Source code for qibo.quantum_info.superoperator_transformations

"""Module with the most commom superoperator transformations."""

import warnings
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from qibo.backends import _check_backend
from qibo.config import PRECISION_TOL, raise_error
from qibo.gates.abstract import Gate
from qibo.gates.gates import Unitary
from qibo.gates.special import FusedGate

[docs]def vectorization(state, order: str = "row", backend=None): """Returns state :math:`\\rho` in its Liouville representation :math:`|\\rho\\rangle\\rangle`. If ``order="row"``, then: .. math:: |\\rho\\rangle\\rangle = \\sum_{k, l} \\, \\rho_{kl} \\, \\ket{k} \\otimes \\ket{l} If ``order="column"``, then: .. math:: |\\rho\\rangle\\rangle = \\sum_{k, l} \\, \\rho_{kl} \\, \\ket{l} \\otimes \\ket{k} Args: state: state vector or density matrix. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, vectorization is performed row-wise. If ``"column"``, vectorization is performed column-wise. If ``"system"``, a block-vectorization is performed. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Liouville representation of ``state``. """ if ( (len(state.shape) >= 3) or (len(state) == 0) or (len(state.shape) == 2 and state.shape[0] != state.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"Object must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {state.shape}.", ) if not isinstance(order, str): raise_error( TypeError, f"order must be type str, but it is type {type(order)} instead." ) else: if order not in ["row", "column", "system"]: raise_error( ValueError, f"order must be either 'row' or 'column' or 'system', but it is {order}.", ) backend = _check_backend(backend) if len(state.shape) == 1: state = np.outer(state, np.conj(state)) if order == "row": state = np.reshape(state, (1, -1), order="C")[0] elif order == "column": state = np.reshape(state, (1, -1), order="F")[0] else: dim = len(state) nqubits = int(np.log2(dim)) new_axis = [] for qubit in range(nqubits): new_axis += [qubit + nqubits, qubit] state = np.reshape(state, [2] * 2 * nqubits) state = np.transpose(state, axes=new_axis) state = np.reshape(state, -1) state = backend.cast(state, dtype=state.dtype) return state
[docs]def unvectorization(state, order: str = "row", backend=None): """Returns state :math:`\\rho` from its Liouville representation :math:`|\\rho\\rangle\\rangle`. This operation is the inverse function of :func:`vectorization`, i.e. .. math:: \\begin{align} \\rho &= \\text{unvectorization}(|\\rho\\rangle\\rangle) \\nonumber \\\\ &= \\text{unvectorization}(\\text{vectorization}(\\rho)) \\nonumber \\end{align} Args: state: quantum state in Liouville representation. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, unvectorization is performed row-wise. If ``"column"``, unvectorization is performed column-wise. If ``"system"``, system-wise vectorization is performed. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Density matrix of ``state``. """ if len(state.shape) != 1: raise_error( TypeError, f"Object must have dims (k,), but have dims {state.shape}.", ) if not isinstance(order, str): raise_error( TypeError, f"order must be type str, but it is type {type(order)} instead." ) else: if order not in ["row", "column", "system"]: raise_error( ValueError, f"order must be either 'row' or 'column' or 'system', but it is {order}.", ) backend = _check_backend(backend) dim = int(np.sqrt(len(state))) if order in ["row", "column"]: order = "C" if order == "row" else "F" state = np.reshape(state, (dim, dim), order=order) else: nqubits = int(np.log2(dim)) axes_old = list(np.arange(0, 2 * nqubits)) state = np.reshape(state, [2] * 2 * nqubits) state = np.transpose(state, axes=axes_old[1::2] + axes_old[0::2]) state = np.reshape(state, [2**nqubits] * 2) state = backend.cast(state, dtype=state.dtype) return state
[docs]def to_choi(channel, order: str = "row", backend=None): """Converts quantum ``channel`` :math:`U` to its Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda`. .. math:: \\Lambda = | U \\rangle\\rangle \\langle\\langle U | \\, , where :math:`| \\cdot \\rangle\\rangle` is the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.vectorization` operation. Args: channel (ndarray): quantum channel. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, vectorization is performed row-wise. If ``"column"``, vectorization is performed column-wise. If ``"system"``, a block-vectorization is performed. Default is ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: quantum channel in its Choi representation. """ channel = vectorization(channel, order=order, backend=backend) channel = np.outer(channel, np.conj(channel)) return channel
[docs]def to_liouville(channel, order: str = "row", backend=None): """Converts quantum ``channel`` :math:`U` to its Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. It uses the Choi representation as an intermediate step. Args: channel (ndarray): quantum channel. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, vectorization is performed row-wise. If ``"column"``, vectorization is performed column-wise. If ``"system"``, a block-vectorization is performed. Default is ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: quantum channel in its Liouville representation. """ channel = to_choi(channel, order=order, backend=backend) channel = _reshuffling(channel, order=order, backend=backend) return channel
[docs]def to_pauli_liouville( channel, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts quantum ``channel`` :math:`U` to its Pauli-Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. It uses the Liouville representation as an intermediate step. Args: channel (ndarray): quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` superoperator is returned in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it is returned in the unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, vectorization is performed row-wise. If ``"column"``, vectorization is performed column-wise. If ``"system"``, a block-vectorization is performed. Default is ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Default is "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: quantum channel in its Pauli-Liouville representation. """ from qibo.quantum_info.basis import comp_basis_to_pauli nqubits = int(np.log2(channel.shape[0])) channel = to_liouville(channel, order=order, backend=backend) unitary = comp_basis_to_pauli( nqubits, normalize, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend ) channel = unitary @ channel @ np.transpose(np.conj(unitary)) return channel
[docs]def to_chi( channel, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts quantum ``channel`` :math:`U` to its :math:`\\chi`-representation. Args: channel (ndarray): quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` superoperator is returned in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it is returned in the unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, vectorization is performed row-wise. If ``"column"``, vectorization is performed column-wise. If ``"system"``, a block-vectorization is performed. Default is ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Default is "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: quantum channel in its :math:`\\chi`-representation. """ channel = to_choi(channel, order=order, backend=backend) channel = liouville_to_pauli( channel, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) return channel
