Source code for qibo.quantum_info.metrics

"""Distances, metrics, and measures for quantum states and channels."""

from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from qibo.backends import _check_backend
from qibo.config import PRECISION_TOL, raise_error

[docs]def purity(state): """Purity of a quantum state :math:`\\rho`. This is given by .. math:: \\text{purity}(\\rho) = \\text{tr}(\\rho^{2}) \\, . Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. Returns: float: Purity of quantum ``state`` :math:`\\rho`. """ if ( (len(state.shape) >= 3) or (len(state) == 0) or (len(state.shape) == 2 and state.shape[0] != state.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"state must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {state.shape}.", ) if len(state.shape) == 1: pur = np.abs(, state)) ** 2 else: pur = np.real(np.trace(, state))) # this is necessary to remove the float from inside # a 0-dim ndarray pur = float(pur) return pur
[docs]def impurity(state): """Impurity of quantum state :math:`\\rho`. This is given by :math:`1 - \\text{purity}(\\rho)`, where :math:`\\text{purity}` is defined in :func:`qibo.quantum_info.purity`. Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. Returns: float: impurity of ``state`` :math:`\\rho`. """ return 1 - purity(state)
[docs]def trace_distance(state, target, check_hermitian: bool = False, backend=None): """Trace distance between two quantum states, :math:`\\rho` and :math:`\\sigma`: .. math:: T(\\rho, \\sigma) = \\frac{1}{2} \\, \\|\\rho - \\sigma\\|_{1} = \\frac{1}{2} \\, \\text{tr}\\left[ \\sqrt{(\\rho - \\sigma)^{\\dagger}(\\rho - \\sigma)} \\right] \\, , where :math:`\\|\\cdot\\|_{1}` is the Schatten 1-norm. Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. target (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. check_hermitian (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if :math:`\\rho - \\sigma` is Hermitian. If ``False``, it assumes the difference is Hermitian. Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Trace distance between ``state`` :math:`\\rho` and ``target`` :math:`\\sigma`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if state.shape != target.shape: raise_error( TypeError, f"State has dims {state.shape} while target has dims {target.shape}.", ) if (len(state.shape) >= 3) or (len(state) == 0): raise_error( TypeError, "Both objects must have dims either (k,) or (k,l), " + f"but have dims {state.shape} and {target.shape}", ) if isinstance(check_hermitian, bool) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"check_hermitian must be type bool, but it is type {type(check_hermitian)}.", ) if len(state.shape) == 1: state = np.outer(np.conj(state), state) target = np.outer(np.conj(target), target) difference = state - target if check_hermitian is True: hermitian = bool( float( backend.calculate_norm_density_matrix( np.transpose(np.conj(difference)) - difference, order=2 ) ) <= PRECISION_TOL ) if ( not hermitian and backend.__class__.__name__ == "CupyBackend" ): # pragma: no cover raise_error( NotImplementedError, "CupyBackend does not support `np.linalg.eigvals`" + "for non-Hermitian `state - target`.", ) eigenvalues = ( np.linalg.eigvalsh(difference) if hermitian else np.linalg.eigvals(difference) ) else: eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvalsh(difference) distance = np.sum(np.absolute(eigenvalues)) / 2 distance = float(distance) return distance
[docs]def hilbert_schmidt_distance(state, target): """Hilbert-Schmidt distance between two quantum states: .. math:: \\langle \\rho \\, , \\, \\sigma \\rangle_{\\text{HS}} = \\text{tr}\\left((\\rho - \\sigma)^{2}\\right) Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. target (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. Returns: float: Hilbert-Schmidt distance between ``state`` :math:`\\rho` and ``target`` :math:`\\sigma`. """ if state.shape != target.shape: raise_error( TypeError, f"State has dims {state.shape} while target has dims {target.shape}.", ) if (len(state.shape) >= 3) or (len(state) == 0): raise_error( TypeError, "Both objects must have dims either (k,) or (k,l), " + f"but have dims {state.shape} and {target.shape}", ) if len(state.shape) == 1: state = np.outer(np.conj(state), state) target = np.outer(np.conj(target), target) distance = np.real(np.trace((state - target) ** 2)) distance = float(distance) return distance
