Source code for qibolab.instruments.qm.sequence

import collections
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy import typing as npt
from qm import qua
from qm.qua._dsl import _Variable  # for type declaration only
from qualang_tools.bakery import baking
from qualang_tools.bakery.bakery import Baking

from qibolab.instruments.qm.acquisition import Acquisition
from qibolab.pulses import Pulse, PulseType

from .config import SAMPLING_RATE, QMConfig

DurationsType = Union[List[int], npt.NDArray[int]]
"""Type of values that can be accepted in a duration sweeper."""

[docs]@dataclass class QMPulse: """Wrapper around :class:`qibolab.pulses.Pulse` for easier translation to QUA program. These pulses are defined when :meth:`` is called and hold attributes for the ``element`` and ``operation`` that corresponds to each pulse, as defined in the QM config. """ pulse: Pulse """:class:`qibolab.pulses.Pulse` corresponding to the ``QMPulse``.""" element: Optional[str] = None """Element that the pulse will be played on, as defined in the QM config.""" operation: Optional[str] = None """Name of the operation that is implementing the pulse in the QM config.""" relative_phase: Optional[float] = None """Relative phase of the pulse normalized to follow QM convention. May be overwritten when sweeping phase. """ wait_time: int = 0 """Time (in clock cycles) to wait before playing this pulse. Calculated and assigned by :meth: `qibolab.instruments.qm.Sequence.add`. """ wait_time_variable: Optional[_Variable] = None """Time (in clock cycles) to wait before playing this pulse when we are sweeping start.""" swept_duration: Optional[_Variable] = None """Pulse duration when sweeping it.""" acquisition: Optional[Acquisition] = None """Data class containing the variables required for data acquisition for the instrument.""" next_: Set["QMPulse"] = field(default_factory=set) """Pulses that will be played after the current pulse. These pulses need to be re-aligned if we are sweeping the start or duration. """ elements_to_align: Set[str] = field(default_factory=set) def __post_init__(self): pulse_type = amplitude = format(self.pulse.amplitude, ".6f").rstrip("0").rstrip(".") if self.element is None: self.element = f"{pulse_type}{self.pulse.qubit}" self.operation: str = ( f"{pulse_type}({self.pulse.duration}, {amplitude}, {self.pulse.shape})" ) self.relative_phase: float = self.pulse.relative_phase / (2 * np.pi) self.elements_to_align.add(self.element) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.pulse) @property def duration(self): """Duration of the pulse as defined in the :class:`qibolab.pulses.PulseSequence`. Remains constant even when we are sweeping the duration of this pulse. """ return self.pulse.duration @property def wait_cycles(self): """Instrument clock cycles (1 cycle = 4ns) to wait before playing the pulse. This property will be used in the QUA ``wait`` command, so that it is compatible with and without start sweepers. """ if self.wait_time_variable is not None: return self.wait_time_variable + self.wait_time if self.wait_time >= 4: return self.wait_time return None
[docs] def play(self): """Play the pulse. Relevant only in the context of a QUA program. """, self.element, duration=self.swept_duration)
[docs]@dataclass class BakedPulse(QMPulse): """Baking allows 1ns resolution in the pulse waveforms.""" segments: List[Baking] = field(default_factory=list) """Baked segments implementing the pulse.""" amplitude: Optional[float] = None """Amplitude of the baked pulse. Relevant only when sweeping amplitude. """ durations: Optional[DurationsType] = None def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__() @property def duration(self): return self.segments[-1].get_op_length()
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_waveform(original_waveform, t): if t == 0: # Otherwise, the baking will be empty and will not be created return [0.0] * 16 expanded_waveform = list(original_waveform) for i in range(t // len(original_waveform)): expanded_waveform.extend(original_waveform) return expanded_waveform[:t]