[docs]def choi_to_liouville(choi_super_op, order: str = "row", backend=None): """Converts Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda` of quantum channel to its Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. If ``order="row"``, then: .. math:: \\Lambda_{\\alpha\\beta, \\, \\gamma\\delta} \\mapsto \\Lambda_{\\alpha\\gamma, \\, \\beta\\delta} \\equiv \\mathcal{E} If ``order="column"``, then: .. math:: \\Lambda_{\\alpha\\beta, \\, \\gamma\\delta} \\mapsto \\Lambda_{\\delta\\beta, \\, \\gamma\\alpha} \\equiv \\mathcal{E} Args: choi_super_op: Choi representation of quantum channel. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Liouville representation of quantum channel. """ return _reshuffling(choi_super_op, order=order, backend=backend)
[docs]def choi_to_pauli( choi_super_op, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda` of a quantum channel to its Pauli-Liouville representation. Args: choi_super_op (ndarray): superoperator in the Choi representation. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` superoperator is returned in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it is returned in the unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, it assumes ``choi_super_op`` is in row-vectorization. If ``"column"``, it assumes column-vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: superoperator in the Pauli-Liouville representation. """ super_op = choi_to_liouville(choi_super_op, order, backend=backend) super_op = liouville_to_pauli( super_op, normalize, order, pauli_order, backend=backend ) return super_op
[docs]def choi_to_kraus( choi_super_op, precision_tol: Optional[float] = None, order: str = "row", validate_cp: bool = True, backend=None, ): """Converts Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda` of a quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}` into Kraus operators :math:`\\{ K_{\\alpha} \\}_{\\alpha}`. If :math:`\\mathcal{E}` is a completely positive (CP) map, then .. math:: \\Lambda = \\sum_{\\alpha} \\, \\lambda_{\\alpha}^{2} \\, |\\tilde{K}_{\\alpha}\\rangle\\rangle \\langle\\langle \\tilde{K}_{\\alpha}| \\, . This is the spectral decomposition of :math:`\\Lambda`, Hence, the set :math:`\\{\\lambda_{\\alpha}, \\, \\tilde{K}_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}` is found by diagonalization of :math:`\\Lambda`. The Kraus operators :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}` are defined as .. math:: K_{\\alpha} = \\lambda_{\\alpha} \\, \\text{unvectorization}(|\\tilde{K}_{\\alpha}\\rangle\\rangle) \\, . If :math:`\\mathcal{E}` is not CP, then spectral composition is replaced by a singular value decomposition (SVD), i.e. .. math:: \\Lambda = U \\, S \\, V^{\\dagger} \\, , where :math:`U` is a :math:`d^{2} \\times d^{2}` unitary matrix, :math:`S` is a :math:`d^{2} \\times d^{2}` positive diagonal matrix containing the singular values of :math:`\\Lambda`, and :math:`V` is a :math:`d^{2} \\times d^{2}` unitary matrix. The Kraus coefficients are replaced by the square root of the singular values, and :math:`U` (:math:`V`) determine the left-generalized (right-generalized) Kraus operators. Args: choi_super_op: Choi representation of a quantum channel. precision_tol (float, optional): Precision tolerance for eigenvalues found in the spectral decomposition problem. Any eigenvalue :math:`\\lambda <` ``precision_tol`` is set to 0 (zero). If ``None``, ``precision_tol`` defaults to ``qibo.config.PRECISION_TOL=1e-8``. Defaults to ``None``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. validate_cp (bool, optional): If ``True``, checks if ``choi_super_op`` is a completely positive map. If ``False``, it assumes that ``choi_super_op`` is completely positive (and Hermitian). Defaults to ``True``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: tuple(ndarray, ndarray): The set :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}, \\, \\lambda_{\\alpha} \\}_{\\alpha}` of Kraus operators representing the quantum channel and their respective coefficients. If map is non-CP, then function returns the set :math:`\\{ \\{K_{L}, \\, K_{R}\\}_{\\alpha}, \\, \\lambda_{\\alpha} \\}_{\\alpha}`, with the left- and right-generalized Kraus operators as well as the square root of their corresponding singular values. """ if precision_tol is not None and not isinstance(precision_tol, float): raise_error( TypeError, f"precision_tol must be type float, but it is type {type(precision_tol)}", ) if precision_tol is not None and precision_tol < 0: raise_error( ValueError, f"precision_tol must be a non-negative float, but it is {precision_tol}.", ) if precision_tol is None: # pragma: no cover precision_tol = PRECISION_TOL if not isinstance(validate_cp, bool): raise_error( TypeError, f"validate_cp must be type bool, but it is type {type(validate_cp)}.", ) backend = _check_backend(backend) if validate_cp: norm = float( backend.calculate_norm_density_matrix( choi_super_op - np.transpose(np.conj(choi_super_op)), order=2 ) ) if norm > PRECISION_TOL: non_cp = True else: # using eigh because, in this case, choi_super_op is # *already confirmed* to be Hermitian eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(choi_super_op) eigenvectors = np.transpose(eigenvectors) non_cp = bool(any(eigenvalues < -PRECISION_TOL)) else: non_cp = False # using eigh because, in this case, choi_super_op is # *assumed* to be Hermitian eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(choi_super_op) eigenvectors = np.transpose(eigenvectors) if non_cp: warnings.warn("Input choi_super_op is a non-completely positive map.") # using singular value decomposition because choi_super_op is non-CP U, coefficients, V = np.linalg.svd(choi_super_op) U = np.transpose(U) coefficients = np.sqrt(coefficients) V = np.conj(V) kraus_left, kraus_right = [], [] for coeff, eigenvector_left, eigenvector_right in zip(coefficients, U, V): kraus_left.append( coeff * unvectorization(eigenvector_left, order=order, backend=backend) ) kraus_right.append( coeff * unvectorization(eigenvector_right, order=order, backend=backend) ) kraus_left = backend.cast(kraus_left) kraus_right = backend.cast(kraus_right) kraus_ops = backend.cast([kraus_left, kraus_right]) else: # when choi_super_op is CP kraus_ops, coefficients = [], [] for eig, kraus in zip(eigenvalues, eigenvectors): if np.abs(eig) > precision_tol: eig = np.sqrt(eig) kraus_ops.append( eig * unvectorization(kraus, order=order, backend=backend) ) coefficients.append(eig) kraus_ops = backend.cast(kraus_ops) coefficients = backend.cast(coefficients) return kraus_ops, coefficients