[docs]def fidelity(state, target, check_hermitian: bool = False, backend=None): """Fidelity :math:`F(\\rho, \\sigma)` between ``state`` :math:`\\rho` and ``target`` state :math:`\\sigma`. In general, .. math:: F(\\rho, \\sigma) = \\text{tr}^{2}\\left( \\sqrt{\\sqrt{\\sigma} \\, \\rho^{\\dagger} \\, \\sqrt{\\sigma}} \\right) \\, . However, when at least one of the states is pure, then .. math:: F(\\rho, \\sigma) = \\text{tr}(\\rho \\, \\sigma) Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. target (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. check_hermitian (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if ``state`` is Hermitian. Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Fidelity between ``state`` :math:`\\rho` and ``target`` :math:`\\sigma`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if state.shape != target.shape: raise_error( TypeError, f"State has dims {state.shape} while target has dims {target.shape}.", ) if len(state.shape) >= 3 or len(state.shape) == 0: raise_error( TypeError, "Both objects must have dims either (k,) or (k,l), " + f"but have dims {state.shape} and {target.shape}", ) if isinstance(check_hermitian, bool) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"check_hermitian must be type bool, but it is type {type(check_hermitian)}.", ) # check purity if both states are density matrices if len(state.shape) == 2 and len(target.shape) == 2: purity_state = purity(state) purity_target = purity(target) # if both states are mixed, default to full fidelity calculation if ( abs(purity_state - 1) > PRECISION_TOL and abs(purity_target - 1) > PRECISION_TOL ): # using eigh since rho is supposed to be Hermitian if check_hermitian is False or _check_hermitian_or_not_gpu( state, backend=backend ): eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(state) else: eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(state) state = np.zeros(state.shape, dtype=complex) state = backend.cast(state, dtype=state.dtype) for eig, eigvec in zip(eigenvalues, np.transpose(eigenvectors)): matrix = np.sqrt(eig) * np.outer(eigvec, np.conj(eigvec)) matrix = backend.cast(matrix, dtype=matrix.dtype) state += matrix del matrix fid = state @ target @ state # since sqrt(rho) is Hermitian, we can use eigh again if check_hermitian is False or _check_hermitian_or_not_gpu( fid, backend=backend ): eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(fid) else: eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(fid) fid = np.zeros(state.shape, dtype=complex) fid = backend.cast(fid, dtype=fid.dtype) for eig, eigvec in zip(eigenvalues, np.transpose(eigenvectors)): if eig > PRECISION_TOL: matrix = np.sqrt(eig) * np.outer(eigvec, np.conj(eigvec)) matrix = backend.cast(matrix, dtype=matrix.dtype) fid += matrix del matrix fid = np.real(np.trace(fid)) ** 2 return fid # if any of the states is pure, perform lighter calculation fid = ( np.abs(, target)) ** 2 if len(state.shape) == 1 else np.real(np.trace(, target))) ) fid = float(fid) return fid
[docs]def infidelity(state, target, check_hermitian: bool = False, backend=None): """Infidelity between ``state`` :math:`\\rho` and ``target`` state :math:`\\sigma`, which is given by .. math:: 1 - F(\\rho, \\, \\sigma) \\, , where :math:`F(\\rho, \\, \\sigma)` is the :func:`` between ``state`` and ``target``. Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. target (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. check_hermitian (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if ``state`` is Hermitian. Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Infidelity between ``state`` :math:`\\rho` and ``target`` :math:`\\sigma`. """ return 1 - fidelity(state, target, check_hermitian=check_hermitian, backend=backend)
[docs]def bures_angle(state, target, check_hermitian: bool = False, backend=None): """Calculates the Bures angle :math:`D_{A}` between a ``state`` :math:`\\rho` and a ``target`` state :math:`\\sigma`. This is given by .. math:: D_{A}(\\rho, \\, \\sigma) = \\text{arccos}\\left(\\sqrt{F(\\rho, \\, \\sigma)}\\right) \\, , where :math:`F(\\rho, \\sigma)` is the :func:`` between `state` and `target`. Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. target (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. check_hermitian (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if ``state`` is Hermitian. Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Bures angle between ``state`` and ``target``. """ angle = np.arccos( np.sqrt(fidelity(state, target, check_hermitian, backend=backend)) ) return angle
