Source code for qibo.models.dbi.double_bracket

from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import partial

import hyperopt
import numpy as np

from qibo.hamiltonians import Hamiltonian

[docs]class DoubleBracketGeneratorType(Enum): """Define DBF evolution.""" canonical = auto() """Use canonical commutator.""" single_commutator = auto() """Use single commutator.""" group_commutator = auto() """Use group commutator approximation"""
# TODO: add double commutator (does it converge?)
[docs]class DoubleBracketIteration: """ Class implementing the Double Bracket iteration algorithm. For more details, see Args: hamiltonian (Hamiltonian): Starting Hamiltonian; mode (DoubleBracketGeneratorType): type of generator of the evolution. Example: .. testcode:: from qibo.models.dbi.double_bracket import DoubleBracketIteration, DoubleBracketGeneratorType from qibo.quantum_info import random_hermitian from qibo.hamiltonians import Hamiltonian nqubits = 4 h0 = random_hermitian(2**nqubits, seed=2) dbf = DoubleBracketIteration(Hamiltonian(nqubits=nqubits, matrix=h0)) # diagonalized matrix dbf.h """ def __init__( self, hamiltonian: Hamiltonian, mode: DoubleBracketGeneratorType = DoubleBracketGeneratorType.canonical, ): self.h = hamiltonian self.h0 = deepcopy(self.h) self.mode = mode def __call__( self, step: float, mode: DoubleBracketGeneratorType = None, d: np.array = None ): r"""We use convention that $H' = U^\dagger H U$ where $U=e^{-sW}$ with $W=[D,H]$ (or depending on `mode` an approximation, see `eval_dbr_unitary`). If $s>0$ then for $D = \Delta(H)$ the GWW DBR will give a $\sigma$-decrease, see""" operator = self.eval_dbr_unitary(step, mode, d) operator_dagger = self.backend.cast( np.matrix(self.backend.to_numpy(operator)).getH() ) self.h.matrix = operator_dagger @ self.h.matrix @ operator return operator
[docs] def eval_dbr_unitary( self, step: float, mode: DoubleBracketGeneratorType = None, d: np.array = None ): """In call we will are working in the convention that $H' = U^\\dagger H U$ where $U=e^{-sW}$ with $W=[D,H]$ or an approximation of that by a group commutator. That is handy because if we switch from the DBI in the Heisenberg picture for the Hamiltonian, we get that the transformation of the state is $|\\psi'\rangle = U |\\psi\rangle$ so that $\\langle H\rangle_{\\psi'} = \\langle H' \rangle_\\psi$ (i.e. when writing the unitary acting on the state dagger notation is avoided). The group commutator must approximate $U=e^{-s[D,H]}$. This is achieved by setting $r = \\sqrt{s}$ so that $$V = e^{-irH}e^{irD}e^{irH}e^{-irD}$$ because $$e^{-irH}De^{irH} = D+ir[D,H]+O(r^2)$$ so $$V\approx e^{irD +i^2 r^2[D,H] + O(r^2) -irD} \approx U\\ .$$ See the app in for a derivation. """ if mode is None: mode = self.mode if mode is DoubleBracketGeneratorType.canonical: operator = self.backend.calculate_matrix_exp( -1.0j * step, self.commutator(self.diagonal_h_matrix, self.h.matrix), ) elif mode is DoubleBracketGeneratorType.single_commutator: if d is None: d = self.diagonal_h_matrix operator = self.backend.calculate_matrix_exp( -1.0j * step, self.commutator(d, self.h.matrix), ) elif mode is DoubleBracketGeneratorType.group_commutator: if d is None: d = self.diagonal_h_matrix sqrt_step = np.sqrt(step) operator = ( self.h.exp(sqrt_step)
[docs] @ self.backend.calculate_matrix_exp(-sqrt_step, d) @ self.h.exp(-sqrt_step) @ self.backend.calculate_matrix_exp(sqrt_step, d) ) return operator
@staticmethod def commutator(a, b): """Compute commutator between two arrays.""" return a @ b - b @ a
@property def diagonal_h_matrix(self): """Diagonal H matrix.""" return self.backend.cast(np.diag(np.diag(self.backend.to_numpy(self.h.matrix)))) @property def off_diag_h(self): return self.h.matrix - self.diagonal_h_matrix @property def off_diagonal_norm(self): r"""Hilbert Schmidt norm of off-diagonal part of H matrix, namely :math:`\\text{Tr}(\\sqrt{A^{\\dagger} A})`.""" off_diag_h_dag = self.backend.cast( np.matrix(self.backend.to_numpy(self.off_diag_h)).getH() ) return np.sqrt( np.real(np.trace(self.backend.to_numpy(off_diag_h_dag @ self.off_diag_h))) ) @property def backend(self): """Get Hamiltonian's backend.""" return self.h0.backend
[docs] def hyperopt_step( self, step_min: float = 1e-5, step_max: float = 1, max_evals: int = 1000, space: callable = None, optimizer: callable = None, look_ahead: int = 1, verbose: bool = False, d: np.array = None, ): """ Optimize iteration step. Args: step_min: lower bound of the search grid; step_max: upper bound of the search grid; max_evals: maximum number of iterations done by the hyperoptimizer; space: see hyperopt.hp possibilities; optimizer: see hyperopt algorithms; look_ahead: number of iteration steps to compute the loss function; verbose: level of verbosity; d: diagonal operator for generating double-bracket iterations. Returns: (float): optimized best iteration step. """ if space is None: space = hyperopt.hp.uniform if optimizer is None: optimizer = hyperopt.tpe space = space("step", step_min, step_max) best = hyperopt.fmin( fn=partial(self.loss, d=d, look_ahead=look_ahead), space=space, algo=optimizer.suggest, max_evals=max_evals, verbose=verbose, ) return best["step"]
[docs] def loss(self, step: float, d: np.array = None, look_ahead: int = 1): """ Compute loss function distance between `look_ahead` steps. Args: step: iteration step. d: diagonal operator, use canonical by default. look_ahead: number of iteration steps to compute the loss function; """ # copy initial hamiltonian h_copy = deepcopy(self.h) for _ in range(look_ahead): self.__call__(mode=self.mode, step=step, d=d) # off_diagonal_norm's value after the steps loss = self.off_diagonal_norm # set back the initial configuration self.h = h_copy return loss
[docs] def energy_fluctuation(self, state): """ Evaluate energy fluctuation .. math:: \\Xi_{k}(\\mu) = \\sqrt{\\langle\\mu|\\hat{H}^2|\\mu\\rangle - \\langle\\mu|\\hat{H}|\\mu\\rangle^2} \\, for a given state :math:`|\\mu\\rangle`. Args: state (np.ndarray): quantum state to be used to compute the energy fluctuation with H. """ return self.h.energy_fluctuation(state)