculate_expectation_density_matrix(
self, state, normalize
"Cannot calculate Hamiltonian expectation value "
+ f"for state of shape {shape}",
"Cannot calculate Hamiltonian expectation "
+ f"value for state of type {type(state)}",
[docs] def expectation_from_samples(self, freq, qubit_map=None):
obs = self.matrix
if (
obs - self.backend.np.diag(self.backend.np.diagonal(obs))
!= 0
raise_error(NotImplementedError, "Observable is not diagonal.")
keys = list(freq.keys())
if qubit_map is None:
qubit_map = list(range(int(np.log2(len(obs)))))
counts = np.array(list(freq.values())) / sum(freq.values())
expval = 0
size = len(qubit_map)
for j, k in enumerate(keys):
index = 0
for i in qubit_map:
index += int(k[qubit_map.index(i)]) * 2 ** (size - 1 - i)
expval += obs[index, index] * counts[j]
return self.backend.np.real(expval)
[docs] def eye(self, dim: Optional[int] = None):
"""Generate Identity matrix with dimension ``dim``"""
if dim is None:
dim = int(self.matrix.shape[0])
return self.backend.cast(self.backend.matrices.I(dim), dtype=self.matrix.dtype)
[docs] def energy_fluctuation(self, state):
Evaluate energy fluctuation:
.. math::
\\Xi_{k}(\\mu) = \\sqrt{\\bra{\\mu} \\, H^{2} \\, \\ket{\\mu}
- \\bra{\\mu} \\, H \\, \\ket{\\mu}^2} \\, .
for a given state :math:`\\ket{\\mu}`.
state (ndarray): quantum state to be used to compute the energy fluctuation.
float: Energy fluctuation value.
state = self.backend.cast(state)
energy = self.expectation(state)
h = self.matrix
h2 = Hamiltonian(nqubits=self.nqubits, matrix=h @ h, backend=self.backend)
average_h2 = self.backend.calculate_expectation_state(h2, state, normalize=True)
return self.backend.np.sqrt(self.backend.np.abs(average_h2 - energy**2))
def __add__(self, o):
if isinstance(o, self.__class__):
if self.nqubits != o.nqubits:
"Only hamiltonians with the same number of qubits can be added.",
new_matrix = self.matrix + o.matrix
elif isinstance(o, self.backend.numeric_types):
new_matrix = self.matrix + o * self.eye()
f"Hamiltonian addition to {type(o)} not implemented.",
return self.__class__(self.nqubits, new_matrix, backend=self.backend)
def __sub__(self, o):
if isinstance(o, self.__class__):
if self.nqubits != o.nqubits:
"Only hamiltonians with the same number of qubits can be subtracted.",
new_matrix = self.matrix - o.matrix
elif isinstance(o, self.backend.numeric_types):
new_matrix = self.matrix - o * self.eye()
f"Hamiltonian subtraction to {type(o)} not implemented.",
return self.__class__(self.nqubits, new_matrix, backend=self.backend)
def __rsub__(self, o):
if isinstance(o, self.__class__): # pragma: no cover
# impractical case because it will be handled by `__sub__`
if self.nqubits != o.nqubits:
"Only hamiltonians with the same number of qubits can be added.",
new_matrix = o.matrix - self.matrix
elif isinstance(o, self.backend.numeric_types):
new_matrix = o * self.eye() - self.matrix
f"Hamiltonian subtraction to {type(o)} not implemented.",
return self.__class__(self.nqubits, new_matrix, backend=self.backend)
def __mul__(self, o):
if isinstance(o, self.backend.tensor_types):
o = complex(o)
elif not isinstance(o, self.backend.numeric_types):
f"Hamiltonian multiplication to {type(o)} not implemented.",
new_matrix = self.matrix * o
r = self.__class__(self.nqubits, new_matrix, backend=self.backend)
o = self.backend.cast(o)
if self._eigenvalues is not None:
if self.backend.np.real(o) >= 0: # TODO: check for side effects K.qnp
r._eigenvalues = o * self._eigenvalues
elif not self.backend.is_sparse(self.matrix):
axis = (0,) if isinstance(self.backend, PyTorchBackend) else 0
r._eigenvalues = o * self.backend.np.flip(self._eigenvalues, axis)
if self._eigenvectors is not None:
if self.backend.np.real(o) > 0: # TODO: see above
r._eigenvectors = self._eigenvectors
elif o == 0:
r._eigenvectors = self.eye(int(self._eigenvectors.shape[0]))
return r
def __matmul__(self, o):
if isinstance(o, self.__class__):
matrix = self.backend.calculate_hamiltonian_matrix_product(
self.matrix, o.matrix
return self.__class__(self.nqubits, matrix, backend=self.backend)
if isinstance(o, self.backend.tensor_types):
return self.backend.calculate_hamiltonian_state_product(self.matrix, o)
f"Hamiltonian matmul to {type(o)} not implemented.",
[docs]class SymbolicHamiltonian(AbstractHamiltonian):
"""Hamiltonian based on a symbolic representation.
