Source code for qibo.models.grover

import numpy as np

from qibo import gates
from qibo.config import log, raise_error
from qibo.models.circuit import Circuit

[docs]class Grover: """Model that performs Grover's algorithm. For Grover's original search algorithm: `arXiv:quant-ph/9605043 <>`_ For the iterative version with unknown solutions:`arXiv:quant-ph/9605034 <>`_ For the Grover algorithm with any superposition:`arXiv:quant-ph/9712011 <>`_ Args: oracle (:class:`qibo.core.circuit.Circuit`): quantum circuit that flips the sign using a Grover ancilla initialized with -X-H-. Grover ancilla expected to be last qubit of oracle circuit. superposition_circuit (:class:`qibo.core.circuit.Circuit`): quantum circuit that takes an initial state to a superposition. Expected to use the first set of qubits to store the relevant superposition. initial_state_circuit (:class:`qibo.core.circuit.Circuit`): quantum circuit that initializes the state. If empty defaults to ``|000..00>`` superposition_qubits (int): number of qubits that store the relevant superposition. Leave empty if superposition does not use ancillas. superposition_size (int): how many states are in a superposition. Leave empty if its an equal superposition of quantum states. number_solutions (int): number of expected solutions. Needed for normal Grover. Leave empty for iterative version. target_amplitude (float): absolute value of the amplitude of the target state. Only for advanced use and known systems. check (function): function that returns True if the solution has been found. Required of iterative approach. First argument should be the bitstring to check. check_args (tuple): arguments needed for the check function. The found bitstring not included. iterative (bool): force the use of the iterative Grover Example: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from qibo import Circuit, gates from qibo.models.grover import Grover # Create an oracle. Ex: Oracle that detects state |11111> oracle = Circuit(5 + 1) oracle.add(gates.X(5).controlled_by(*range(5))) # Create superoposition circuit. Ex: Full superposition over 5 qubits. superposition = Circuit(5) superposition.add([gates.H(i) for i in range(5)]) # Generate and execute Grover class grover = Grover(oracle, superposition_circuit=superposition, number_solutions=1) solution, iterations = grover() """ def __init__( self, oracle, superposition_circuit=None, initial_state_circuit=None, superposition_qubits=None, superposition_size=None, number_solutions=None, target_amplitude=None, check=None, check_args=(), iterative=False, ): = oracle self.initial_state_circuit = initial_state_circuit if superposition_circuit: self.superposition = superposition_circuit else: if not superposition_qubits: raise_error( ValueError, "Cannot create Grover model if the " "superposition circuit or number of " "qubits is not specified.", ) self.superposition = Circuit(superposition_qubits) self.superposition.add([gates.H(i) for i in range(superposition_qubits)]) if superposition_qubits: self.sup_qubits = superposition_qubits else: self.sup_qubits = self.superposition.nqubits if superposition_size: self.sup_size = superposition_size else: self.sup_size = int(2**self.sup_qubits) assert oracle.nqubits > self.sup_qubits self.anc_qubits_sup = self.superposition.nqubits - self.sup_qubits self.anc_qubits_ora = - self.sup_qubits - 1 self.nqubits = ( self.sup_qubits + max(self.anc_qubits_sup, self.anc_qubits_ora) + 1 ) self.check = check self.check_args = check_args self.num_sol = number_solutions self.targ_a = target_amplitude self.iterative = iterative self.space_sup = list(range(self.sup_qubits + self.anc_qubits_sup)) self.space_ora = list(range(self.sup_qubits + self.anc_qubits_ora)) + [ self.nqubits - 1 ]
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize the Grover algorithm with the superposition and Grover ancilla.""" c = Circuit(self.nqubits) c.add(gates.X(self.nqubits - 1)) c.add(gates.H(self.nqubits - 1)) if self.initial_state_circuit: c.add( self.initial_state_circuit.invert().on_qubits( *range(self.initial_state_circuit.nqubits) ) ) c.add(self.superposition.on_qubits(*self.space_sup)) return c
