Source code for qibo.quantum_info.entropies

"""Submodule with entropy measures."""

from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import fractional_matrix_power

from qibo.backends import _check_backend
from qibo.config import PRECISION_TOL, raise_error
from qibo.quantum_info.metrics import _check_hermitian_or_not_gpu, purity

[docs]def shannon_entropy(prob_dist, base: float = 2, backend=None): """Calculate the Shannon entropy of a probability array :math:`\\mathbf{p}`, which is given by .. math:: H(\\mathbf{p}) = - \\sum_{k = 0}^{d^{2} - 1} \\, p_{k} \\, \\log_{b}(p_{k}) \\, , where :math:`d = \\text{dim}(\\mathcal{H})` is the dimension of the Hilbert space :math:`\\mathcal{H}`, :math:`b` is the log base (default 2), and :math:`0 \\log_{b}(0) \\equiv 0`. Args: prob_dist (ndarray or list): a probability array :math:`\\mathbf{p}`. base (float): the base of the log. Defaults to :math:`2`. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: (float): Shannon entropy :math:`H(\\mathcal{p})`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if isinstance(prob_dist, list): # np.float64 is necessary instead of native float because of tensorflow prob_dist = backend.cast(prob_dist, dtype=np.float64) if base <= 0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if len(prob_dist.shape) != 1: raise_error( TypeError, f"Probability array must have dims (k,) but it has {prob_dist.shape}.", ) if len(prob_dist) == 0: raise_error(TypeError, "Empty array.") if any(prob_dist < 0) or any(prob_dist > 1.0): raise_error( ValueError, "All elements of the probability array must be between 0. and 1..", ) total_sum = if np.abs(total_sum - 1.0) > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(ValueError, "Probability array must sum to 1.") log_prob = np.where(prob_dist != 0, np.log2(prob_dist) / np.log2(base), 0.0) shan_entropy = * log_prob) # absolute value if entropy == 0.0 to avoid returning -0.0 shan_entropy = np.abs(shan_entropy) if shan_entropy == 0.0 else shan_entropy return complex(shan_entropy).real
[docs]def classical_relative_entropy(prob_dist_p, prob_dist_q, base: float = 2, backend=None): """Calculates the relative entropy between two discrete probability distributions. For probabilities :math:`\\mathbf{p}` and :math:`\\mathbf{q}`, it is defined as ..math:: D(\\mathbf{p} \\, \\| \\, \\mathbf{q}) = \\sum_{x} \\, \\mathbf{p}(x) \\, \\log\\left( \\frac{\\mathbf{p}(x)}{\\mathbf{q}(x)} \\right) \\, . The classical relative entropy is also known as the `Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence <>`_. Args: prob_dist_p (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`p`. prob_dist_q (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`q`. base (float): the base of the log. Defaults to :math:`2`. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Classical relative entropy between :math:`\\mathbf{p}` and :math:`\\mathbf{q}`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if isinstance(prob_dist_p, list): # np.float64 is necessary instead of native float because of tensorflow prob_dist_p = backend.cast(prob_dist_p, dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(prob_dist_q, list): # np.float64 is necessary instead of native float because of tensorflow prob_dist_q = backend.cast(prob_dist_q, dtype=np.float64) if (len(prob_dist_p.shape) != 1) or (len(prob_dist_q.shape) != 1): raise_error( TypeError, "Probability arrays must have dims (k,) but have " + f"dims {prob_dist_p.shape} and {prob_dist_q.shape}.", ) if (len(prob_dist_p) == 0) or (len(prob_dist_q) == 0): raise_error(TypeError, "At least one of the arrays is empty.") if base <= 0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if (any(prob_dist_p < 0) or any(prob_dist_p > 1.0)) or ( any(prob_dist_q < 0) or any(prob_dist_q > 1.0) ): raise_error( ValueError, "All elements of the probability array must be between 0. and 1..", ) total_sum_p = total_sum_q = if np.abs(total_sum_p - 1.0) > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(ValueError, "First probability array must sum to 1.") if np.abs(total_sum_q - 1.0) > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(ValueError, "Second probability array must sum to 1.") entropy_p = -1 * shannon_entropy(prob_dist_p, base=base, backend=backend) log_prob_q = np.where( prob_dist_q != 0.0, np.log2(prob_dist_q) / np.log2(base), -np.inf ) log_prob = np.where(prob_dist_p != 0.0, log_prob_q, 0.0) relative = * log_prob) return entropy_p - relative