Calculations using symbolic Hamiltonians are either done directly using
the given ``sympy`` expression as it is (``form``) or by parsing the
corresponding ``terms`` (which are :class:`qibo.core.terms.SymbolicTerm`
objects). The latter approach is more computationally costly as it uses
a ``sympy.expand`` call on the given form before parsing the terms.
For this reason the ``terms`` are calculated only when needed, for example
during Trotterization.
The dense matrix of the symbolic Hamiltonian can be calculated directly
from ``form`` without requiring ``terms`` calculation (see
:meth:`qibo.core.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian.calculate_dense` for details).
form (sympy.Expr): Hamiltonian form as a ``sympy.Expr``. Ideally the
Hamiltonian should be written using Qibo symbols.
See :ref:`How to define custom Hamiltonians using symbols? <symbolicham-example>`
example for more details.
symbol_map (dict): Dictionary that maps each ``sympy.Symbol`` to a tuple
of (target qubit, matrix representation). This feature is kept for
compatibility with older versions where Qibo symbols were not available
and may be deprecated in the future.
It is not required if the Hamiltonian is constructed using Qibo symbols.
The symbol_map can also be used to pass non-quantum operator arguments
to the symbolic Hamiltonian, such as the parameters in the
:meth:`qibo.hamiltonians.models.MaxCut` Hamiltonian.
backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used
in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`.
Defaults to ``None``.
def __init__(self, form=None, nqubits=None, symbol_map={}, backend=None):
self._form = None
self._terms = None
self.constant = 0 # used only when we perform calculations using ``_terms``
self._dense = None
self.symbol_map = symbol_map
# if a symbol in the given form is not a Qibo symbol it must be
# included in the ``symbol_map``
from qibo.symbols import Symbol # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
self._qiboSymbol = Symbol # also used in ``self._get_symbol_matrix``
from qibo.backends import _check_backend
self.backend = _check_backend(backend)
if form is not None:
self.form = form
if nqubits is not None:
self.nqubits = nqubits
def dense(self) -> "MatrixHamiltonian":
"""Creates the equivalent Hamiltonian matrix."""
if self._dense is None:
"Calculating the dense form of a symbolic Hamiltonian. "
"This operation is memory inefficient."
self.dense = self.calculate_dense()
return self._dense
def dense(self, hamiltonian):
assert isinstance(hamiltonian, Hamiltonian)
self._dense = hamiltonian
self._eigenvalues = hamiltonian._eigenvalues
self._eigenvectors = hamiltonian._eigenvectors
self._exp = hamiltonian._exp
def form(self):
return self._form
def form(self, form):
# Check that given form is a ``sympy`` expression
if not isinstance(form, sympy.Expr):
f"Symbolic Hamiltonian should be a ``sympy`` expression but is {type(form)}.",
# Calculate number of qubits in the system described by the given
# Hamiltonian formula
nqubits = 0
for symbol in form.free_symbols:
if isinstance(symbol, self._qiboSymbol):
q = symbol.target_qubit
elif isinstance(symbol, sympy.Expr):
if symbol not in self.symbol_map:
raise_error(ValueError, f"Symbol {symbol} is not in symbol map.")
q, matrix = self.symbol_map.get(symbol)
if not isinstance(matrix, self.backend.tensor_types):
# ignore symbols that do not correspond to quantum operators
# for example parameters in the MaxCut Hamiltonian
q = 0
if q > nqubits:
nqubits = q
self._form = form
self.nqubits = nqubits + 1
def terms(self):
"""List of terms of which the Hamiltonian is a sum of.