[docs]def choi_to_chi( choi_super_op, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda` of quantum channel to its :math:`\\chi`-matrix representation. .. math:: \\chi = \\text{liouville_to_pauli}(\\Lambda) Args: choi_super_op: Choi representation of a quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Chi-matrix representation of the quantum channel. """ process_matrix = liouville_to_pauli( choi_super_op, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) return process_matrix
[docs]def choi_to_stinespring( choi_super_op, precision_tol: Optional[float] = None, order: str = "row", validate_cp: bool = True, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, initial_state_env=None, backend=None, ): """Converts Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda` of quantum channel to its Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}`. It uses the Kraus representation as an intermediate step. Args: choi_super_op: Choi representation of a quantum channel. precision_tol (float, optional): Precision tolerance for eigenvalues found in the spectral decomposition problem. Any eigenvalue :math:`\\lambda <` ``precision_tol`` is set to 0 (zero). If ``None``, ``precision_tol`` defaults to ``qibo.config.PRECISION_TOL=1e-8``. Defaults to ``None``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. validate_cp (bool, optional): If ``True``, checks if ``choi_super_op`` is a completely positive map. If ``False``, it assumes that ``choi_super_op`` is completely positive (and Hermitian). Defaults to ``True``. nqubits (int, optional): total number of qubits in the system that is interacting with the environment. Must be equal or greater than the number of qubits ``kraus_ops`` acts on. If ``None``, defaults to the number of qubits in ``kraus_ops``. Defauts to ``None``. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Choi representation of quantum channel. """ kraus_ops, _ = choi_to_kraus( choi_super_op, precision_tol=precision_tol, order=order, validate_cp=validate_cp, backend=backend, ) if validate_cp is True and len(kraus_ops.shape) != 3: raise_error( NotImplementedError, "Stinespring representation not implemented for non-completely positive maps.", ) if nqubits is None: nqubits = int(np.log2(kraus_ops[0].shape[0])) nqubits_list = [tuple(range(nqubits)) for _ in range(len(kraus_ops))] kraus_ops = list(zip(nqubits_list, kraus_ops)) stinespring = kraus_to_stinespring( kraus_ops, nqubits=nqubits, initial_state_env=initial_state_env, backend=backend ) return stinespring
[docs]def kraus_to_choi(kraus_ops, order: str = "row", backend=None): """Converts Kraus representation :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}` of quantum channel to its Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda`. .. math:: \\Lambda = \\sum_{\\alpha} \\, |K_{\\alpha}\\rangle\\rangle \\langle\\langle K_{\\alpha}| Args: kraus_ops (list): List of Kraus operators as pairs ``(qubits, Ak)`` where ``qubits`` refers the qubit ids that :math:`A_k` acts on and :math:`A_k` is the corresponding matrix as a ``np.ndarray``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Choi representation of the Kraus channel. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) gates, target_qubits = _set_gate_and_target_qubits(kraus_ops) nqubits = 1 + max(target_qubits) dim = 2**nqubits super_op = np.zeros((dim**2, dim**2), dtype=complex) super_op = backend.cast(super_op, dtype=super_op.dtype) for gate in gates: kraus_op = FusedGate(*range(nqubits)) kraus_op.append(gate) kraus_op = kraus_op.matrix(backend) kraus_op = vectorization(kraus_op, order=order, backend=backend) super_op += np.outer(kraus_op, np.conj(kraus_op)) del kraus_op return super_op
[docs]def kraus_to_liouville(kraus_ops, order: str = "row", backend=None): """Converts from Kraus representation :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}` of quantum channel to its Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. It uses the Choi representation as an intermediate step. .. math:: \\mathcal{E} = \\text{choi_to_liouville}(\\text{kraus_to_choi} (\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha})) Args: kraus_ops (list): List of Kraus operators as pairs ``(qubits, Ak)`` where ``qubits`` refers the qubit ids that :math:`A_k` acts on and :math:`A_k` is the corresponding matrix as a ``np.ndarray``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Liouville representation of quantum channel. """ super_op = kraus_to_choi(kraus_ops, order=order, backend=backend) super_op = choi_to_liouville(super_op, order=order, backend=backend) return super_op
[docs]def kraus_to_pauli( kraus_ops, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Kraus representation :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}` of a quantum channel to its Pauli-Liouville representation. Args: kraus_ops (list): List of Kraus operators as pairs ``(qubits, Ak)`` where ``qubits`` refers the qubit ids that :math:`A_k` acts on and :math:`A_k` is the corresponding matrix as a ``np.ndarray``. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` superoperator is returned in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it is returned in the unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, intermediate step for Choi representation is done in row-vectorization. If ``"column"``, step is done in column-vectorization. If ``"system"``, block-vectorization is performed. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: superoperator in the Pauli-Liouville representation. """ super_op = kraus_to_choi(kraus_ops, order, backend=backend) super_op = choi_to_pauli(super_op, normalize, order, pauli_order, backend=backend) return super_op
[docs]def kraus_to_chi( kraus_ops, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Convert Kraus representation :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}` of quantum channel to its :math:`\\chi`-matrix representation. .. math:: \\chi = \\sum_{\\alpha} \\, |c_{\\alpha}\\rangle\\rangle \\langle\\langle c_{\\alpha}|, where :math:`|c_{\\alpha}\\rangle\\rangle \\cong |K_{\\alpha}\\rangle\\rangle` in Pauli-Liouville basis. Args: kraus_ops (list): List of Kraus operators as pairs ``(qubits, Ak)`` where ``qubits`` refers the qubit ids that :math:`A_k` acts on and :math:`A_k` is the corresponding matrix as a ``np.ndarray``. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements in the Pauli basis. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Chi-matrix representation of the Kraus channel. """ from qibo.quantum_info.basis import comp_basis_to_pauli backend = _check_backend(backend) gates, target_qubits = _set_gate_and_target_qubits(kraus_ops) nqubits = 1 + max(target_qubits) dim = 2**nqubits comp_to_pauli = comp_basis_to_pauli( int(nqubits), normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) super_op = np.zeros((dim**2, dim**2), dtype=complex) super_op = backend.cast(super_op, dtype=super_op.dtype) for gate in gates: kraus_op = FusedGate(*range(nqubits)) kraus_op.append(gate) kraus_op = kraus_op.matrix(backend) kraus_op = vectorization(kraus_op, order=order, backend=backend) kraus_op = comp_to_pauli @ kraus_op super_op += np.outer(kraus_op, np.conj(kraus_op)) del kraus_op return super_op
