Source code for qibo.quantum_info.utils

"""Utility functions for the Quantum Information module."""

from functools import reduce
from itertools import permutations
from math import factorial
from re import finditer
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from qibo import matrices
from qibo.backends import _check_backend
from qibo.config import PRECISION_TOL, raise_error

[docs]def hamming_weight( bitstring: Union[int, str, list, tuple], return_indexes: bool = False ): """Calculates the Hamming weight of a bitstring. The Hamming weight of a bistring is the number of :math:'1's that the bistring contains. Args: bitstring (int or str or tuple or list): bitstring to calculate the weight, either in binary or integer representation. return_indexes (bool, optional): If ``True``, returns the indexes of the non-zero elements. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: (int or list): Hamming weight of bitstring or list of indexes of non-zero elements. """ if not isinstance(return_indexes, bool): raise_error( TypeError, f"return_indexes must be type bool, but it is type {type(return_indexes)}", ) if not isinstance(bitstring, (int, str, list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise_error( TypeError, "bitstring must be either type int, list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray. " f"However, it is type {type(bitstring)}.", ) if isinstance(bitstring, int): bitstring = f"{bitstring:b}" elif isinstance(bitstring, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): bitstring = "".join([str(bit) for bit in bitstring]) indexes = [item.start() for item in finditer("1", bitstring)] if return_indexes: return indexes return len(indexes)
[docs]def hamming_distance( bitstring_1: Union[int, str, list, tuple], bitstring_2: Union[int, str, list, tuple], return_indexes: bool = False, ): """Calculates the Hamming distance between two bistrings. This is done by calculating the Hamming weight (:func:`qibo.quantum_info.utils.hamming_weight`) of ``| bitstring_1 - bitstring_2 |``. Args: bitstring_1 (int or str or list or tuple): fisrt bistring. bitstring_2 (int or str or list or tuple): second bitstring. return_indexes (bool, optional): If ``True``, returns the indexes of the non-zero elements. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: int or list: Hamming distance or list of indexes of non-zero elements. """ if not isinstance(return_indexes, bool): raise_error( TypeError, f"return_indexes must be type bool, but it is type {type(return_indexes)}", ) if not isinstance(bitstring_1, (int, str, list, tuple)): raise_error( TypeError, "bitstring_1 must be either type int, list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray. " f"However, it is type {type(bitstring_1)}.", ) if not isinstance(bitstring_2, (int, str, list, tuple)): raise_error( TypeError, "bitstring_2 must be either type int, list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray. " f"However, it is type {type(bitstring_2)}.", ) if isinstance(bitstring_1, (list, tuple)): bitstring_1 = "".join(bitstring_1) if isinstance(bitstring_2, (list, tuple)): bitstring_2 = "".join(bitstring_2) nbits = max(len(bitstring_1), len(bitstring_2)) difference = abs(int(bitstring_1, 2) - int(bitstring_2, 2)) return hamming_weight(f"{difference:{nbits}b}", return_indexes=return_indexes)
[docs]def hadamard_transform(array, implementation: str = "fast", backend=None): """Calculates the (fast) Hadamard Transform :math:`\\text{HT}` of a :math:`2^{n}`-dimensional vector or :math:`2^{n} \\times 2^{n}` matrix :math:`A`, where :math:`n` is the number of qubits in the system. If :math:`A` is a vector, then .. math:: \\text{HT}(A) = \\frac{1}{2^{n / 2}} \\, H^{\\otimes n} \\, A \\, where :math:`H` is the :class:`qibo.gates.H` gate. If :math:`A` is a matrix, then .. math:: \\text{HT}(A) = \\frac{1}{2^{n}} \\, H^{\\otimes n} \\, A \\, H^{\\otimes n} \\, . Args: array (ndarray): array or matrix. implementation (str, optional): if ``"regular"``, it uses the straightforward implementation of the algorithm with computational complexity of :math:`\\mathcal{O}(2^{2n})` for vectors and :math:`\\mathcal{O}(2^{3n})` for matrices. If ``"fast"``, computational complexity is :math:`\\mathcal{O}(n \\, 2^{n})` in both cases. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: (Fast) Hadamard Transform of ``array``. