Source code for qibo.callbacks

from typing import List, Optional, Union

from qibo.config import raise_error

[docs]class Callback: """Base callback class. Results of a callback can be accessed by indexing the corresponding object. """ def __init__(self): self._results = [] self._nqubits = None @property def nqubits(self): # pragma: no cover """Total number of qubits in the circuit that the callback was added in.""" # abstract method return self._nqubits @nqubits.setter def nqubits(self, n: int): # pragma: no cover # abstract method self._nqubits = n @property def results(self): return self._results def append(self, x): self._results.append(x) def extend(self, x): self._results.extend(x) def __getitem__(self, k): if not isinstance(k, (int, slice, list, tuple)): raise_error(IndexError, f"Unrecognized type for index {k}.") if isinstance(k, int) and k >= len(self._results): raise_error( IndexError, f"Attempting to access callbacks {k} run but " + f"the callback has been used in {len(self._results)} executions.", ) return self._results[k] def apply(self, backend, state): # pragma: no cover pass def apply_density_matrix(self, backend, state): # pragma: no cover pass
[docs]class EntanglementEntropy(Callback): """Von Neumann entanglement entropy callback. .. math:: S = \\mathrm{Tr} \\left ( \\rho \\log _2 \\rho \\right ) Args: partition (list): List with qubit ids that defines the first subsystem for the entropy calculation. If `partition` is not given then the first subsystem is the first half of the qubits. compute_spectrum (bool): Compute the entanglement spectrum. Default is False. Example: .. testcode:: from qibo import models, gates, callbacks # create entropy callback where qubit 0 is the first subsystem entropy = callbacks.EntanglementEntropy([0], compute_spectrum=True) # initialize circuit with 2 qubits and add gates c = models.Circuit(2) # add callback gates between normal gates c.add(gates.CallbackGate(entropy)) c.add(gates.H(0)) c.add(gates.CallbackGate(entropy)) c.add(gates.CNOT(0, 1)) c.add(gates.CallbackGate(entropy)) # execute the circuit final_state = c() print(entropy[:]) # Should print [0, 0, 1] which is the entanglement entropy # after every gate in the calculation. print(entropy.spectrum) # Print the entanglement spectrum. .. testoutput:: :hide: ... """ def __init__( self, partition: Optional[List[int]] = None, compute_spectrum: bool = False, base: float = 2, check_hermitian: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.partition = partition self.compute_spectrum = compute_spectrum self.base = base self.check_hermitian = check_hermitian self.spectrum = list() @Callback.nqubits.setter def nqubits(self, n: int): if self._nqubits is not None and self._nqubits != n: raise_error( RuntimeError, f"Changing EntanglementEntropy nqubits from {self._nqubits} to {n}.", ) self._nqubits = n if self.partition is None: self.partition = list(range(n // 2 + n % 2)) if len(self.partition) <= self._nqubits // 2: self.partition = [ i for i in range(self._nqubits) if i not in set(self.partition) ] def apply(self, backend, state): from qibo.quantum_info.entropies import entanglement_entropy entropy, spectrum = entanglement_entropy( state, bipartition=self.partition, base=self.base, check_hermitian=self.check_hermitian, return_spectrum=True, backend=backend, ) self.append(entropy) if self.compute_spectrum: self.spectrum.append(spectrum) return entropy def apply_density_matrix(self, backend, state): return self.apply(backend, state)
class State(Callback): """Callback to keeps track of the full state during circuit execution. Warning: Keeping many copies of states in memory requires a lot of memory for circuits with many qubits. Args: copy (bool): If ``True`` the state vector or density matrix is copied in memory. Otherwise a reference to the existing array is stored in the callback. The callback will not work as expected if ``copy=False`` is used with a backend that performs in-place updates, such as qibojit. Default is True """ def __init__(self, copy=True): super().__init__() self.copy = copy def apply(self, backend, state): self.append(backend.cast(state, copy=self.copy)) return state def apply_density_matrix(self, backend, state): self.append(backend.cast(state, copy=self.copy)) return state
[docs]class Norm(Callback): """State norm callback. .. math:: \\mathrm{Norm} = \\left \\langle \\Psi | \\Psi \\right \\rangle = \\mathrm{Tr} (\\rho ) """ def apply(self, backend, state): norm = backend.calculate_norm(state) self.append(norm) return norm def apply_density_matrix(self, backend, state): norm = backend.calculate_norm_density_matrix(state) self.append(norm) return norm