[docs]def kraus_to_stinespring( kraus_ops, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, initial_state_env=None, backend=None ): """Converts Kraus representation :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}` of quantum channel to its Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}`, i.e. .. math:: U_{0} = \\sum_{\\alpha} \\, K_{\\alpha} \\otimes \\ketbra{\\alpha}{v_{0}} \\, , where :math:`\\ket{v_{0}}` is the initial state of the environment (``initial_state_env``), :math:`D` is the dimension of the environment's Hilbert space, and :math:`\\{\\ket{\\alpha} \\, : \\, \\alpha = 0, 1, \\cdots, D - 1 \\}` is an orthonormal basis for the environment's space. Args: kraus_ops (list): List of Kraus operators as pairs ``(qubits, Ak)`` where ``qubits`` refers the qubit ids that :math:`A_k` acts on and :math:`A_k` is the corresponding matrix as a ``np.ndarray``. nqubits (int, optional): total number of qubits in the system that is interacting with the environment. Must be equal or greater than the number of qubits ``kraus_ops`` acts on. If ``None``, defaults to the number of qubits in ``kraus_ops``. Defauts to ``None``. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Stinespring representation (restricted unitary) of the Kraus channel. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if initial_state_env is not None: if len(initial_state_env) != len(kraus_ops): raise_error( ValueError, "dim of initial_state_env must be equal to the number of Kraus operators.", ) if len(initial_state_env.shape) != 1: raise_error(ValueError, "initial_state_env must be a statevector.") gates, target_qubits = _set_gate_and_target_qubits(kraus_ops) if nqubits is None: nqubits = 1 + max(target_qubits) dim = 2**nqubits dim_env = len(kraus_ops) dim_stinespring = dim * dim_env if initial_state_env is None: initial_state_env = np.zeros(dim_env, dtype=complex) initial_state_env[0] = 1.0 initial_state_env = backend.cast( initial_state_env, dtype=initial_state_env.dtype ) # only utility is for outer product, # so np.conj here to only do it once initial_state_env = np.conj(initial_state_env) stinespring = np.zeros((dim_stinespring, dim_stinespring), dtype=complex) stinespring = backend.cast(stinespring, dtype=stinespring.dtype) for alpha, gate in enumerate(gates): vector_alpha = np.zeros(dim_env, dtype=complex) vector_alpha[alpha] = 1.0 vector_alpha = backend.cast(vector_alpha, dtype=vector_alpha.dtype) kraus_op = FusedGate(*range(nqubits)) kraus_op.append(gate) kraus_op = kraus_op.matrix(backend) kraus_op = backend.cast(kraus_op, dtype=kraus_op.dtype) stinespring += np.kron( kraus_op, np.outer(vector_alpha, initial_state_env), ) del kraus_op, vector_alpha return stinespring
[docs]def liouville_to_choi(super_op, order: str = "row", backend=None): """Converts Liouville representation of quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}` to its Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda`. Indexing :math:`\\mathcal{E}` as :math:`\\mathcal{E}_{\\alpha\\beta, \\, \\gamma\\delta} \\,\\,`, then If ``order="row"``: .. math:: \\Lambda = \\sum_{k, l} \\, \\ketbra{k}{l} \\otimes \\mathcal{E}(\\ketbra{k}{l}) \\equiv \\mathcal{E}_{\\alpha\\gamma, \\, \\beta\\delta} If ``order="column"``, then: .. math:: \\Lambda = \\sum_{k, l} \\, \\mathcal{E}(\\ketbra{k}{l}) \\otimes \\ketbra{k}{l} \\equiv \\mathcal{E}_{\\delta\\beta, \\, \\gamma\\alpha} Args: super_op: Liouville representation of quantum channel. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Choi representation of quantum channel. """ return _reshuffling(super_op, order=order, backend=backend)
[docs]def liouville_to_pauli( super_op, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}` of a quantum channel to its Pauli-Liouville representation. Args: super_op (ndarray): superoperator in the Liouville representation._ normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` superoperator is returned in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it is returned in the unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, it assumes ``super_op`` is in row-vectorization. If ``"column"``, it assumes column-vectorization. If ``"system"``, it assumes block-vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements in the basis. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: superoperator in the Pauli-Liouville representation. """ from qibo.quantum_info.basis import comp_basis_to_pauli backend = _check_backend(backend) dim = int(np.sqrt(len(super_op))) nqubits = int(np.log2(dim)) if ( super_op.shape[0] != super_op.shape[1] or np.mod(dim, 1) != 0 or np.mod(nqubits, 1) != 0 ): raise_error(ValueError, "super_op must be of shape (4^n, 4^n)") comp_to_pauli = comp_basis_to_pauli( nqubits, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) return comp_to_pauli @ super_op @ np.conj(np.transpose(comp_to_pauli))
[docs]def liouville_to_kraus( super_op, precision_tol: Optional[float] = None, order: str = "row", backend=None ): """Converts Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}` of a quantum channel to its Kraus representation :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}`. It uses the Choi representation as an intermediate step. .. math:: \\{K_{\\alpha}, \\, \\lambda_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha} = \\text{choi_to_kraus}(\\text{liouville_to_choi}(\\mathcal{E})) Args: super_op (ndarray): Liouville representation of quantum channel. precision_tol (float, optional): Precision tolerance for eigenvalues found in the spectral decomposition problem. Any eigenvalue :math:`\\lambda < \\text{precision_tol}` is set to 0 (zero). If ``None``, ``precision_tol`` defaults to ``qibo.config.PRECISION_TOL=1e-8``. Defaults to None. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: (ndarray, ndarray): Kraus operators of quantum channel and their respective coefficients. """ choi_super_op = liouville_to_choi(super_op, order=order, backend=backend) kraus_ops, coefficients = choi_to_kraus( choi_super_op, precision_tol, order=order, backend=backend ) return kraus_ops, coefficients
[docs]def liouville_to_chi( super_op, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Liouville representation of quantum channel :math:`\\mathcal{E}` to its :math:`\\chi`-matrix representation. It uses the Choi representation as an intermediate step. .. math:: \\chi = \\text{liouville_to_pauli}(\\text{liouville_to_choi}(\\mathcal{E})) Args: super_op: Liouville representation of quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements in the basis. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Chi-matrix representation of quantum channel. """ choi_super_op = liouville_to_choi(super_op, order=order, backend=backend) process_matrix = liouville_to_pauli( choi_super_op, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) return process_matrix