Terms will be objects of type :class:`qibo.core.terms.HamiltonianTerm`.
if self._terms is None:
# Calculate terms based on ``self.form``
from qibo.hamiltonians.terms import ( # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
form = sympy.expand(self.form)
terms = []
for f, c in form.as_coefficients_dict().items():
term = SymbolicTerm(c, f, self.symbol_map)
if term.target_qubits:
self.constant += term.coefficient
self._terms = terms
return self._terms
def terms(self, terms):
self._terms = terms
self.nqubits = max(q for term in self._terms for q in term.target_qubits) + 1
def matrix(self):
"""Returns the full matrix representation.
Consisting of :math:`2^{n} \\times 2^{n}`` elements.
return self.dense.matrix
[docs] def eigenvalues(self, k=6):
return self.dense.eigenvalues(k)
[docs] def eigenvectors(self, k=6):
return self.dense.eigenvectors(k)
[docs] def ground_state(self):
return self.eigenvectors()[:, 0]
[docs] def exp(self, a):
return self.dense.exp(a)
def _get_symbol_matrix(self, term):
"""Calculates numerical matrix corresponding to symbolic expression.
This is partly equivalent to sympy's ``.subs``, which does not work
in our case as it does not allow us to substitute ``sympy.Symbol``
with numpy arrays and there are different complication when switching
to ``sympy.MatrixSymbol``. Here we calculate the full numerical matrix
given the symbolic expression using recursion.
Helper method for ``_calculate_dense_from_form``.
term (sympy.Expr): Symbolic expression containing local operators.
ndarray: matrix corresponding to the given expression as an array
of shape ``(2 ** self.nqubits, 2 ** self.nqubits)``.
if isinstance(term, sympy.Add):
# symbolic op for addition
result = sum(
self._get_symbol_matrix(subterm) for subterm in term.as_ordered_terms()
elif isinstance(term, sympy.Mul):
# symbolic op for multiplication
# note that we need to use matrix multiplication even though
# we use scalar symbols for convenience
factors = term.as_ordered_factors()
result = self._get_symbol_matrix(factors[0])
for subterm in factors[1:]:
result = result @ self._get_symbol_matrix(subterm)
elif isinstance(term, sympy.Pow):
# symbolic op for power
base, exponent = term.as_base_exp()
matrix = self._get_symbol_matrix(base)
# multiply ``base`` matrix ``exponent`` times to itself
result = matrix
for _ in range(exponent - 1):
result = result @ matrix
elif isinstance(term, sympy.Symbol):
# if the term is a ``Symbol`` then it corresponds to a quantum
# operator for which we can construct the full matrix directly
if isinstance(term, self._qiboSymbol):
# if we have a Qibo symbol the matrix construction is
# implemented in :meth:`qibo.core.terms.SymbolicTerm.full_matrix`.
result = term.full_matrix(self.nqubits)
q, matrix = self.symbol_map.get(term)
if not isinstance(matrix, self.backend.tensor_types):
# symbols that do not correspond to quantum operators
# for example parameters in the MaxCut Hamiltonian
result = complex(matrix) * np.eye(2**self.nqubits)
# if we do not have a Qibo symbol we construct one and use
# :meth:`qibo.core.terms.SymbolicTerm.full_matrix`.
result = self._qiboSymbol(q, matrix).full_matrix(self.nqubits)
elif term.is_number:
# if the term is number we should return in the form of identity
# matrix because in expressions like `1 + Z`, `1` is not correspond
# to the float 1 but the identity operator (matrix)
result = complex(term) * np.eye(2**self.nqubits)
f"Cannot calculate matrix for symbolic term of type {type(term)}.",
return result
def _calculate_dense_from_form(self) -> Hamiltonian:
"""Calculates equivalent Hamiltonian using symbolic form.