[docs]def classical_renyi_entropy( prob_dist, alpha: Union[float, int], base: float = 2, backend=None ): """Calculates the classical Rényi entropy :math:`H_{\\alpha}` of a discrete probability distribution. For :math:`\\alpha \\in (0, \\, 1) \\cup (1, \\, \\infty)` and probability distribution :math:`\\mathbf{p}`, the classical Rényi entropy is defined as .. math:: H_{\\alpha}(\\mathbf{p}) = \\frac{1}{1 - \\alpha} \\, \\log\\left( \\sum_{x} \\, \\mathbf{p}^{\\alpha}(x) \\right) \\, . A special case is the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to 1`, in which the classical Rényi entropy coincides with the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.entropies.shannon_entropy`. Another special case is the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to 0`, where the function is reduced to :math:`\\log\\left(|\\mathbf{p}|\\right)`, with :math:`|\\mathbf{p}|` being the support of :math:`\\mathbf{p}`. This is known as the `Hartley entropy <>`_ (also known as *Hartley function* or *max-entropy*). In the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to \\infty`, the function reduces to :math:`-\\log(\\max_{x}(\\mathbf{p}(x)))`, which is called the `min-entropy <>`_. Args: prob_dist (ndarray): discrete probability distribution. alpha (float or int): order of the Rényi entropy. base (float): the base of the log. Defaults to :math:`2`. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Classical Rényi entropy :math:`H_{\\alpha}`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if isinstance(prob_dist, list): # np.float64 is necessary instead of native float because of tensorflow prob_dist = backend.cast(prob_dist, dtype=np.float64) if not isinstance(alpha, (float, int)): raise_error( TypeError, f"alpha must be type float, but it is type {type(alpha)}." ) if alpha < 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "alpha must a non-negative float.") if base <= 0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if len(prob_dist.shape) != 1: raise_error( TypeError, f"Probability array must have dims (k,) but it has {prob_dist.shape}.", ) if len(prob_dist) == 0: raise_error(TypeError, "Empty array.") if any(prob_dist < 0) or any(prob_dist > 1.0): raise_error( ValueError, "All elements of the probability array must be between 0. and 1..", ) total_sum = if np.abs(total_sum - 1.0) > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(ValueError, "Probability array must sum to 1.") if alpha == 0.0: return np.log2(len(prob_dist)) / np.log2(base) if alpha == 1.0: return shannon_entropy(prob_dist, base=base, backend=backend) if alpha == np.inf: return -1 * np.log2(max(prob_dist)) / np.log2(base) total_sum =**alpha) renyi_ent = (1 / (1 - alpha)) * np.log2(total_sum) / np.log2(base) return renyi_ent
[docs]def classical_relative_renyi_entropy( prob_dist_p, prob_dist_q, alpha: Union[float, int], base: float = 2, backend=None ): """Calculates the classical relative Rényi entropy between two discrete probability distributions. This function is also known as `Rényi divergence <>`_. For :math:`\\alpha \\in (0, \\, 1) \\cup (1, \\, \\infty)` and probability distributions :math:`\\mathbf{p}` and :math:`\\mathbf{q}`, the classical relative Rényi entropy is defined as .. math:: H_{\\alpha}(\\mathbf{p} \\, \\| \\, \\mathbf{q}) = \\frac{1}{\\alpha - 1} \\, \\log\\left( \\sum_{x} \\, \\frac{\\mathbf{p}^{\\alpha}(x)} {\\mathbf{q}^{\\alpha - 1}(x)} \\right) \\, . A special case is the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to 1`, in which the classical Rényi divergence coincides with the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.entropies.classical_relative_entropy`. Another special case is the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to 1/2`, where the function is reduced to :math:`-2 \\log\\left(\\sum_{x} \\, \\sqrt{\\mathbf{p}(x) \\, \\mathbf{q}(x)} \\right)`. The sum inside the :math:`\\log` is known as the `Bhattacharyya coefficient <>`_. In the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to \\infty`, the function reduces to :math:`\\log(\\max_{x}(\\mathbf{p}(x) \\, \\mathbf{q}(x))`. Args: prob_dist_p (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`p`. prob_dist_q (ndarray or list): discrete probability distribution :math:`q`. alpha (float or int): order of the Rényi entropy. base (float): the base of the log. Defaults to :math:`2`. