Circuit execution#

Qibolab can be used as a qibo backend for executing executions. The purpose of this section is to show how to do it, without entering into the details of circuits definition that we leave to the Qibo documentation.

import numpy as np
import qibo
from qibo import Circuit, gates


# create a single qubit circuit
circuit = Circuit(1)

# attach Hadamard gate and a measurement
circuit.add(gates.GPI2(0, phi=np.pi / 2))

# execute on quantum hardware
qibo.set_backend("qibolab", platform="dummy")
hardware_result = circuit(nshots=5000)

# retrieve measured probabilities
freq = hardware_result.frequencies()
p0 = freq["0"] / 5000 if "0" in freq else 0
p1 = freq["1"] / 5000 if "1" in freq else 0
hardware = [p0, p1]

# execute with classical quantum simulation
simulation_result = circuit(nshots=5000)

simulation = simulation_result.probabilities(qubits=(0,))

In this snippet, we first define a single-qubit circuit containing a single GPI2 gate and a measurement. We then proceed to define the qibo backend as qibolab using the dummy platform. Finally, we change the backend to numpy, a simulation one, to compare the results with ideality. After executing the script we can print our results that will appear more or less as:

print(f"Qibolab: P(0) = {hardware[0]:.2f}\tP(1) = {hardware[1]:.2f}")
print(f"Numpy:   P(0) = {simulation[0]:.2f}\tP(1) = {simulation[1]:.2f}")


Qibolab: P(0) = 0.49    P(1) = 0.51
Numpy:   P(0) = 0.50    P(1) = 0.50

Clearly, we do not expect the results to be exactly equal due to the non ideality of current NISQ devices.


Qibo circuits and gates are backend agnostic. The same circuit can be executed on multiple backends, including simulation and quantum platforms.

A slightly more complex circuit, a variable rotation, will produce similar results:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import qibo
from qibo import Circuit, gates

def execute_rotation():
    # create single qubit circuit
    circuit = Circuit(1)

    # attach Rotation on X-Pauli with angle = 0
    circuit.add(gates.GPI2(0, phi=0))

    # define range of angles from [0, 2pi]
    exp_angles = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, np.pi / 16)

    res = []
    for angle in exp_angles:
        # update circuit's rotation angle

        # execute circuit
        result = circuit(nshots=4000)
        freq = result.frequencies()
        p0 = freq['0'] / 4000 if '0' in freq else 0
        p1 = freq['1'] / 4000 if '1' in freq else 0

        # store probability in state |1>

    return res

# execute on quantum hardware
qibo.set_backend("qibolab", platform="dummy")
hardware = execute_rotation()

# execute with classical quantum simulation
simulation = execute_rotation()

# plot results
exp_angles = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, np.pi / 16)
plt.plot(exp_angles, hardware, label="qibolab hardware")
plt.plot(exp_angles, simulation, label="numpy")

plt.xlabel("Rotation [rad]")

Returns the following plot:



Executing circuits using the Qibolab backend results to automatic application of the compilation pipeline (Transpiler and Compiler) which converts the circuit to a pulse sequence that is executed by the given platform.

QASM Execution#

Qibolab also supports the execution of circuits starting from a QASM string. The QASM circuit:

circuit = """// Generated by QIBO 0.2.4
include "";
qreg q[3];
creg a[2];
cz q[0],q[2];
gpi2(0.3) q[1];
cz q[1],q[2];
measure q[0] -> a[0];
measure q[2] -> a[1];"""

can be executed by passing it together with the platform name to the qibolab._core.backends.execute_qasm() function:

from qibolab._core.backends import execute_qasm

result = execute_qasm(circuit, platform="dummy")


Qibolab also supports the execution of circuits starting from a QASM string using a C-API. Please refer to the C-API documentation.