[docs]def bures_distance(state, target, check_hermitian: bool = False, backend=None): """Calculates the Bures distance :math:`D_{B}` between a ``state`` :math:`\\rho` and a ``target`` state :math:`\\sigma`. This is given by .. math:: D_{B}(\\rho, \\, \\sigma) = \\sqrt{2 \\, \\left(1 - \\sqrt{F(\\rho, \\, \\sigma)}\\right)} where :math:`F(\\rho, \\sigma)` is the :func:`` between `state` and `target`. Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. target (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. check_hermitian (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if ``state`` is Hermitian. Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Bures distance between ``state`` and ``target``. """ distance = np.sqrt( 2 * (1 - np.sqrt(fidelity(state, target, check_hermitian, backend=backend))) ) return distance
[docs]def process_fidelity(channel, target=None, check_unitary: bool = False, backend=None): """Process fidelity between a quantum ``channel`` :math:`\\mathcal{E}` and a ``target`` unitary channel :math:`U`. The process fidelity is defined as .. math:: F_{\\text{pro}}(\\mathcal{E}, \\mathcal{U}) = \\frac{1}{d^{2}} \\, \\text{tr}(\\mathcal{E}^{\\dagger} \\, \\mathcal{U}) Args: channel: quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. target (optional): quantum channel :math:`U`. If ``None``, target is the Identity channel. Defaults to ``None``. check_unitary (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if one of the input channels is unitary. Default: ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Process fidelity between ``channel`` and ``target``. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if target is not None: if channel.shape != target.shape: raise_error( TypeError, f"Channels must have the same dims, but {channel.shape} != {target.shape}", ) dim = int(np.sqrt(channel.shape[0])) if check_unitary is True: norm_channel = float( backend.calculate_norm_density_matrix(, channel) - np.eye(dim**2) ) ) if target is None and norm_channel > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(TypeError, "Channel is not unitary and Target is None.") if target is not None: norm_target = float( backend.calculate_norm(, target) - np.eye(dim**2) ) ) if (norm_channel > PRECISION_TOL) and (norm_target > PRECISION_TOL): raise_error(TypeError, "Neither channel is unitary.") if target is None: # With no target, return process fidelity with Identity channel process_fid = np.real(np.trace(channel)) / dim**2 process_fid = float(process_fid) return process_fid process_fid =, target) process_fid = np.real(np.trace(process_fid)) / dim**2 process_fid = float(process_fid) return process_fid
[docs]def process_infidelity(channel, target=None, check_unitary: bool = False, backend=None): """Process infidelity between quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}` and a ``target`` unitary channel :math:`U`. The process infidelity is defined as .. math:: 1 - F_{\\text{pro}}(\\mathcal{E}, \\mathcal{U}) \\, , where :math:`F_{\\text{pro}}` is the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.process_fidelity`. Args: channel: quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. target (optional): quantum channel :math:`U`. If ``None``, target is the Identity channel. Defaults to ``None``. check_unitary (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if one of the input channels is unitary. Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Process infidelity between ``channel`` :math:`\\mathcal{E}` and ``target`` :math:`U`. """ return 1 - process_fidelity( channel, target=target, check_unitary=check_unitary, backend=backend )
[docs]def average_gate_fidelity( channel, target=None, check_unitary: bool = False, backend=None ): """Average gate fidelity between a quantum ``channel`` :math:`\\mathcal{E}` and a ``target`` unitary channel :math:`U`. The average gate fidelity is defined as .. math:: F_{\\text{avg}}(\\mathcal{E}, \\mathcal{U}) = \\frac{d \\, F_{pro}(\\mathcal{E}, \\mathcal{U}) + 1}{d + 1} where :math:`d` is the dimension of the channels and :math:`F_{pro}(\\mathcal{E}, \\mathcal{U})` is the :meth:`~qibo.metrics.process_fidelily` of channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}` with respect to the unitary channel :math:`\\mathcal{U}`. Args: channel: quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. target (optional): quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{U}`. If ``None``, target is the Identity channel. Defaults to ``None``. check_unitary (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if one of the input channels is unitary. Default: ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Process fidelity between channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}` and target unitary channel :math:`\\mathcal{U}`. """ dim = channel.shape[0] process_fid = process_fidelity( channel, target, check_unitary=check_unitary, backend=backend ) process_fid = (dim * process_fid + 1) / (dim + 1) return process_fid
