Source code for qibolab._core.platform.load

import importlib.util
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

from qibo.config import raise_error

from ..parameters import Hardware
from .platform import Platform

__all__ = ["create_platform", "locate_platform"]


def _platforms_paths() -> list[Path]:
    """Get path to repository containing the platforms.

    Path is specified using the environment variable QIBOLAB_PLATFORMS.
    paths = os.environ.get(PLATFORMS)
    if paths is None:
        raise_error(RuntimeError, f"Platforms path ${PLATFORMS} unset.")

    return [Path(p) for p in paths.split(os.pathsep)]

def _search(name: str, paths: list[Path]) -> Path:
    """Search paths for given platform name."""
    for path in paths:
        platform = path / name
        if platform.exists():
            return platform

        f"Platform {name} not found. Check ${PLATFORMS} environment variable.",

def _load(platform: Path) -> Union[Platform, Hardware]:
    """Load the platform module."""
    module_name = "platform"
    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, platform / PLATFORM)
    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
    return module.create()

[docs]def locate_platform(name: str, paths: Optional[list[Path]] = None) -> Path: """Locate platform's path. The ``name`` corresponds to the name of the folder in which the platform is defined, i.e. the one containing the ```` file. If ``paths`` are specified, the environment is ignored, and the folder search happens only in the specified paths. """ if paths is None: paths = _platforms_paths() return _search(name, paths)
[docs]def create_platform(name: str) -> Platform: """A platform for executing quantum algorithms. It consists of a quantum processor QPU and a set of controlling instruments. Args: name (str): name of the platform. Returns: The plaform class. """ if name == "dummy": from qibolab._core.dummy import create_dummy return create_dummy() path = _search(name, _platforms_paths()) hardware = _load(path) if isinstance(hardware, Platform): return hardware return Platform.load(path, **hardware.model_dump())
def available_platforms() -> list[str]: """Returns the platforms found in the $QIBOLAB_PLATFORMS directory.""" return [ for platforms in _platforms_paths() for d in platforms.iterdir() if d.is_dir() and Path(f"{os.environ.get(PLATFORMS)}/{}/") in d.iterdir() ]