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if ( len(array.shape) not in [1, 2] or (len(array.shape) == 1 and np.log2(array.shape[0]).is_integer() is False) or ( len(array.shape) == 2 and ( np.log2(array.shape[0]).is_integer() is False or np.log2(array.shape[1]).is_integer() is False ) ) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"array must have shape (2**n,) or (2**n, 2**n), but it has shape {array.shape}.", ) if isinstance(implementation, str) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"implementation must be type str, but it is type {type(implementation)}.", ) if implementation not in ["fast", "regular"]: raise_error( ValueError, f"implementation must be either `regular` or `fast`, but it is {implementation}.", ) if implementation == "regular": nqubits = int(np.log2(array.shape[0])) hadamards = np.real(reduce(np.kron, [matrices.H] * nqubits)) hadamards /= 2 ** (nqubits / 2) hadamards = backend.cast(hadamards, dtype=hadamards.dtype) array = hadamards @ array if len(array.shape) == 2: array = array @ hadamards return array array = _hadamard_transform_1d(array) if len(array.shape) == 2: array = _hadamard_transform_1d(np.transpose(array)) array = np.transpose(array) # needed for the tensorflow backend array = backend.cast(array, dtype=array.dtype) return array
[docs]def hellinger_distance(prob_dist_p, prob_dist_q, validate: bool = False, backend=None): """Calculates the Hellinger distance :math:`H` between two discrete probability distributions. For probabilities :math:`\\mathbf{p}` and :math:`\\mathbf{q}`, it is defined as .. math:: H(\\mathbf{p} \\, , \\, \\mathbf{q}) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} \\, \\| \\sqrt{\\mathbf{p}} - \\sqrt{\\mathbf{q}} \\|_{2} where :math:`\\|\\cdot\\|_{2}` is the Euclidean norm. Args: prob_dist_p (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`p`. prob_dist_q (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`q`. validate (bool, optional): If ``True``, checks if :math:`p` and :math:`q` are proper probability distributions. Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: (float): Hellinger distance :math:`H(p, q)`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if isinstance(prob_dist_p, list): prob_dist_p = backend.cast(prob_dist_p, dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(prob_dist_q, list): prob_dist_q = backend.cast(prob_dist_q, dtype=np.float64) if (len(prob_dist_p.shape) != 1) or (len(prob_dist_q.shape) != 1): raise_error( TypeError, "Probability arrays must have dims (k,) but have " + f"dims {prob_dist_p.shape} and {prob_dist_q.shape}.", ) if (len(prob_dist_p) == 0) or (len(prob_dist_q) == 0): raise_error(TypeError, "At least one of the arrays is empty.") if validate: if (any(prob_dist_p < 0) or any(prob_dist_p > 1.0)) or ( any(prob_dist_q < 0) or any(prob_dist_q > 1.0) ): raise_error( ValueError, "All elements of the probability array must be between 0. and 1..", ) if - 1.0) > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(ValueError, "First probability array must sum to 1.") if - 1.0) > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(ValueError, "Second probability array must sum to 1.") distance = float( backend.calculate_norm(np.sqrt(prob_dist_p) - np.sqrt(prob_dist_q)) / np.sqrt(2) ) return distance
[docs]def hellinger_fidelity(prob_dist_p, prob_dist_q, validate: bool = False, backend=None): """Calculates the Hellinger fidelity between two discrete probability distributions. For probabilities :math:`p` and :math:`q`, the fidelity is defined as .. math:: (1 - H^{2}(p, q))^{2} \\, , where :math:`H(p, q)` is the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.utils.hellinger_distance`. Args: prob_dist_p (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`p`. prob_dist_q (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`q`. validate (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if :math:`p` and :math:`q` are proper probability distributions. Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: (float): Hellinger fidelity. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) distance = hellinger_distance(prob_dist_p, prob_dist_q, validate, backend=backend) return (1 - distance**2) ** 2
def hellinger_shot_error( prob_dist_p, prob_dist_q, nshots: int, validate: bool = False, backend=None ): """Calculates the Hellinger fidelity error between two discrete probability distributions estimated from finite statistics. It is calculated propagating the probability error of each state of the system. The complete formula is: .. math:: \\frac{1 - H^{2}(p, q)}{\\sqrt{nshots}} \\, \\sum_{k} \\, \\left(\\sqrt{p_{k} \\, (1 - q_{k})} + \\sqrt{q_{k} \\, (1 - p_{k})}\\right) where :math:`H(p, q)` is the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.utils.hellinger_distance`, and :math:`1 - H^{2}(p, q)` is the square root of the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.utils.hellinger_fidelity`. Args: prob_dist_p (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`p`. prob_dist_q (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`q`. nshots (int): number of shots we used to run the circuit to obtain :math:`p` and :math:`q`. validate (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if :math:`p` and :math:`q` are proper probability distributions. Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: (float): Hellinger fidelity error. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if isinstance(prob_dist_p, list): prob_dist_p = backend.cast(prob_dist_p, dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(prob_dist_q, list): prob_dist_q = backend.cast(prob_dist_q, dtype=np.float64) hellinger_error = hellinger_fidelity( prob_dist_p, prob_dist_q, validate=validate, backend=backend ) hellinger_error = np.sqrt(hellinger_error / nshots) * np.sqrt(prob_dist_q * (1 - prob_dist_p)) + np.sqrt(prob_dist_p * (1 - prob_dist_q)) ) return hellinger_error