[docs]def liouville_to_stinespring( super_op, order: str = "row", precision_tol: Optional[float] = None, validate_cp: bool = True, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, initial_state_env=None, backend=None, ): """Converts Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}` of quantum channel to its Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}`. It uses the Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda` as intermediate step. Args: super_op: Liouville representation of quantum channel. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. precision_tol (float, optional): Precision tolerance for eigenvalues found in the spectral decomposition problem. Any eigenvalue :math:`\\lambda <` ``precision_tol`` is set to 0 (zero). If ``None``, ``precision_tol`` defaults to ``qibo.config.PRECISION_TOL=1e-8``. Defaults to ``None``. validate_cp (bool, optional): If ``True``, checks if ``choi_super_op`` is a completely positive map. If ``False``, it assumes that ``choi_super_op`` is completely positive (and Hermitian). Defaults to ``True``. nqubits (int, optional): total number of qubits in the system that is interacting with the environment. Must be equal or greater than the number of qubits ``kraus_ops`` acts on. If ``None``, defaults to the number of qubits in ``kraus_ops``. Defauts to ``None``. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Stinespring representation of quantum channel. """ choi_super_op = liouville_to_choi(super_op, order=order, backend=backend) stinespring = choi_to_stinespring( choi_super_op, precision_tol=precision_tol, order=order, validate_cp=validate_cp, nqubits=nqubits, initial_state_env=initial_state_env, backend=backend, ) return stinespring
[docs]def pauli_to_liouville( pauli_op, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Pauli-Liouville representation of a quantum channel to its Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. Args: pauli_op (ndarray): Pauli-Liouville representation of a quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes ``pauli_op`` is represented in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, returns Liouville representation in row-vectorization. If ``"column"``, returns column-vectorized superoperator. If ``"system"``, superoperator will be in block-vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: superoperator in the Liouville representation. """ from qibo.quantum_info.basis import pauli_to_comp_basis backend = _check_backend(backend) dim = int(np.sqrt(len(pauli_op))) nqubits = int(np.log2(dim)) if ( pauli_op.shape[0] != pauli_op.shape[1] or np.mod(dim, 1) != 0 or np.mod(nqubits, 1) != 0 ): raise_error(ValueError, "pauli_op must be of shape (4^n, 4^n)") pauli_to_comp = pauli_to_comp_basis( nqubits, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) return pauli_to_comp @ pauli_op @ np.conj(np.transpose(pauli_to_comp))
[docs]def pauli_to_choi( pauli_op, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Pauli-Liouville representation of a quantum channel to its Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda`. Args: pauli_op (ndarray): superoperator in the Pauli-Liouville representation. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes ``pauli_op`` is represented in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, returns Choi representation in row-vectorization. If ``"column"``, returns column-vectorized superoperator. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Choi representation of the superoperator. """ super_op = pauli_to_liouville( pauli_op, normalize, order, pauli_order, backend=backend ) super_op = liouville_to_choi(super_op, order, backend=backend) return super_op
[docs]def pauli_to_kraus( pauli_op, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", precision_tol: Optional[float] = None, backend=None, ): """Converts Pauli-Liouville representation of a quantum channel to its Kraus representation :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}`. Args: pauli_op (ndarray): superoperator in the Pauli-Liouville representation. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes ``pauli_op`` is represented in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): vectorization order of the Liouville and Choi intermediate steps. If ``"row"``, row-vectorizationcis used for both representations. If ``"column"``, column-vectorization is used. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". precision_tol (float, optional): Precision tolerance for eigenvalues found in the spectral decomposition problem. Any eigenvalue :math:`\\lambda <` ``precision_tol`` is set to 0 (zero). If ``None``, ``precision_tol`` defaults to ``qibo.config.PRECISION_TOL=1e-8``. Defaults to ``None``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: (ndarray, ndarray): Kraus operators and their coefficients. """ super_op = pauli_to_liouville( pauli_op, normalize, order, pauli_order, backend=backend ) super_op = liouville_to_kraus(super_op, precision_tol, order, backend=backend) return super_op
[docs]def pauli_to_chi( pauli_op, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Pauli-Liouville representation of a quantum channel to its :math:`\\chi`-matrix representation. Args: pauli_op (ndarray): superoperator in the Pauli-Liouville representation. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes ``pauli_op`` is represented in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, returns Choi representation in row-vectorization. If ``"column"``, returns column-vectorized superoperator. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Chi-matrix representation of the quantum channel. """ super_op = pauli_to_liouville( pauli_op, normalize, order, pauli_order, backend=backend ) super_op = liouville_to_chi( super_op, normalize, order, pauli_order, backend=backend ) return super_op
[docs]def pauli_to_stinespring( pauli_op, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", precision_tol: Optional[float] = None, validate_cp: bool = True, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, initial_state_env=None, backend=None, ): """Converts Pauli-Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}_{P}` of quantum channel to its Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}`. It uses the Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}` as intermediate step. Args: pauli_op (ndarray): Pauli-Liouville representation of a quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes ``pauli_op`` is represented in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, returns Liouville representation in row-vectorization. If ``"column"``, returns column-vectorized superoperator. If ``"system"``, superoperator will be in block-vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". precision_tol (float, optional): Precision tolerance for eigenvalues found in the spectral decomposition problem. Any eigenvalue :math:`\\lambda <` ``precision_tol`` is set to 0 (zero). If ``None``, ``precision_tol`` defaults to ``qibo.config.PRECISION_TOL=1e-8``. Defaults to ``None``. validate_cp (bool, optional): If ``True``, checks if ``choi_super_op`` is a completely positive map. If ``False``, it assumes that ``choi_super_op`` is completely positive (and Hermitian). Defaults to ``True``. nqubits (int, optional): total number of qubits in the system that is interacting with the environment. Must be equal or greater than the number of qubits ``kraus_ops`` acts on. If ``None``, defaults to the number of qubits in ``kraus_ops``. Defauts to ``None``. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Stinestring representation of quantum channel. """ super_op = pauli_to_liouville( pauli_op, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) stinespring = liouville_to_stinespring( super_op, order=order, precision_tol=precision_tol, validate_cp=validate_cp, nqubits=nqubits, initial_state_env=initial_state_env, backend=backend, ) return stinespring