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Classical relative Rényi entropy :math:`H_{\\alpha}(\\mathbf{p} \\, \\| \\, \\mathbf{q})`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if isinstance(prob_dist_p, list): # np.float64 is necessary instead of native float because of tensorflow prob_dist_p = backend.cast(prob_dist_p, dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(prob_dist_q, list): # np.float64 is necessary instead of native float because of tensorflow prob_dist_q = backend.cast(prob_dist_q, dtype=np.float64) if (len(prob_dist_p.shape) != 1) or (len(prob_dist_q.shape) != 1): raise_error( TypeError, "Probability arrays must have dims (k,) but have " + f"dims {prob_dist_p.shape} and {prob_dist_q.shape}.", ) if (len(prob_dist_p) == 0) or (len(prob_dist_q) == 0): raise_error(TypeError, "At least one of the arrays is empty.") if not isinstance(alpha, (float, int)): raise_error( TypeError, f"alpha must be type float, but it is type {type(alpha)}." ) if alpha < 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "alpha must a non-negative float.") if base <= 0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if (any(prob_dist_p < 0) or any(prob_dist_p > 1.0)) or ( any(prob_dist_q < 0) or any(prob_dist_q > 1.0) ): raise_error( ValueError, "All elements of the probability array must be between 0. and 1..", ) total_sum_p = total_sum_q = if np.abs(total_sum_p - 1.0) > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(ValueError, "First probability array must sum to 1.") if np.abs(total_sum_q - 1.0) > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(ValueError, "Second probability array must sum to 1.") if alpha == 0.5: total_sum = np.sqrt(prob_dist_p * prob_dist_q) total_sum = return -2 * np.log2(total_sum) / np.log2(base) if alpha == 1.0: return classical_relative_entropy( prob_dist_p, prob_dist_q, base=base, backend=backend ) if alpha == np.inf: return np.log2(max(prob_dist_p / prob_dist_q)) / np.log2(base) prob_p = prob_dist_p**alpha prob_q = prob_dist_q ** (1 - alpha) total_sum = * prob_q) return (1 / (alpha - 1)) * np.log2(total_sum) / np.log2(base)
[docs]def classical_tsallis_entropy(prob_dist, alpha: float, base: float = 2, backend=None): """Calculates the classical Tsallis entropy for a discrete probability distribution. This is defined as .. math:: S_{\\alpha}(\\mathbf{p}) = \\frac{1}{\\alpha - 1} \\, \\left(1 - \\sum_{x} \\, \\mathbf{p}^{\\alpha}(x) \\right) Args: prob_dist (ndarray): discrete probability distribution. alpha (float or int): entropic index. base (float): the base of the log. Used when ``alpha=1.0``. Defaults to :math:`2`. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Classical Tsallis entropy :math:`S_{\\alpha}(\\mathbf{p})`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if isinstance(prob_dist, list): # np.float64 is necessary instead of native float because of tensorflow prob_dist = backend.cast(prob_dist, dtype=np.float64) if not isinstance(alpha, (float, int)): raise_error( TypeError, f"alpha must be type float, but it is type {type(alpha)}." ) if alpha < 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "alpha must a non-negative float.") if base <= 0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if len(prob_dist.shape) != 1: raise_error( TypeError, f"Probability array must have dims (k,) but it has {prob_dist.shape}.", ) if len(prob_dist) == 0: raise_error(TypeError, "Empty array.") if any(prob_dist < 0) or any(prob_dist > 1.0): raise_error( ValueError, "All elements of the probability array must be between 0. and 1..", ) total_sum = if np.abs(total_sum - 1.0) > PRECISION_TOL: raise_error(ValueError, "Probability array must sum to 1.") if alpha == 1.0: return shannon_entropy(prob_dist, base=base, backend=backend) total_sum = prob_dist**alpha total_sum = return (1 / (1 - alpha)) * (total_sum - 1)
[docs]def von_neumann_entropy( state, base: float = 2, check_hermitian: bool = False, return_spectrum: bool = False, backend=None, ): """Calculates the von-Neumann entropy :math:`S(\\rho)` of a quantum ``state`` :math:`\\rho`. It is given by .. math:: S(\\rho) = - \\text{tr}\\left[\\rho \\, \\log(\\rho)\\right] Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. base (float, optional): the base of the log. Defaults to :math:`2`. check_hermitian (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if ``state`` is Hermitian. If ``False``, it assumes ``state`` is Hermitian . Defaults to ``False``. return_spectrum: if ``True``, returns ``entropy`` and :math:`-\\log_{\\textup{b}}(\\textup{eigenvalues})`, where :math:`b` is ``base``. If ``False``, returns only ``entropy``. Default is ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: The von-Neumann entropy :math:`S` of ``state`` :math:`\\rho`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if ( (len(state.shape) >= 3) or (len(state) == 0) or (len(state.shape) == 2 and state.shape[0] != state.