[docs]def gate_error(channel, target=None, check_unitary: bool = False, backend=None): """Gate error between a quantum ``channel`` :math:`\\mathcal{E}` and a ``target`` unitary channel :math:`U`, which is defined as .. math:: E(\\mathcal{E}, \\mathcal{U}) = 1 - F_{\\text{avg}}(\\mathcal{E}, \\mathcal{U}) \\, , where :math:`F_{\\text{avg}}(\\mathcal{E}, \\mathcal{U})` is the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.average_gate_fidelity`. Args: channel: quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. target (optional): quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{U}`. If ``None``, target is the Identity channel. Defaults to ``None``. check_unitary (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if one of the input channels is unitary. Default: ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Gate error between ``channel`` :math:`\\mathcal{E}` and ``target`` :math:`\\mathcal{U}`. """ error = 1 - average_gate_fidelity( channel, target, check_unitary=check_unitary, backend=backend ) return error
[docs]def diamond_norm(channel, target=None, backend=None, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Calculates the diamond norm :math:`\\|\\mathcal{E}\\|_{\\diamond}` of ``channel`` :math:`\\mathcal{E}`, which is given by .. math:: \\|\\mathcal{E}\\|_{\\diamond} = \\max_{\\rho} \\, \\| \\left(\\mathcal{E} \\otimes I_{d^{2}}\\right)(\\rho) \\|_{1} \\, , where :math:`I_{d^{2}}` is the :math:`d^{2} \\times d^{2}` Identity operator, :math:`d = 2^{n}`, :math:`n` is the number of qubits, and :math:`\\|\\cdot\\|_{1}` denotes the trace norm. If a ``target`` channel :math:`\\Lambda` is specified, then it calculates :math:`\\| \\mathcal{E} - \\Lambda\\|_{\\diamond}`. Example:: from qibo.quantum_info import diamond_norm, random_unitary, to_choi nqubits = 1 dim = 2**nqubits unitary = random_unitary(dim) unitary = to_choi(unitary, order="row") unitary_2 = random_unitary(dim) unitary_2 = to_choi(unitary_2, order="row") dnorm = diamond_norm(unitary, unitary_2) Args: channel (ndarray): row-vectorized Choi representation of a quantum channel. target (ndarray, optional): row-vectorized Choi representation of a target quantum channel. Defaults to ``None``. kwargs: optional arguments to pass to CVXPY solver. For more information, please visit `CVXPY's API documentation <>`_. Returns: float: diamond norm of either ``channel`` or ``channel - target``. .. note:: This function requires the optional CVXPY package to be installed. """ import cvxpy if target is not None: if channel.shape != target.shape: raise_error( TypeError, f"Channels must have the same dims, but {channel.shape} != {target.shape}", ) if target is not None: channel -= target # `CVXPY` only works with `numpy`, so this function has to # convert any channel to the `numpy` backend by default backend = _check_backend(backend) channel = backend.to_numpy(channel) channel = np.transpose(channel) channel_real = np.real(channel) channel_imag = np.imag(channel) dim = int(np.sqrt(channel.shape[0])) first_variables_real = cvxpy.Variable(shape=(dim, dim)) first_variables_imag = cvxpy.Variable(shape=(dim, dim)) first_variables = cvxpy.bmat( [ [first_variables_real, -first_variables_imag], [first_variables_imag, first_variables_real], ] ) second_variables_real = cvxpy.Variable(shape=(dim, dim)) second_variables_imag = cvxpy.Variable(shape=(dim, dim)) second_variables = cvxpy.bmat( [ [second_variables_real, -second_variables_imag], [second_variables_imag, second_variables_real], ] ) variables_real = cvxpy.Variable(shape=(dim**2, dim**2)) variables_imag = cvxpy.Variable(shape=(dim**2, dim**2)) identity = sparse.eye(dim) constraints_real = cvxpy.bmat( [ [cvxpy.kron(identity, first_variables_real), variables_real], [variables_real.T, cvxpy.kron(identity, second_variables_real)], ] ) constraints_imag = cvxpy.bmat( [ [cvxpy.kron(identity, first_variables_imag), variables_imag], [-variables_imag.T, cvxpy.kron(identity, second_variables_imag)], ] ) constraints_block = cvxpy.bmat( [[constraints_real, -constraints_imag], [constraints_imag, constraints_real]] ) constraints = [ first_variables >> 0, first_variables_real == first_variables_real.T, first_variables_imag == -first_variables_imag.T, cvxpy.trace(first_variables_real) == 1, second_variables >> 0, second_variables_real == second_variables_real.T, second_variables_imag == -second_variables_imag.T, cvxpy.trace(second_variables_real) == 1, constraints_block >> 0, ] objective_function = cvxpy.Maximize( cvxpy.trace(channel_real @ variables_real) + cvxpy.trace(channel_imag @ variables_imag) ) problem = cvxpy.Problem(objective=objective_function, constraints=constraints) solution = problem.solve(**kwargs) return solution