[docs]def chi_to_choi( chi_matrix, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Convert the :math:`\\chi`-matrix representation of a quantum channel to its Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda`. .. math:: \\Lambda = \\text{pauli_to_liouville}(\\chi) Args: chi_matrix: Chi-matrix representation of quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Choi representation of quantum channel. """ choi_super_op = pauli_to_liouville( chi_matrix, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) return choi_super_op
[docs]def chi_to_liouville( chi_matrix, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts the :math:`\\chi`-matrix representation of a quantum channel to its Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}`. .. math:: \\mathcal{E} = \\text{pauli_to_liouville}(\\text{choi_to_liouville}(\\chi)) Args: chi_matrix: Chi-matrix representation of quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Liouville representation of quantum channel. """ choi_super_op = pauli_to_liouville( chi_matrix, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) super_op = choi_to_liouville(choi_super_op, order=order, backend=backend) return super_op
[docs]def chi_to_pauli( chi_matrix, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Convert :math:`\\chi`-matrix representation of a quantum channel to its Pauli-Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}_P`. .. math:: \\mathcal{E}_P = \\text{choi_to_pauli}(\\text{chi_to_choi}(\\chi)) Args: chi_matrix: Chi-matrix representation of quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: superoperator in the Pauli-Liouville representation. """ choi_super_op = pauli_to_liouville( chi_matrix, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) super_op = choi_to_pauli( choi_super_op, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) return super_op
[docs]def chi_to_kraus( chi_matrix, normalize: bool = False, precision_tol: Optional[float] = None, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", validate_cp: bool = True, backend=None, ): """Converts the :math:`\\chi`-matrix representation of a quantum channel to its Kraus representation :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}`. .. math:: \\mathcal{E}_P = \\text{choi_to_kraus}(\\text{chi_to_choi}(\\chi)) Args: chi_matrix: Chi-matrix representation of quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. precision_tol (float, optional): Precision tolerance for eigenvalues found in the spectral decomposition problem. Any eigenvalue :math:`\\lambda <` ``precision_tol`` is set to 0 (zero). If ``None``, ``precision_tol`` defaults to ``qibo.config.PRECISION_TOL=1e-8``. Defaults to ``None``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". validate_cp (bool, optional): If ``True``, checks if ``choi_super_op`` is a completely positive map. If ``False``, it assumes that ``choi_super_op`` is completely positive (and Hermitian). Defaults to ``True``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: (ndarray, ndarray): Kraus operators and their coefficients. """ choi_super_op = pauli_to_liouville( chi_matrix, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) kraus_ops, coefficients = choi_to_kraus( choi_super_op, precision_tol=precision_tol, order=order, validate_cp=validate_cp, backend=backend, ) return kraus_ops, coefficients
[docs]def chi_to_stinespring( chi_matrix, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", precision_tol: Optional[float] = None, validate_cp: bool = True, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, initial_state_env=None, backend=None, ): """Converts :math:`\\chi`-representation of quantum channel to its Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}`. It uses the Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda` as intermediate step. Args: chi_matrix: Chi-matrix representation of quantum channel. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". precision_tol (float, optional): Precision tolerance for eigenvalues found in the spectral decomposition problem. Any eigenvalue :math:`\\lambda <` ``precision_tol`` is set to 0 (zero). If ``None``, ``precision_tol`` defaults to ``qibo.config.PRECISION_TOL=1e-8``. Defaults to ``None``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. validate_cp (bool, optional): If ``True``, checks if ``choi_super_op`` is a completely positive map. If ``False``, it assumes that ``choi_super_op`` is completely positive (and Hermitian). Defaults to ``True``. nqubits (int, optional): total number of qubits in the system that is interacting with the environment. Must be equal or greater than the number of qubits ``kraus_ops`` acts on. If ``None``, defaults to the number of qubits in ``kraus_ops``. Defauts to ``None``. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Stinespring representation of quantum channel. """ choi_super_op = chi_to_choi( chi_matrix, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) stinespring = choi_to_stinespring( choi_super_op, precision_tol=precision_tol, order=order, validate_cp=validate_cp, nqubits=nqubits, initial_state_env=initial_state_env, backend=backend, ) return stinespring
[docs]def stinespring_to_choi( stinespring, dim_env: int, initial_state_env=None, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, order: str = "row", backend=None, ): """Converts Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}` of quantum channel to its Choi representation :math:`\\Lambda`. .. math:: \\Lambda = \\text{kraus_to_choi}(\\text{stinespring_to_kraus}(U_{0})) Args: stinespring (ndarray): quantum channel in the Stinespring representation. dim_env (int): dimension of the Hilbert space of the environment. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. nqubits (int, optional): number of qubits in the system. Defaults to ``None``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Choi representation of quantum channel. """ kraus_ops = stinespring_to_kraus( stinespring, dim_env, initial_state_env=initial_state_env, nqubits=nqubits, backend=backend, ) if nqubits is None: nqubits = int(np.log2(kraus_ops[0].shape[0])) nqubits = [tuple(range(nqubits)) for _ in range(len(kraus_ops))] kraus_ops = list(zip(nqubits, kraus_ops)) choi_super_op = kraus_to_choi(kraus_ops, order=order, backend=backend) return choi_super_op
