Communication protocol

Originally conceived as a component of Qibolab, Qibosoq, has since evolved into an independent entity, no longer reliant on Qibolab for its functionality. Due to is standalone nature, it can now be utilized by any application that adheres to the Qibosoq communication protocol.

For the user, leveraging the qibosoq.client module, it is not strictly required to know the communication protocol.

Receiving commands

The protocol for receiving commands, from the server point of view, is composed of two section:

  • an initial handshake

  • a single serialized commands dictionary is send

In the initial handshake, qibosoq expects 4 bytes representing, in the big endian byte-ordering, an integer N. This integer is the size, in bytes, of the command dictionary that the server has to receive just after the handshake.

After the handshake, Qibosoq will wait to receive extacly N bytes. These bytes represent the commands and are converted back to dictionary form using json.loads.

The dictionary has to contain the following elements:

commands = {
    "operation_code": int,
    "cfg": {
        "soft_avgs": int,
        "reps": int,
        "relaxation_time": int,
        "ro_time_of_flight": int,
        "average": bool,
    "sequence": list,
    "qubits": list,

If the operation code is OperationCode.EXECUTE_SWEEPS = 3 then also another list has to be provided

commands = {
    "sweepers": list

Let’s now analyze element by element every key and value contained in the dictionary.


The operation code can be an int from 1 to 3, but it is better to initially have it as a qibosoq.components.base.OperationCode instance. Therefore, it can assume three different values:

  1. EXECUTE_PULSE_SEQUENCE: to execute an arbitrary pulse sequence (with a AveragerQickProgram) and a standard integrated acquisition

  2. EXECUTE_PULSE_SEQUENCE_RAW: to execute an arbitrary pulse sequence, but with a non integrated acquistion

  3. EXECUTE_SWEEPS: to execute experiments that involve sweepers, fast scan of pulse parameters, with a NDAveragerQickProgram

from qibosoq.components.base import OperationCode

commands = {
    "operation_code": OperationCode.EXECUTE_PULSE_SEQUENCE


The cfg key corresponds to another, nested, dictionary. This can be easily obtained from a qibosoq.components.base.Config object.

from qibosoq.components.base import Config
from dataclasses import asdict

cfg = Config(...)
commands = {
    "cfg": asdict(cfg),

Just after qibosoq has received all the data, it converts cfg back into is object form.


The sequence key links to list of qibosoq.components.pulses.Element objects in the form of dictionaries (Elements are usually pulses, but can also be just measurements). Also this dictionary can be obtained with asdict.

from qibosoq.components.pulses import Rectangular, Drag
from dataclasses import asdict

sequence = []

commands = {
    "sequence": [asdict(pulse) for pulse in sequence],

Note that qibosoq, for Pulse object in dictionary form, will convert these elements back to the respective shape objects, so a general qibosoq.components.pulses.Pulse will raise an error.


The qubits key links to list of qibosoq.components.base.Qubit objects in the form of dictionaries. Also this dictionary can be obtained with asdict.

from qibosoq.components.base import Qubit
from dataclasses import asdict

qubits = []

commands = {
    "qubits": [asdict(qubit) for qubit in qubits],


This key is used and requested only if operation_code is EXECUTE_SWEEPS and is a list of qibosoq.components.base.Sweeper objects in dictionary form:

from qibosoq.components.base import Sweeper
from dataclasses import asdict

sweepers= []

commands = {
    "sweepers": [asdict(sweep) for sweep in sweepers],


This is just a simple boolean value, that indicates to qibosoq whether or no average the results.

commands = {
    "average": True,

Sending results

For every possible operation_code, qibosoq has to return some values. These are returned in a json-serialized dictionary:

results = {"i": list, "q": list}
to_send = bytes(json.dumps(results), "utf-8")

The value of “i” and “q” are the measured quandrature values. The shape of “i” (“q”) is

    • if average is false: (adc_channels, number_of_readouts, number_of_shots)

    • if average is true: (adc_channels, number_of_readouts)

  • for operation_code EXECUTE_SWEEPS
    • if average is false: (adc_channels, number_of_readouts, number_of_points, number_of_shots)

    • if average is true: (adc_channels, number_of_readouts, number_of_points)

Note that the server can also send a different thing: errors. When the server encounters an error, in the communication protocol, in the json de-serialization or during the execution, it does not crash but raises an error that get’s logged in the server and sent through the open socket so that also the client can see it.