qibosoq.components package

Helper objects.


qibosoq.components.base module

Various helper objects.

class qibosoq.components.base.Config(relaxation_time: float = 100, ro_time_of_flight: int = 200, reps: int = 1000, soft_avgs: int = 1, average: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

General RFSoC Configuration.

relaxation_time: float = 100

Time to wait between shots (us).

ro_time_of_flight: int = 200

Time to wait between readout pulse and acquisition (ADC clock ticks).

reps: int = 1000

Number of shots.

soft_avgs: int = 1

Number of software averages.

average: bool = True

Returns integrated results if true.

class qibosoq.components.base.OperationCode(value)[source]

Bases: IntEnum

Available operations.

class qibosoq.components.base.Qubit(bias: float | None = None, dac: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Qubit object, storing flux information.

bias: float | None = None

Amplitude factor, for sweetspot.

dac: int | None = None

DAC responsible for flux control.

class qibosoq.components.base.Parameter(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

Available parameters for sweepers.

FREQUENCY = 'freq'
AMPLITUDE = 'gain'
DELAY = 't'
BIAS = 'bias'
DURATION = 'duration'
classmethod variants(parameters: str) Parameter[source]
classmethod variants(parameters: Iterable[str]) Iterable[Parameter]

Convert from strings to Parameters.

class qibosoq.components.base.Sweeper(expts: int, parameters: List[Parameter], indexes: List[int], starts: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], stops: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]])[source]

Bases: object

Sweeper object.

expts: int

Number of points of the sweeper.

parameters: List[Parameter]

List of parameter to update.

indexes: List[int]

Index of the parameter to sweep relative to list of pulses or list of qubits.

starts: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

Start value for each parameter to sweep.

stops: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

Stop value for each parameter to sweep.

property serialized: dict

Convert a Sweeper object into a dictionary.

In particular, takes care of the convertion arrays -> lists.

qibosoq.components.pulses module

Pulses objects.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.Element(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract common oject for pulses and measurements.

type: str

Type of the pulse.

frequency: float

Frequency of the pulse (MHz).

start_delay: float

Delay before pulse is triggered (us).

duration: float

Duration of the pulse (us).

adc: int

ADC to acquire pulse back, for readout pulses.

dac: int

DAC responsible for firing the pulse.

property waveform_name: str | None

Return waveform name from parameters.

property style: str | None

Return waveform style from parameters.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.Measurement(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int)[source]

Bases: Element

Measurement without pulse.

type: str = 'readout'

Type of the pulse.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.Pulse(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int, amplitude: float, relative_phase: int, name: str)[source]

Bases: Element

Abstract Pulse object.

amplitude: float

Amplitude factor, multiplied by maximum gain of the DAC.

relative_phase: int

Relative phase (degrees).

name: str

Name of the pulse, typically a serial.

type: str

Can be ‘readout’, ‘drive’, ‘flux’.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.Rectangular(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int, amplitude: float, relative_phase: int, name: str, shape: str = 'rectangular')[source]

Bases: Pulse

Rectangular pulse.

shape: str = 'rectangular'
property style: str | None

Return waveform style from parameters.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.Gaussian(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int, amplitude: float, relative_phase: int, name: str, rel_sigma: float, shape: str = 'gaussian')[source]

Bases: Pulse

Gaussian pulse.

rel_sigma: float

Sigma of the gaussian as a fraction of duration.

shape: str = 'gaussian'
property waveform_name: str | None

Return waveform name from parameters.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.Drag(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int, amplitude: float, relative_phase: int, name: str, rel_sigma: float, beta: float, shape: str = 'drag')[source]

Bases: Pulse

Drag pulse.

rel_sigma: float

Sigma of the drag as a fraction of duration.

beta: float

Beta parameter for drag pulse.

shape: str = 'drag'
property waveform_name: str | None

Return waveform name from parameters.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.FlatTop(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int, amplitude: float, relative_phase: int, name: str, rel_sigma: float, shape: str = 'flattop')[source]

Bases: Pulse

FlatTop pulse.

rel_sigma: float

Sigma of the FlatTop as a fraction of duration.

shape: str = 'flattop'
property waveform_name: str | None

Return waveform name from parameters.

property style: str | None

Return waveform style from parameters.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.FluxExponential(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int, amplitude: float, relative_phase: int, name: str, tau: float, upsilon: float, weight: float, shape: str = 'fluxexponential')[source]

Bases: Pulse

Flux pulse with exponential rising edge to correct distortions.

tau: float
upsilon: float
weight: float
shape: str = 'fluxexponential'
i_values(duration: int, max_gain: int)[source]

Compute the waveform i values.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.Hann(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int, amplitude: float, relative_phase: int, name: str, shape: str = 'hann')[source]

Bases: Pulse

Hann function.

shape: str = 'hann'
i_values(duration: int, max_gain: int)[source]

Compute the waveform i values.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.Arbitrary(type: str, frequency: float, start_delay: float, duration: float, adc: int, dac: int, amplitude: float, relative_phase: int, name: str, i_values: List[float], q_values: List[float], shape: str = 'arbitrary')[source]

Bases: Pulse

Custom pulse.

i_values: List[float]
q_values: List[float]
shape: str = 'arbitrary'
property waveform_name: str | None

Return waveform name from parameters.

class qibosoq.components.pulses.Shape(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Map shape names to the corresponding objects.

RECTANGULAR = <class 'qibosoq.components.pulses.Rectangular'>
GAUSSIAN = <class 'qibosoq.components.pulses.Gaussian'>
DRAG = <class 'qibosoq.components.pulses.Drag'>
HANN = <class 'qibosoq.components.pulses.Hann'>
FLUXEXPONENTIAL = <class 'qibosoq.components.pulses.FluxExponential'>
FLATTOP = <class 'qibosoq.components.pulses.FlatTop'>
ARBITRARY = <class 'qibosoq.components.pulses.Arbitrary'>