[docs]def stinespring_to_liouville( stinespring, dim_env: int, initial_state_env=None, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, order: str = "row", backend=None, ): """Converts Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}` of quantum channel to its Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}` via Stinespring Dilation, i.e. .. math:: \\mathcal{E} = \\text{kraus_to_liouville}(\\text{stinespring_to_kraus}(U_{0})) Args: stinespring (ndarray): quantum channel in the Stinespring representation. dim_env (int): dimension of the Hilbert space of the environment. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. nqubits (int, optional): number of qubits in the system. Defaults to ``None``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Liouville representation of quantum channel. """ kraus_ops = stinespring_to_kraus( stinespring, dim_env, initial_state_env=initial_state_env, nqubits=nqubits, backend=backend, ) if nqubits is None: nqubits = int(np.log2(kraus_ops[0].shape[0])) nqubits = [tuple(range(nqubits)) for _ in range(len(kraus_ops))] kraus_ops = list(zip(nqubits, kraus_ops)) super_op = kraus_to_liouville(kraus_ops, order=order, backend=backend) return super_op
[docs]def stinespring_to_pauli( stinespring, dim_env: int, initial_state_env=None, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}` of quantum channel to its Pauli-Liouville representation :math:`\\mathcal{E}_{P}` via Stinespring Dilation, i.e. .. math:: \\mathcal{E}_{P} = \\text{kraus_to_pauli}(\\text{stinespring_to_kraus}(U_{0})) Args: stinespring (ndarray): quantum channel in the Stinespring representation. dim_env (int): dimension of the Hilbert space of the environment. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. nqubits (int, optional): number of qubits in the system. Defaults to ``None``. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` superoperator is returned in the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it is returned in the unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, intermediate step for Choi representation is done in row-vectorization. If ``"column"``, step is done in column-vectorization. If ``"system"``, block-vectorization is performed. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Pauli-Liouville representation of quantum channel. """ kraus_ops = stinespring_to_kraus( stinespring, dim_env, initial_state_env=initial_state_env, nqubits=nqubits, backend=backend, ) if nqubits is None: nqubits = int(np.log2(kraus_ops[0].shape[0])) nqubits = [tuple(range(nqubits)) for _ in range(len(kraus_ops))] kraus_ops = list(zip(nqubits, kraus_ops)) super_op_pauli = kraus_to_pauli( kraus_ops, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) return super_op_pauli
[docs]def stinespring_to_kraus( stinespring, dim_env: int, initial_state_env=None, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, backend=None, ): """Converts the Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}` of quantum channel to its Kraus representation :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}`, i.e. .. math:: K_{\\alpha} := \\bra{\\alpha} \\, U_{0} \\, \\ket{v_{0}} \\, , where :math:`\\ket{v_{0}}` is the initial state of the environment (``initial_state_env``), :math:`D` is the dimension of the environment's Hilbert space, and :math:`\\{\\ket{\\alpha} \\, : \\, \\alpha = 0, 1, \\cdots, D - 1 \\}` is an orthonormal basis for the environment's Hilbert space. Note that :math:`\\text{dim}(\\ket{\\alpha}) = \\text{dim}(\\ket{v_{0}}) = D`, while :math:`\\text{dim}(U) = 2^{n} \\, D`, where :math:`n` is `nqubits`. Args: stinespring (ndarray): quantum channel in the Stinespring representation. dim_env (int): dimension of the Hilbert space of the environment. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. nqubits (int, optional): number of qubits in the system. Defaults to ``None``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Kraus operators. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if isinstance(dim_env, int) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"dim_env must be type int, but it is type {type(dim_env)}." ) if dim_env <= 0: raise_error(ValueError, "dim_env must be a positive integer.") if initial_state_env is not None and len(initial_state_env.shape) != 1: raise_error(ValueError, "initial_state_env must be a statevector.") if nqubits is not None: if isinstance(nqubits, int) is False: raise_error( TypeError, f"nqubits must be type int, but it is type {type(nqubits)}." ) if nqubits <= 0: raise_error(ValueError, "nqubits must be a positive integer.") dim_stinespring = stinespring.shape[0] if nqubits is None: nqubits = int(np.log2(dim_stinespring / dim_env)) dim = 2**nqubits if dim * dim_env != dim_stinespring: raise_error( ValueError, "Dimensions do not match. dim(`stinespring`) must be equal to `dim_env` * 2**nqubits.", ) if initial_state_env is None: initial_state_env = np.zeros(dim_env, dtype=complex) initial_state_env[0] = 1.0 initial_state_env = backend.cast( initial_state_env, dtype=initial_state_env.dtype ) stinespring = np.reshape(stinespring, (dim, dim_env, dim, dim_env)) stinespring = np.swapaxes(stinespring, 1, 2) kraus_ops = [] for alpha in range(dim_env): vector_alpha = np.zeros(dim_env, dtype=complex) vector_alpha[alpha] = 1.0 vector_alpha = backend.cast(vector_alpha, dtype=vector_alpha.dtype) kraus = np.conj(vector_alpha) @ stinespring @ initial_state_env kraus_ops.append(kraus) return kraus_ops
[docs]def stinespring_to_chi( stinespring, dim_env: int, initial_state_env=None, nqubits: Optional[int] = None, normalize: bool = False, order: str = "row", pauli_order: str = "IXYZ", backend=None, ): """Converts Stinespring representation :math:`U_{0}` of quantum channel to its :math:`\\chi`-matrix representation via Stinespring Dilation, i.e. .. math:: \\chi = \\text{kraus_to_chi}(\\text{stinespring_to_kraus}(U_{0})) Args: stinespring (ndarray): quantum channel in the Stinespring representation. dim_env (int): dimension of the Hilbert space of the environment. initial_state_env (ndarray, optional): statevector representing the initial state of the enviroment. If ``None``, it assumes the environment in its ground state. Defaults to ``None``. nqubits (int, optional): number of qubits in the system. Defaults to ``None``. normalize (bool, optional): If ``True`` assumes the normalized Pauli basis. If ``False``, it assumes unnormalized Pauli basis. Defaults to ``False``. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. pauli_order (str, optional): corresponds to the order of 4 single-qubit Pauli elements in the Pauli basis. Defaults to "IXYZ". backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: :math:`\\chi`-representation of quantum channel. """ kraus_ops = stinespring_to_kraus( stinespring, dim_env, initial_state_env=initial_state_env, nqubits=nqubits, backend=backend, ) if nqubits is None: nqubits = int(np.log2(kraus_ops[0].shape[0])) nqubits = [tuple(range(nqubits)) for _ in range(len(kraus_ops))] kraus_ops = list(zip(nqubits, kraus_ops)) chi_super_op = kraus_to_chi( kraus_ops, normalize=normalize, order=order, pauli_order=pauli_order, backend=backend, ) return chi_super_op
