Pulses execution#

We can create pulse sequence using the Qibolab pulse API directly, defining a qibolab.PulseSequence object and adding different pulses (qibolab.Pulse) using the qibolab.PulseSequence.append() method:

from qibolab import Delay, Gaussian, Pulse, PulseSequence, Rectangular

# Define PulseSequence
sequence = PulseSequence.load(
        ("1/drive", Delay(duration=100)),
                amplitude=0.5, duration=3000, relative_phase=0, envelope=Rectangular()

The next step consists in connecting to a specific lab in which the pulse sequence will be executed. In order to do this we allocate a platform object via the qibolab.create_platform("name")() where name is the name of the platform that will be used. The Platform constructor also takes care of loading the runcard containing all the calibration settings for that specific platform.

After connecting to the platform’s instruments using the connect(), we can execute the previously defined sequence using the execute method:

from qibolab import create_platform

# Define platform and load specific runcard
platform = create_platform("dummy")

# Connects to lab instruments using the details specified in the calibration settings.

# Executes a pulse sequence.
results = platform.execute([sequence], nshots=1000, relaxation_time=100)

# Disconnect from the instruments

Remember to turn off and disconnect from the instruments using the disconnect() methods of the platform.


Calling platform.connect() automatically turns on auxilliary instruments such as local oscillators.

Alternatively, instead of using the pulse API directly, one can use the native gate data structures to write a pulse sequence:

import numpy as np

from qibolab import Delay, Gaussian, Pulse, PulseSequence, Rectangular, create_platform

platform = create_platform("dummy")
q0 = platform.natives.single_qubit[0]
sequence = q0.R(theta=np.pi / 2) | q0.MZ()