[docs]def expressibility( circuit, power_t: int, samples: int, order: Optional[Union[int, float, str]] = 2, backend=None, ): """Returns the expressibility :math:`\\|A\\|` of a parametrized circuit, where .. math:: A = \\int_{\\text{Haar}} d\\psi \\, \\left(|\\psi\\rangle\\right.\\left. \\langle\\psi|\\right)^{\\otimes t} - \\int_{\\Theta} d\\psi \\, \\left(|\\psi_{\\theta}\\rangle\\right.\\left. \\langle\\psi_{\\theta}|\\right)^{\\otimes t} Args: circuit (:class:`qibo.models.Circuit`): Parametrized circuit. power_t (int): power that defines the :math:`t`-design. samples (int): number of samples to estimate the integrals. order (int or float or str, optional): order of the norm :math:`\\|A\\|`. For specifications, see :meth:`qibo.backends.abstract.calculate_norm`. Defaults to :math:`2`. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Expressibility of parametrized circuit. """ if isinstance(power_t, int) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"power_t must be type int, but it is type {type(power_t)}." ) if isinstance(samples, int) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"samples must be type int, but it is type {type(samples)}." ) from qibo.quantum_info.utils import ( # pylint: disable=C0415 haar_integral, pqc_integral, ) backend = _check_backend(backend) deviation = haar_integral( circuit.nqubits, power_t, samples=None, backend=backend ) - pqc_integral(circuit, power_t, samples, backend=backend) fid = float(backend.calculate_norm(deviation, order=order)) return fid
[docs]def frame_potential( circuit, power_t: int, samples: int = None, backend=None, ): """Returns the frame potential of a parametrized circuit under uniform sampling of the parameters. For :math:`n` qubits and moment :math:`t`, the frame potential :math:`\\mathcal{F}_{\\mathcal{U}}^{(t)}` if given by [1] .. math:: \\mathcal{F}_{\\mathcal{U}}^{(t)} = \\int_{U,V \\in \\mathcal{U}} \\, \\text{d}U \\, \\text{d}V \\, \\bigl| \\, \\text{tr}(U^{\\dagger} \\, V) \\, \\bigr|^{2t} \\, , where :math:`\\mathcal{U}` is the group of unitaries defined by the parametrized circuit. The frame potential is approximated by the average .. math:: \\mathcal{F}_{\\mathcal{U}}^{(t)} \\approx \\frac{1}{N} \\, \\sum_{k=1}^{N} \\, \\bigl| \\, \\text{tr}(U_{k}^{\\dagger} \\, V_{k}) \\, \\bigr|^{2t} \\, , where :math:`N` is the number of ``samples``. Args: circuit (:class:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit`): Parametrized circuit. power_t (int): power that defines the :math:`t`-design. samples (int): number of samples to estimate the integral. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Frame potential of the parametrized circuit. References: 1. M. Liu *et al.*, *Estimating the randomness of quantum circuit ensembles up to 50 qubits*. `arXiv:2205.09900 [quant-ph] <>`_. """ if not isinstance(power_t, int): raise_error( TypeError, f"power_t must be type int, but it is type {type(power_t)}." ) if not isinstance(samples, int): raise_error( TypeError, f"samples must be type int, but it is type {type(samples)}." ) backend = _check_backend(backend) nqubits = circuit.nqubits dim = 2**nqubits potential = 0 for _ in range(samples): unitary_1 = circuit.copy() params_1 = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, circuit.trainable_gates.nparams) unitary_1.set_parameters(params_1) unitary_1 = unitary_1.unitary(backend) / np.sqrt(dim) for _ in range(samples): unitary_2 = circuit.copy() params_2 = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, circuit.trainable_gates.nparams) unitary_2.set_parameters(params_2) unitary_2 = unitary_2.unitary(backend) / np.sqrt(dim) potential += np.abs( np.trace(np.transpose(np.conj(unitary_1)) @ unitary_2) ) ** (2 * power_t) return potential / samples**2
def _check_hermitian_or_not_gpu(matrix, backend=None): """Checks if a given matrix is Hermitian and whether the backend is neither :class:`qibojit.backends.CupyBackend` nor :class:`qibojit.backends.CuQuantumBackend`. Args: matrix: input array. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: bool: whether the matrix is Hermitian. Raises: NotImplementedError: If `matrix` is not Hermitian and `backend` is not :class:`qibojit.backends.CupyBackend` """ backend = _check_backend(backend) norm = backend.calculate_norm_density_matrix( np.transpose(np.conj(matrix)) - matrix, order=2 ) hermitian = bool(float(norm) <= PRECISION_TOL) if hermitian is False and backend.__class__.__name__ in [ "CupyBackend", "CuQuantumBackend", ]: # pragma: no cover raise_error( NotImplementedError, "GPU backends do not support `np.linalg.eig` " + "or `np.linalg.eigvals` for non-Hermitian matrices.", ) return hermitian