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"state must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {state.shape}.", ) if base <= 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if not isinstance(check_hermitian, bool): raise_error( TypeError, f"check_hermitian must be type bool, but it is type {type(check_hermitian)}.", ) if purity(state) == 1.0: if return_spectrum: return 0.0, backend.cast([1.0], dtype=float) return 0.0 if not check_hermitian or _check_hermitian_or_not_gpu(state, backend=backend): eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvalsh(state) else: eigenvalues = np.linalg.eigvals(state) log_prob = np.where(eigenvalues > 0, np.log2(eigenvalues) / np.log2(base), 0.0) ent = -np.sum(eigenvalues * log_prob) # absolute value if entropy == 0.0 to avoid returning -0.0 ent = np.abs(ent) if ent == 0.0 else ent ent = float(ent) if return_spectrum: log_prob = backend.cast(log_prob, dtype=log_prob.dtype) return ent, -log_prob return ent
[docs]def relative_von_neumann_entropy( state, target, base: float = 2, check_hermitian: bool = False, backend=None ): """Calculates the relative entropy :math:`S(\\rho \\, \\| \\, \\sigma)` between ``state`` :math:`\\rho` and ``target`` :math:`\\sigma`. It is given by .. math:: S(\\rho \\, \\| \\, \\sigma) = \\text{tr}\\left[\\rho \\, \\log(\\rho)\\right] - \\text{tr}\\left[\\rho \\, \\log(\\sigma)\\right] Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix :math:`\\rho`. target (ndarray): statevector or density matrix :math:`\\sigma`. base (float, optional): the base of the log. Defaults to :math:`2`. check_hermitian (bool, optional): If ``True``, checks if ``state`` is Hermitian. If ``False``, it assumes ``state`` is Hermitian . Defaults to ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Relative (von-Neumann) entropy :math:`S(\\rho \\, \\| \\, \\sigma)`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if ( (len(state.shape) >= 3) or (len(state) == 0) or (len(state.shape) == 2 and state.shape[0] != state.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"state must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {state.shape}.", ) if ( (len(target.shape) >= 3) or (len(target) == 0) or (len(target.shape) == 2 and target.shape[0] != target.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"target must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {target.shape}.", ) if base <= 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if not isinstance(check_hermitian, bool): raise_error( TypeError, f"check_hermitian must be type bool, but it is type {type(check_hermitian)}.", ) if purity(state) == 1.0 and purity(target) == 1.0: return 0.0 if len(state.shape) == 1: state = np.outer(state, np.conj(state)) if len(target.shape) == 1: target = np.outer(target, np.conj(target)) if not check_hermitian or _check_hermitian_or_not_gpu(state, backend=backend): eigenvalues_state = np.linalg.eigvalsh(state) else: eigenvalues_state = np.linalg.eigvals(state) if not check_hermitian or _check_hermitian_or_not_gpu(target, backend=backend): eigenvalues_target = np.linalg.eigvalsh(target) else: eigenvalues_target = np.linalg.eigvals(target) log_state = np.where( eigenvalues_state > 0, np.log2(eigenvalues_state) / np.log2(base), 0.0 ) log_target = np.where( eigenvalues_target > 0, np.log2(eigenvalues_target) / np.log2(base), -np.inf ) log_target = np.where(eigenvalues_state != 0.0, log_target, 0.0) entropy_state = np.sum(eigenvalues_state * log_state) relative = np.sum(eigenvalues_state * log_target) return float(entropy_state - relative)