[docs]def haar_integral( nqubits: int, power_t: int, samples: Optional[int] = None, backend=None, ): """Returns the integral over pure states over the Haar measure. .. math:: \\int_{\\text{Haar}} d\\psi \\, \\left(|\\psi\\rangle\\right.\\left. \\langle\\psi|\\right)^{\\otimes t} Args: nqubits (int): Number of qubits. power_t (int): power that defines the :math:`t`-design. samples (int, optional): If ``None``, estimated the integral exactly. Otherwise, number of samples to estimate the integral via sampling. Defaults to ``None``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: array: Estimation of the Haar integral. .. note:: The ``exact=True`` method is implemented using Lemma 34 of `Kliesch and Roth (2020) <>`_. """ if isinstance(nqubits, int) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"nqubits must be type int, but it is type {type(nqubits)}." ) if isinstance(power_t, int) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"power_t must be type int, but it is type {type(power_t)}." ) if samples is not None and isinstance(samples, int) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"samples must be type int, but it is type {type(samples)}." ) backend = _check_backend(backend) dim = 2**nqubits if samples is not None: from qibo.quantum_info.random_ensembles import ( # pylint: disable=C0415 random_statevector, ) rand_unit_density = np.zeros((dim**power_t, dim**power_t), dtype=complex) rand_unit_density = backend.cast( rand_unit_density, dtype=rand_unit_density.dtype ) for _ in range(samples): haar_state = np.reshape(random_statevector(dim, backend=backend), (-1, 1)) rho = haar_state @ np.conj(np.transpose(haar_state)) rand_unit_density += reduce(np.kron, [rho] * power_t) integral = rand_unit_density / samples return integral normalization = factorial(dim - 1) / factorial(dim - 1 + power_t) permutations_list = list(permutations(np.arange(power_t) + power_t)) permutations_list = [ tuple(np.arange(power_t)) + indices for indices in permutations_list ] identity = np.eye(dim**power_t, dtype=float) identity = backend.cast(identity, dtype=identity.dtype) identity = np.reshape(identity, (dim,) * (2 * power_t)) integral = np.zeros((dim**power_t, dim**power_t), dtype=float) integral = backend.cast(integral, dtype=integral.dtype) for indices in permutations_list: integral += np.reshape(np.transpose(identity, indices), (-1, dim**power_t)) integral *= normalization return integral
[docs]def pqc_integral(circuit, power_t: int, samples: int, backend=None): """Returns the integral over pure states generated by uniformly sampling in the parameter space described by a parameterized circuit. .. math:: \\int_{\\Theta} d\\psi \\, \\left(|\\psi_{\\theta}\\rangle\\right.\\left. \\langle\\psi_{\\theta}|\\right)^{\\otimes t} Args: circuit (:class:`qibo.models.Circuit`): Parametrized circuit. power_t (int): power that defines the :math:`t`-design. samples (int): number of samples to estimate the integral. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Estimation of the integral. """ if isinstance(power_t, int) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"power_t must be type int, but it is type {type(power_t)}." ) if isinstance(samples, int) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"samples must be type int, but it is type {type(samples)}." ) backend = _check_backend(backend) circuit.density_matrix = True dim = 2**circuit.nqubits rand_unit_density = np.zeros((dim**power_t, dim**power_t), dtype=complex) rand_unit_density = backend.cast(rand_unit_density, dtype=rand_unit_density.dtype) for _ in range(samples): params = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, circuit.trainable_gates.nparams) circuit.set_parameters(params) rho = backend.execute_circuit(circuit).state() rand_unit_density += reduce(np.kron, [rho] * power_t) integral = rand_unit_density / samples return integral
def _hadamard_transform_1d(array): # necessary because of tf.EagerTensor # does not accept item assignment array_copied = np.copy(array) indexes = [2**k for k in range(int(np.log2(len(array_copied))))] for index in indexes: for k in range(0, len(array_copied), 2 * index): for j in range(k, k + index): # copy necessary because of cupy backend elem_1 = np.copy(array_copied[j]) elem_2 = np.copy(array_copied[j + index]) array_copied[j] = elem_1 + elem_2 array_copied[j + index] = elem_1 - elem_2 array_copied /= 2.0 return array_copied