[docs]class Overlap(Callback): """State overlap callback. Calculates the overlap between the circuit state and a given target state: .. math:: \\mathrm{Overlap} = |\\left \\langle \\Phi | \\Psi \\right \\rangle | Args: state (np.ndarray): Target state to calculate overlap with. normalize (bool): If ``True`` the states are normalized for the overlap calculation. """ def __init__(self, state): super().__init__() self.state = state def apply(self, backend, state): overlap = backend.calculate_overlap(self.state, state) self.append(overlap) return overlap def apply_density_matrix(self, backend, state): overlap = backend.calculate_overlap_density_matrix(self.state, state) self.append(overlap) return overlap
[docs]class Energy(Callback): """Energy expectation value callback. Calculates the expectation value of a given Hamiltonian as: .. math:: \\left \\langle H \\right \\rangle = \\left \\langle \\Psi | H | \\Psi \\right \\rangle = \\mathrm{Tr} (\\rho H) assuming that the state is normalized. Args: hamiltonian (:class:`qibo.hamiltonians.Hamiltonian`): Hamiltonian object to calculate its expectation value. """ def __init__(self, hamiltonian: "hamiltonians.Hamiltonian"): super().__init__() self.hamiltonian = hamiltonian def apply(self, backend, state): assert type(self.hamiltonian.backend) == type(backend) expectation = self.hamiltonian.expectation(state) self.append(expectation) return expectation def apply_density_matrix(self, backend, state): assert type(self.hamiltonian.backend) == type(backend) expectation = self.hamiltonian.expectation(state) self.append(expectation) return expectation
[docs]class Gap(Callback): """Callback for calculating the gap of adiabatic evolution Hamiltonians. Can also be used to calculate the Hamiltonian eigenvalues at each time step during the evolution. Note that this callback can only be added in :class:`qibo.evolution.AdiabaticEvolution` models. Args: mode (str/int): Defines which quantity this callback calculates. If ``mode == 'gap'`` then the difference between ground state and first excited state energy (gap) is calculated. If ``mode`` is an integer, then the energy of the corresponding eigenstate is calculated. check_degenerate (bool): If ``True`` the excited state number is increased until a non-zero gap is found. This is used to find the proper gap in the case of degenerate Hamiltonians. This flag is relevant only if ``mode`` is ``'gap'``. Default is ``True``. Example: .. testcode:: from qibo import callbacks, hamiltonians from qibo.models import AdiabaticEvolution # define easy and hard Hamiltonians for adiabatic evolution h0 = hamiltonians.X(3) h1 = hamiltonians.TFIM(3, h=1.0) # define callbacks for logging the ground state, first excited # and gap energy ground = callbacks.Gap(0) excited = callbacks.Gap(1) gap = callbacks.Gap() # define and execute the ``AdiabaticEvolution`` model evolution = AdiabaticEvolution(h0, h1, lambda t: t, dt=1e-1, callbacks=[gap, ground, excited]) final_state = evolution(final_time=1.0) # print results print(ground[:]) print(excited[:]) print(gap[:]) .. testoutput:: :hide: ... """ def __init__(self, mode: Union[str, int] = "gap", check_degenerate: bool = True): super().__init__() if not isinstance(mode, (int, str)): raise_error( TypeError, f"Gap callback mode should be integer or string but is {type(mode)}.", ) elif isinstance(mode, str) and mode != "gap": raise_error(ValueError, f"Unsupported mode {mode} for gap callback.") self.mode = mode self.check_degenerate = check_degenerate self.evolution = None def apply(self, backend, state): from qibo.config import EIGVAL_CUTOFF, log if self.evolution is None: raise_error( RuntimeError, "Gap callback can only be used in " "adiabatic evolution models.", ) hamiltonian = self.evolution.solver.current_hamiltonian # pylint: disable=E1101 assert type(hamiltonian.backend) == type(backend) # Call the eigenvectors so that they are cached for the ``exp`` call hamiltonian.eigenvectors() eigvals = hamiltonian.eigenvalues() if isinstance(self.mode, int): gap =[self.mode]) self.append(gap) return gap # case: self.mode == "gap" excited = 1 gap =[excited] - eigvals[0]) if not self.check_degenerate: self.append(gap) return gap while, EIGVAL_CUTOFF): gap =[excited] - eigvals[0]) excited += 1 if excited > 1: log.warning( f"The Hamiltonian is degenerate. Using eigenvalue {excited} to calculate gap." ) self.append(gap) return gap def apply_density_matrix(self, backend, state): raise_error( NotImplementedError, "Gap callback is not implemented for " "density matrices.", )