[docs] def bake(self, config: QMConfig, durations: DurationsType): self.segments = [] self.durations = durations for t in durations: with baking(config.__dict__, padding_method="right") as segment: if self.pulse.type is PulseType.FLUX: waveform = self.pulse.envelope_waveform_i( SAMPLING_RATE ).data.tolist() waveform = self.calculate_waveform(waveform, t) else: waveform_i = self.pulse.envelope_waveform_i( SAMPLING_RATE ).data.tolist() waveform_q = self.pulse.envelope_waveform_q( SAMPLING_RATE ).data.tolist() waveform = [ self.calculate_waveform(waveform_i, t), self.calculate_waveform(waveform_q, t), ] segment.add_op(self.operation, self.element, waveform), self.element) self.segments.append(segment)
@property def amplitude_array(self): if self.amplitude is None: return None return [(self.element, self.amplitude)]
[docs] def play(self): if self.swept_duration is not None: with qua.switch_(self.swept_duration): for dur, segment in zip(self.durations, self.segments): with qua.case_(dur): else: segment = self.segments[0]
[docs]@dataclass class Sequence: """Pulse sequence containing QM specific pulses (``qmpulse``). Defined in :meth:``. Holds attributes for the ``element`` and ``operation`` that corresponds to each pulse, as defined in the QM config. """ qmpulses: List[QMPulse] = field(default_factory=list) """List of :class:`qibolab.instruments.qm.QMPulse` objects corresponding to the original pulses.""" pulse_to_qmpulse: Dict[Pulse, QMPulse] = field(default_factory=dict) """Map from qibolab pulses to QMPulses (useful when sweeping).""" clock: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=lambda: collections.defaultdict(int)) """Dictionary used to keep track of times of each element, in order to calculate wait times.""" pulse_finish: Dict[int, List[QMPulse]] = field( default_factory=lambda: collections.defaultdict(list) ) """Map to find all pulses that finish at a given time (useful for ``_find_previous``).""" def _find_previous(self, pulse): for finish in reversed(sorted(self.pulse_finish.keys())): if finish <= pulse.start: # first try to find a previous pulse targeting the same qubit last_pulses = self.pulse_finish[finish] for previous in reversed(last_pulses): if previous.pulse.qubit == pulse.qubit: return previous # otherwise if finish == pulse.start: return last_pulses[-1] return None
[docs] def add(self, qmpulse: QMPulse): pulse = qmpulse.pulse self.pulse_to_qmpulse[pulse.serial] = qmpulse previous = self._find_previous(pulse) if previous is not None: previous.next_.add(qmpulse) wait_time = pulse.start - self.clock[qmpulse.element] if wait_time >= 12: qmpulse.wait_time = wait_time // 4 + 1 self.clock[qmpulse.element] += 4 * qmpulse.wait_time self.clock[qmpulse.element] += qmpulse.duration self.pulse_finish[pulse.finish].append(qmpulse) self.qmpulses.append(qmpulse)
[docs] def shift(self): """Shift all pulses that come after a ``BakedPulse`` a bit to avoid overlapping pulses.""" to_shift = collections.deque() for qmpulse in self.qmpulses: if isinstance(qmpulse, BakedPulse): to_shift.extend(qmpulse.next_) while to_shift: qmpulse = to_shift.popleft() qmpulse.wait_time += 2 to_shift.extend(qmpulse.next_)
[docs] def play(self, relaxation_time=0): """Part of QUA program that plays an arbitrary pulse sequence. Should be used inside a ``program()`` context. """ needs_reset = False qua.align() for qmpulse in self.qmpulses: pulse = qmpulse.pulse if qmpulse.wait_cycles is not None: qua.wait(qmpulse.wait_cycles, qmpulse.element) if pulse.type is PulseType.READOUT: qmpulse.acquisition.measure(qmpulse.operation, qmpulse.element) else: if ( not isinstance(qmpulse.relative_phase, float) or qmpulse.relative_phase != 0 ): qua.frame_rotation_2pi(qmpulse.relative_phase, qmpulse.element) needs_reset = True if needs_reset: qua.reset_frame(qmpulse.element) needs_reset = False if len(qmpulse.elements_to_align) > 1: qua.align(*qmpulse.elements_to_align) if relaxation_time > 0: qua.wait(relaxation_time // 4)