[docs] def diffusion(self): """Construct the diffusion operator out of the superposition circuit.""" nqubits = self.superposition.nqubits + 1 c = Circuit(nqubits) c.add(self.superposition.invert().on_qubits(*range(nqubits - 1))) if self.initial_state_circuit: c.add( self.initial_state_circuit.invert().on_qubits( *range(self.initial_state_circuit.nqubits) ) ) c.add([gates.X(i) for i in range(self.sup_qubits)]) c.add(gates.X(nqubits - 1).controlled_by(*range(self.sup_qubits))) c.add([gates.X(i) for i in range(self.sup_qubits)]) if self.initial_state_circuit: c.add( self.initial_state_circuit.on_qubits( *range(self.initial_state_circuit.nqubits) ) ) c.add(self.superposition.on_qubits(*range(nqubits - 1))) return c
[docs] def step(self): """Combine oracle and diffusion for a Grover step.""" c = Circuit(self.nqubits) c.add(*self.space_ora)) c.add(self.diffusion().on_qubits(*(self.space_sup + [self.nqubits - 1]))) return c
[docs] def circuit(self, iterations): """Creates circuit that performs Grover's algorithm with a set amount of iterations. Args: iterations (int): number of times to repeat the Grover step. Returns: :class:`qibo.core.circuit.Circuit` that performs Grover's algorithm. """ c = Circuit(self.nqubits) c += self.initialize() for _ in range(iterations): c += self.step() c.add(gates.M(*range(self.sup_qubits))) return c
[docs] def iterative_grover(self, lamda_value=6 / 5, backend=None): """Iterative approach of Grover for when the number of solutions is not known. Args: lamda_value (real): parameter that controls the evolution of the iterative method. Must be between 1 and 4/3. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`): Backend to use for circuit execution. Returns: measured (str): bitstring measured and checked as a valid solution. total_iterations (int): number of times the oracle has been called. """ from qibo.backends import _check_backend backend = _check_backend(backend) k = 1 lamda = lamda_value total_iterations = 0 while True: it = np.random.randint(k + 1) if it != 0: total_iterations += it circuit = self.circuit(it) result = backend.execute_circuit(circuit, nshots=1) measured = result.frequencies(binary=True).most_common(1)[0][0] if self.check(measured, *self.check_args): return measured, total_iterations k = min(lamda * k, np.sqrt(self.sup_size)) if total_iterations > (9 / 4) * np.sqrt(self.sup_size): log.warning("Too many total iterations, output might not be solution.") return measured, total_iterations
[docs] def execute(self, nshots=100, freq=False, logs=False, backend=None): """Execute Grover's algorithm. If the number of solutions is given, calculates iterations, otherwise it uses an iterative approach. Args: nshots (int): number of shots in order to get the frequencies. freq (bool): print the full frequencies after the exact Grover algorithm. backend (:class:`qibo.backends.abstract.Backend`): Backend to use for circuit execution. Returns: solution (str): bitstring (or list of bitstrings) measured as solution of the search. iterations (int): number of oracle calls done to reach a solution. """ from qibo.backends import _check_backend backend = _check_backend(backend) if (self.num_sol or self.targ_a) and not self.iterative: if self.targ_a: it = int(np.pi * (1 / self.targ_a) / 4) else: it = int(np.pi * np.sqrt(self.sup_size / self.num_sol) / 4) circuit = self.circuit(it) result = backend.execute_circuit(circuit, nshots=nshots) result = result.frequencies(binary=True) if freq: if logs:"Result of sampling Grover's algorihm") self.frequencies = result if logs: f"Most common states found using Grover's algorithm with {it} iterations:" ) if self.targ_a: most_common = result.most_common(1) else: most_common = result.most_common(self.num_sol) self.solution = [] self.iterations = it for i in most_common: if logs:[0]) self.solution.append(i[0]) if logs: if self.check: if self.check(i[0], *self.check_args):"Solution checked and successful.") else: "Not a solution of the problem. Something went wrong." ) else: if not self.check: raise_error(ValueError, "Check function needed for iterative approach.") measured, total_iterations = self.iterative_grover(backend=backend) if logs:"Solution found in an iterative process.")"Solution: {measured}")"Total Grover iterations taken: {total_iterations}") self.solution = measured self.iterations = total_iterations return self.solution, self.iterations
def __call__(self, nshots=100, freq=False, logs=False, backend=None): """Equivalent to :meth:`qibo.models.grover.Grover.execute`.""" return self.execute(nshots=nshots, freq=freq, logs=logs, backend=backend)