Useful when the term representation is not available.
matrix = self._get_symbol_matrix(self.form)
return Hamiltonian(self.nqubits, matrix, backend=self.backend)
def _calculate_dense_from_terms(self) -> Hamiltonian:
"""Calculates equivalent Hamiltonian using the term representation."""
if 2 * self.nqubits > len(EINSUM_CHARS): # pragma: no cover
# case not tested because it only happens in large examples
raise_error(NotImplementedError, "Not enough einsum characters.")
matrix = 0
chars = EINSUM_CHARS[: 2 * self.nqubits]
for term in self.terms:
ntargets = len(term.target_qubits)
tmat = np.reshape(term.matrix, 2 * ntargets * (2,))
n = self.nqubits - ntargets
emat = np.reshape(np.eye(2**n, dtype=tmat.dtype), 2 * n * (2,))
gen = lambda x: (chars[i + x] for i in term.target_qubits)
tc = "".join(chain(gen(0), gen(self.nqubits)))
ec = "".join(c for c in chars if c not in tc)
matrix += np.einsum(f"{tc},{ec}->{chars}", tmat, emat)
matrix = np.reshape(matrix, 2 * (2**self.nqubits,))
return Hamiltonian(self.nqubits, matrix, backend=self.backend) + self.constant
def calculate_dense(self):
if self._terms is None:
# calculate dense matrix directly using the form to avoid the
# costly ``sympy.expand`` call
return self._calculate_dense_from_form()
return self._calculate_dense_from_terms()
[docs] def expectation(self, state, normalize=False):
return Hamiltonian.expectation(self, state, normalize)
[docs] def expectation_from_samples(self, freq, qubit_map=None):
terms = self.terms
for term in terms:
# pylint: disable=E1101
for factor in term.factors:
if not isinstance(factor, Z):
NotImplementedError, "Observable is not a Z Pauli string."
if len(term.factors) != len(set(term.factors)):
raise_error(NotImplementedError, "Z^k is not implemented since Z^2=I.")
keys = list(freq.keys())
counts = self.backend.cast(list(freq.values()), self.backend.precision) / sum(
qubits = []
for term in terms:
qubits_term = []
for k in term.target_qubits:
if qubit_map is None:
qubit_map = list(range(len(keys[0])))
expval = 0
for j, q in enumerate(qubits):
subk = []
expval_q = 0
for i, k in enumerate(keys):
subk = [int(k[qubit_map.index(s)]) for s in q]
expval_k = 1
if subk.count(1) % 2 == 1:
expval_k = -1
expval_q += expval_k * counts[i]
expval += expval_q * self.terms[j].coefficient.real
return expval + self.constant.real
def __add__(self, o):
if isinstance(o, self.__class__):
if self.nqubits != o.nqubits:
"Only hamiltonians with the same number of qubits can be added.",
new_ham = self.__class__(
symbol_map=dict(self.symbol_map), backend=self.backend
if self._form is not None and o._form is not None:
new_ham.form = self.form + o.form
if self._terms is not None and o._terms is not None:
new_ham.terms = self.terms + o.terms
new_ham.constant = self.constant + o.constant
if self._dense is not None and o._dense is not None:
new_ham.dense = self.dense + o.dense
elif isinstance(o, self.backend.numeric_types):
new_ham = self.__class__(
symbol_map=dict(self.symbol_map), backend=self.backend
if self._form is not None:
new_ham.form = self.form + o
if self._terms is not None:
new_ham.terms = self.terms
new_ham.constant = self.constant + o
if self._dense is not None:
new_ham.dense = self.dense + o
f"SymbolicHamiltonian addition to {type(o)} not implemented.",
return new_ham
def __sub__(self, o):
if isinstance(o, self.__class__):
if self.nqubits != o.nqubits:
"Only hamiltonians with the same number of qubits can be subtracted.",
new_ham = self.__class__(
symbol_map=dict(self.symbol_map), backend=self.backend
if self._form is not None and o._form is not None:
new_ham.form = self.form - o.form
if self._terms is not None and o._terms is not None:
new_ham.terms = self.terms + [-1 * x for x in o.terms]
new_ham.constant = self.constant - o.constant
if self._dense is not None and o._dense is not None:
