Installation instructions

Supported operating systems

At the moment, Qibochem is only actively supported on Linux and MacOS systems. In principle, it should be possible to install and run Qibochem on Windows as well (see below).


Qibochem is supported for Python >= 3.9.

Installing with pip

The latest PyPI release of Qibochem can be installed directly with pip:

pip install qibochem

The pip program will download and install all of the required dependencies for Qibochem.


For larger simulations, it may be desirable to install other backend drivers for Qibo as well.

Installing from source

The latest (development) version of Qibochem can be installed directly from the source repository on Github:

git clone
cd qibochem
pip install .

Installing on Windows

The simplest way to get Qibochem on a Windows system is to use Windows Subsystem for Linux, and install Linux on Windows. Qibochem can then be installed directly using pip as described above.

Otherwise, Qibochem will have to be installed from source, and after some modifications to the source code.


Native Windows systems are not actively supported, so in principle possible doesn’t necessarily mean that the below instructions will yield a working version of Qibochem!

First, but the PySCF driver for obtaining molecular integrals is not available on Windows systems, so the relevant line in pyproject.toml has to be commented out. The alternative driver for Windows is PSI4; after installing PSI4, uncomment out the run_psi4 function in the Molecule class. After these changes, return to the qibochem folder and run pip install .