[docs]def kraus_to_unitaries( kraus_ops, order: str = "row", precision_tol: Optional[float] = None, backend=None ): """Tries to convert Kraus operators into a probabilistc sum of unitaries. Given a set of Kraus operators :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}`, returns an ensemble :math:`\\{U_{\\alpha}, p_{\\alpha}\\}` that defines an :class:`qibo.gates.channels.UnitaryChannel` that approximates the original channel up to a precision tolerance in Frobenius norm. Args: kraus_ops (list): List of Kraus operators as pairs ``(qubits, Ak)`` where ``qubits`` refers the qubit ids that :math:`A_k` acts on and :math:`A_k` is the corresponding matrix as a ``np.ndarray``. order (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to "row". precision_tol (float, optional): Precision tolerance for the minimization of the Frobenius norm :math:`\\| \\mathcal{E}_{K} - \\mathcal{E}_{U} \\|_{F}`, where :math:`\\mathcal{E}_{K}` is the Liouville representation of the Kraus channel :math:`\\{K_{\\alpha}\\}_{\\alpha}`, and :math:`\\mathcal{E}_{U}` is the Liouville representaton of the :class:`qibo.gates.channels.UnitaryChannel` that best approximates the original channel. If ``None``, ``precision_tol`` defaults to ``1e-7``. Defaults to ``None``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: (ndarray, ndarray): Unitary operators and their associated probabilities. """ if precision_tol is None: precision_tol = 10 * PRECISION_TOL else: if not isinstance(precision_tol, float): raise_error( TypeError, f"precision_tol must be type float, but it is type {type(precision_tol)}.", ) if precision_tol < 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "precision_tol must be non-negative.") backend = _check_backend(backend) target_qubits = [q for q, _ in kraus_ops] nqubits = 1 + np.max(target_qubits) dim = 2**nqubits target = kraus_to_liouville(kraus_ops, order=order, backend=backend) # QR decomposition unitaries = [] for _, kraus in kraus_ops: Q, _ = np.linalg.qr(kraus) unitaries.append(Q) # unitaries = np.array(unitaries) # unitaries = backend.cast(unitaries) # unitaries in Liouville representation unitaries_liouville = _individual_kraus_to_liouville( list(zip(target_qubits, unitaries)), backend=backend ) # function to minimize def function(x0, operators): operator = (1 - np.sum(x0)) * np.eye(dim**2, dtype=complex) operator = backend.cast(operator, dtype=operator.dtype) for prob, oper in zip(x0, operators): operator += prob * oper return float(backend.calculate_norm_density_matrix(target - operator, order=2)) # initial parameters as flat distribution x0 = [1.0 / (len(kraus_ops) + 1)] * len(kraus_ops) # final parameters probabilities = minimize( function, x0, args=(unitaries_liouville), options={"return_all": True}, )["x"] final_norm = function(probabilities, unitaries_liouville) if final_norm > precision_tol: warnings.warn( f"precision in Frobenius norm of {final_norm} is greater then set " + f"precision_tol of {precision_tol}.", Warning, ) return unitaries, probabilities
def _reshuffling(super_op, order: str = "row", backend=None): """Reshuffling operation used to convert Lioville representation of quantum channels to their Choi representation (and vice-versa). For an operator :math:`A` with dimensions :math:`d^{2} \\times d^{2}`, the reshuffling operation consists of reshaping :math:`A` as a 4-dimensional tensor, swapping two axes, and reshaping back to a :math:`d^{2} \\times d^{2}` matrix. If ``order="row"``, then: .. math:: A_{\\alpha\\beta, \\, \\gamma\\delta} \\mapsto A_{\\alpha, \\, \\beta, \\, \\gamma, \\, \\delta} \\mapsto A_{\\alpha, \\, \\gamma, \\, \\beta, \\, \\delta} \\mapsto A_{\\alpha\\gamma, \\, \\beta\\delta} If ``order="column"``, then: .. math:: A_{\\alpha\\beta, \\, \\gamma\\delta} \\mapsto A_{\\alpha, \\, \\beta, \\, \\gamma, \\, \\delta} \\mapsto A_{\\delta, \\, \\beta, \\, \\gamma, \\, \\alpha} \\mapsto A_{\\delta\\beta, \\, \\gamma\\alpha} Args: super_op (ndarray): Liouville (Choi) representation of a quantum channel. order (str, optional): If ``"row"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to row-wise vectorization. If ``"column"``, reshuffling is performed with respect to column-wise vectorization. If ``"system"``, operator is converted to a representation based on row vectorization, reshuffled, and then converted back to its representation with respect to system-wise vectorization. Defaults to ``"row"``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: ndarray: Choi (Liouville) representation of the quantum channel. """ if not isinstance(order, str): raise_error(TypeError, f"order must be type str, but it is type {type(order)}.") orders = ["row", "column", "system"] if order not in orders: raise_error( ValueError, f"order must be either 'row' or 'column' or 'system', but it is {order}.", ) del orders if order == "system": raise_error( NotImplementedError, "reshuffling not implemented for system vectorization." ) backend = _check_backend(backend) dim = np.sqrt(super_op.shape[0]) if ( super_op.shape[0] != super_op.shape[1] or np.mod(dim, 1) != 0 or np.mod(np.log2(int(dim)), 1) != 0 ): raise_error(ValueError, "super_op must be of shape (4^n, 4^n)") dim = int(dim) super_op = np.reshape(super_op, [dim] * 4) axes = [1, 2] if order == "row" else [0, 3] super_op = np.swapaxes(super_op, *axes) super_op = np.reshape(super_op, [dim**2, dim**2]) super_op = backend.cast(super_op, dtype=super_op.dtype) return super_op def _set_gate_and_target_qubits(kraus_ops): # pragma: no cover """Returns Kraus operators as a set of gates acting on their respective ``target qubits``. Args: kraus_ops (list): List of Kraus operators as pairs ``(qubits, Ak)`` where ``qubits`` refers the qubit ids that :math:`A_k` acts on and :math:`A_k` is the corresponding matrix as a ``np.ndarray``. Returns: (tuple, tuple): gates and their respective target qubits. """ if isinstance(kraus_ops[0], Gate): gates = tuple(kraus_ops) target_qubits = tuple( sorted({q for gate in kraus_ops for q in gate.target_qubits}) ) else: gates, qubitset = [], set() for qubits, matrix in kraus_ops: rank = 2 ** len(qubits) shape = tuple(matrix.shape) if shape != (rank, rank): raise_error( ValueError, f"Invalid Kraus operator shape {shape} for " + f"acting on {len(qubits)} qubits.", ) qubitset.update(qubits) gates.append(Unitary(matrix, *list(qubits))) gates = tuple(gates) target_qubits = tuple(sorted(qubitset)) return gates, target_qubits def _individual_kraus_to_liouville( kraus_ops, order: str = "row", backend=None ): # pragma: no cover """Auxiliary, modified version of :func:`qibo.quantum_info.kraus_to_choi` to be used in :func:`qibo.quantum_info.kraus_to_unitaries`. In principle, this should be not be accessible to users. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) gates, target_qubits = _set_gate_and_target_qubits(kraus_ops) nqubits = 1 + max(target_qubits) super_ops = [] for gate in gates: kraus_op = FusedGate(*range(nqubits)) kraus_op.append(gate) kraus_op = kraus_op.matrix(backend) kraus_op = vectorization(kraus_op, order=order, backend=backend) kraus_op = np.outer(kraus_op, np.conj(kraus_op)) super_ops.append(choi_to_liouville(kraus_op, order=order, backend=backend)) return super_ops