new_ham.dense = self.dense - o.dense
elif isinstance(o, self.backend.numeric_types):
new_ham = self.__class__(
symbol_map=dict(self.symbol_map), backend=self.backend
if self._form is not None:
new_ham.form = self.form - o
if self._terms is not None:
new_ham.terms = self.terms
new_ham.constant = self.constant - o
if self._dense is not None:
new_ham.dense = self.dense - o
f"Hamiltonian subtraction to {type(o)} " "not implemented.",
return new_ham
def __rsub__(self, o):
if isinstance(o, self.backend.numeric_types):
new_ham = self.__class__(
symbol_map=dict(self.symbol_map), backend=self.backend
if self._form is not None:
new_ham.form = o - self.form
if self._terms is not None:
new_ham.terms = [-1 * x for x in self.terms]
new_ham.constant = o - self.constant
if self._dense is not None:
new_ham.dense = o - self.dense
f"Hamiltonian subtraction to {type(o)} not implemented.",
return new_ham
def __mul__(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, (self.backend.numeric_types, self.backend.tensor_types)):
f"Hamiltonian multiplication to {type(o)} not implemented.",
o = complex(o)
new_ham = self.__class__(symbol_map=dict(self.symbol_map), backend=self.backend)
if self._form is not None:
new_ham.form = o * self.form
if self._terms is not None:
new_ham.terms = [o * x for x in self.terms]
new_ham.constant = self.constant * o
if self._dense is not None:
new_ham.dense = o * self._dense
return new_ham
[docs] def apply_gates(self, state, density_matrix=False):
"""Applies gates corresponding to the Hamiltonian terms.
Gates are applied to the given state.
Helper method for :meth:`qibo.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian.__matmul__`.
total = 0
for term in self.terms:
total += term(
self.backend.cast(state, copy=True),
if self.constant: # pragma: no cover
total += self.constant * state
return total
def __matmul__(self, o):
"""Matrix multiplication with other Hamiltonians or state vectors."""
if isinstance(o, self.__class__):
if self._form is None or o._form is None:
"Multiplication of symbolic Hamiltonians "
"without symbolic form is not implemented.",
new_form = self.form * o.form
new_symbol_map = dict(self.symbol_map)
new_ham = self.__class__(
new_form, symbol_map=new_symbol_map, backend=self.backend
if self._dense is not None and o._dense is not None:
new_ham.dense = self.dense @ o.dense
return new_ham
if isinstance(o, self.backend.tensor_types):
rank = len(tuple(o.shape))
if rank not in (1, 2):
f"Cannot multiply Hamiltonian with rank-{rank} tensor.",
state_qubits = int(np.log2(int(o.shape[0])))
if state_qubits != self.nqubits:
f"Cannot multiply Hamiltonian on {self.nqubits} qubits to "
+ f"state of {state_qubits} qubits.",
if rank == 1: # state vector
return self.apply_gates(o)
return self.apply_gates(o, density_matrix=True)
f"Hamiltonian matmul to {type(o)} not implemented.",
[docs] def circuit(self, dt, accelerators=None):
"""Circuit that implements a Trotter step of this Hamiltonian.
dt (float): Time step used for Trotterization.
accelerators (dict, optional): Dictionary with accelerators for distributed circuits.
Defaults to ``None``.
from qibo import Circuit # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from qibo.hamiltonians.terms import ( # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
groups = TermGroup.from_terms(self.terms)
circuit = Circuit(self.nqubits, accelerators=accelerators)
group.term.expgate(dt / 2.0) for group in chain(groups, groups[::-1])
return circuit
class TrotterHamiltonian:
def __init__(self, *parts):
"`TrotterHamiltonian` is substituted by `SymbolicHamiltonian` "
+ "and is no longer supported. Please check the documentation "
+ "of `SymbolicHamiltonian` for more details.",
def from_symbolic(cls, symbolic_hamiltonian, symbol_map):
return cls()