[docs]def renyi_entropy(state, alpha: Union[float, int], base: float = 2, backend=None): """Calculates the Rényi entropy :math:`H_{\\alpha}` of a quantum state :math:`\\rho`. For :math:`\\alpha \\in (0, \\, 1) \\cup (1, \\, \\infty)`, the Rényi entropy is defined as .. math:: H_{\\alpha}(\\rho) = \\frac{1}{1 - \\alpha} \\, \\log\\left( \\rho^{\\alpha} \\right) \\, . A special case is the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to 1`, in which the Rényi entropy coincides with the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.entropies.entropy`. Another special case is the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to 0`, where the function is reduced to :math:`\\log\\left(d\\right)`, with :math:`d = 2^{n}` being the dimension of the Hilbert space in which ``state`` :math:`\\rho` lives in. This is known as the `Hartley entropy <>`_ (also known as *Hartley function* or *max-entropy*). In the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to \\infty`, the function reduces to :math:`-\\log(\\|\\rho\\|_{\\infty})`, with :math:`\\|\\cdot\\|_{\\infty}` being the `spectral norm <>`_. This is known as the `min-entropy <>`_. Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. alpha (float or int): order of the Rényi entropy. base (float): the base of the log. Defaults to :math:`2`. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Rényi entropy :math:`H_{\\alpha}`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if ( (len(state.shape) >= 3) or (len(state) == 0) or (len(state.shape) == 2 and state.shape[0] != state.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"state must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {state.shape}.", ) if not isinstance(alpha, (float, int)): raise_error( TypeError, f"alpha must be type float, but it is type {type(alpha)}." ) if alpha < 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "alpha must a non-negative float.") if base <= 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if abs(purity(state) - 1.0) < PRECISION_TOL: return 0.0 if alpha == 0.0: return np.log2(len(state)) / np.log2(base) if alpha == 1.0: return von_neumann_entropy(state, base=base, backend=backend) if alpha == np.inf: return ( -1 * np.log2(backend.calculate_norm_density_matrix(state, order=2)) / np.log2(base) ) log = np.log2(np.trace(_matrix_power(state, alpha, backend))) return (1 / (1 - alpha)) * log / np.log2(base)
[docs]def relative_renyi_entropy( state, target, alpha: Union[float, int], base: float = 2, backend=None ): """Calculates the relative Rényi entropy between two quantum states. For :math:`\\alpha \\in (0, \\, 1) \\cup (1, \\, \\infty)` and quantum states :math:`\\rho` and :math:`\\sigma`, the relative Rényi entropy is defined as .. math:: H_{\\alpha}(\\rho \\, \\| \\, \\sigma) = \\frac{1}{\\alpha - 1} \\, \\log\\left( \\textup{tr}\\left( \\rho^{\\alpha} \\, \\sigma^{1 - \\alpha} \\right) \\right) \\, . A special case is the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to 1`, in which the Rényi entropy coincides with the :func:`qibo.quantum_info.entropies.relative_entropy`. In the limit :math:`\\alpha \\to \\infty`, the function reduces to :math:`-2 \\, \\log(\\|\\sqrt{\\rho} \\, \\sqrt{\\sigma}\\|_{1})`, with :math:`\\|\\cdot\\|_{1}` being the `Schatten 1-norm <>`_. This is known as the `min-relative entropy <>`_. .. note:: Function raises ``NotImplementedError`` when ``target`` :math:`sigma` is a pure state and :math:`\\alpha > 1`. This is due to the fact that it is not possible to calculate :math:`\\sigma^{1 - \\alpha}` when :math:`\\alpha > 1` and :math:`\\sigma` is a projector, i.e. a singular matrix. Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix :math:`\\rho`. target (ndarray): statevector or density matrix :math:`\\sigma`. alpha (float or int): order of the Rényi entropy. base (float): the base of the log. Defaults to :math:`2`. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Relative Rényi entropy :math:`H_{\\alpha}(\\rho \\, \\| \\, \\sigma)`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if ( (len(state.shape) >= 3) or (len(state) == 0) or (len(state.shape) == 2 and state.shape[0] != state.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"state must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {state.shape}.", ) if ( (len(target.shape) >= 3) or (len(target) == 0) or (len(target.shape) == 2 and target.shape[0] != target.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"target must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {target.shape}.", ) if not isinstance(alpha, (float, int)): raise_error( TypeError, f"alpha must be type float, but it is type {type(alpha)}." ) if alpha < 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "alpha must a non-negative float.") if base <= 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") purity_target = purity(target) if ( abs(purity(state) - 1.0) < PRECISION_TOL and abs(purity_target - 1) < PRECISION_TOL ): return 0.0 if alpha > 1.0 and abs(purity_target - 1) < PRECISION_TOL: raise_error( NotImplementedError, "It is not possible to invert a singular matrix. ``target`` is a pure state and alpha > 1.", ) if len(state.shape) == 1: state = np.outer(state, np.conj(state)) if alpha == 1.0: return relative_von_neumann_entropy(state, target, base, backend=backend) if alpha == np.inf: new_state = _matrix_power(state, 0.5, backend) new_target = _matrix_power(target, 0.5, backend) log = np.log2( backend.calculate_norm_density_matrix(new_state @ new_target, order=1) ) return -2 * log / np.log2(base) log = _matrix_power(state, alpha, backend) log = log @ _matrix_power(target, 1 - alpha, backend) log = np.log2(np.trace(log)) return (1 / (alpha - 1)) * log / np.log2(base)
[docs]def tsallis_entropy(state, alpha: float, base: float = 2, backend=None): """Calculates the Tsallis entropy of a quantum state. .. math:: S_{\\alpha}(\\rho) = \\frac{1}{1 - \\alpha} \\, \\left( \\text{tr}(\\rho^{\\alpha}) - 1 \\right) When :math:`\\alpha = 1`, the functions defaults to :func:`qibo.quantum_info.entropies.entropy`. Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. alpha (float or int): entropic index. base (float, optional): the base of the log. Used when ``alpha=1.0``. Defaults to :math:`2`. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Tsallis entropy :math:`S_{\\alpha}(\\rho)`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if ( (len(state.shape) >= 3) or (len(state) == 0) or (len(state.shape) == 2 and state.shape[0] != state.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"state must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {state.shape}.", ) if not isinstance(alpha, (float, int)): raise_error( TypeError, f"alpha must be type float, but it is type {type(alpha)}." ) if alpha < 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "alpha must a non-negative float.") if base <= 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if abs(purity(state) - 1.0) < PRECISION_TOL: return 0.0 if alpha == 1.0: return von_neumann_entropy(state, base=base, backend=backend) return (1 / (1 - alpha)) * (np.trace(_matrix_power(state, alpha, backend)) - 1)
[docs]def entanglement_entropy( state, bipartition, base: float = 2, check_hermitian: bool = False, return_spectrum: bool = False, backend=None, ): """Calculates the entanglement entropy :math:`S` of bipartition :math:`A` of ``state`` :math:`\\rho`. This is given by .. math:: S(\\rho_{A}) = -\\text{tr}(\\rho_{A} \\, \\log(\\rho_{A})) \\, , where :math:`\\rho_{A} = \\text{tr}_{B}(\\rho)` is the reduced density matrix calculated by tracing out the ``bipartition`` :math:`B`. Args: state (ndarray): statevector or density matrix. bipartition (list or tuple or ndarray): qubits in the subsystem to be traced out. base (float, optional): the base of the log. Defaults to :math: `2`. check_hermitian (bool, optional): if ``True``, checks if :math:`\\rho_{A}` is Hermitian. If ``False``, it assumes ``state`` is Hermitian . Default: ``False``. return_spectrum: if ``True``, returns ``entropy`` and eigenvalues of ``state``. If ``False``, returns only ``entropy``. Default is ``False``. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`, optional): backend to be used in the execution. If ``None``, it uses :class:`qibo.backends.GlobalBackend`. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: float: Entanglement entropy :math:`S` of ``state`` :math:`\\rho`. """ backend = _check_backend(backend) if base <= 0.0: raise_error(ValueError, "log base must be non-negative.") if ( (len(state.shape) not in [1, 2]) or (len(state) == 0) or (len(state.shape) == 2 and state.shape[0] != state.shape[1]) ): raise_error( TypeError, f"state must have dims either (k,) or (k,k), but have dims {state.shape}.", ) nqubits = int(np.log2(state.shape[0])) reduced_density_matrix = ( backend.partial_trace(state, bipartition, nqubits) if len(state.shape) == 1 else backend.partial_trace_density_matrix(state, bipartition, nqubits) ) entropy_entanglement = von_neumann_entropy( reduced_density_matrix, base=base, check_hermitian=check_hermitian, return_spectrum=return_spectrum, backend=backend, ) return entropy_entanglement
def _matrix_power(matrix, alpha, backend): """Calculates ``matrix ** alpha`` according to backend.""" if backend.__class__.__name__ in [ "CupyBackend", "CuQuantumBackend", ]: # pragma: no cover new_matrix = backend.to_numpy(matrix) else: new_matrix = np.copy(matrix) if len(new_matrix.shape) == 1: new_matrix = np.outer(new_matrix, np.conj(new_matrix)) new_matrix = fractional_matrix_power(new_matrix, alpha) return backend.cast(new_matrix, dtype=new_matrix.dtype)