
This section covers the API reference for various chemistry circuit ansatzes.


qibochem.ansatz.hardware_efficient.he_circuit(n_qubits, n_layers, parameter_gates=None, coupling_gates='CZ')

Builds the generalized hardware-efficient ansatz, in which the rotation and entangling gates used can be chosen by the user

  • n_qubits – Number of qubits in the quantum circuit

  • n_layers – Number of layers of rotation and entangling gates

  • parameter_gates – Iterable of single-qubit rotation gates to be used in the ansatz. The gates should be given as strings representing valid Qibo one-qubit gates. Default: ["RY", "RZ"]

  • coupling_gates – String representing the two-qubit entangling gate to be used in the ansatz; should be a valid two-qubit Qibo gate. Default: "CZ"


Circuit corresponding to the hardware-efficient ansatz

Return type:

Qibo Circuit


qibochem.ansatz.hf_reference.hf_circuit(n_qubits, n_electrons, ferm_qubit_map=None)

Circuit to prepare a Hartree-Fock state

  • n_qubits – Number of qubits in the quantum circuit

  • n_electrons – Number of electrons in the molecular system

  • ferm_qubit_map – Fermion to qubit map. Must be either Jordan-Wigner (jw) or Brayvi-Kitaev (bk). Default value is jw.


Circuit initialized in a HF reference state

Return type:

Qibo Circuit

Unitary Coupled Cluster

qibochem.ansatz.ucc.ucc_circuit(n_qubits, excitation, theta=0.0, trotter_steps=1, ferm_qubit_map=None)

Circuit corresponding to the unitary coupled-cluster ansatz for a single excitation

  • n_qubits – Number of qubits in the quantum circuit

  • excitation – Iterable of orbitals involved in the excitation; must have an even number of elements E.g. [0, 1, 2, 3] represents the excitation of electrons in orbitals (0, 1) to (2, 3)

  • theta – UCC parameter. Defaults to 0.0

  • trotter_steps – Number of Trotter steps; i.e. number of times the UCC ansatz is applied with theta = theta / trotter_steps. Default: 1

  • ferm_qubit_map – Fermion-to-qubit transformation. Default is Jordan-Wigner (jw).


Circuit corresponding to a single UCC excitation

Return type:

Qibo Circuit

qibochem.ansatz.ucc.ucc_ansatz(molecule, excitation_level=None, excitations=None, thetas=None, trotter_steps=1, ferm_qubit_map=None, include_hf=True, use_mp2_guess=True)

Convenience function for buildng a circuit corresponding to the UCC ansatz with multiple excitations for a given Molecule. If no excitations are given, it defaults to returning the full UCCSD circuit ansatz.

  • molecule – The Molecule of interest.

  • excitation_level – Include excitations up to how many electrons, i.e. "S" or "D". Ignored if excitations argument is given. Default: "D", i.e. double excitations

  • excitations – List of excitations (e.g. [[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 4, 5]]) used to build the UCC circuit. Overrides the excitation_level argument

  • thetas – Parameters for the excitations. Default value depends on the use_mp2_guess argument.

  • trotter_steps – number of Trotter steps; i.e. number of times the UCC ansatz is applied with theta = theta / trotter_steps. Default: 1

  • ferm_qubit_map – fermion-to-qubit transformation. Default: Jordan-Wigner ("jw")

  • include_hf – Whether or not to start the circuit with a Hartree-Fock circuit. Default: True

  • use_mp2_guess – Whether to use MP2 amplitudes or a numpy zero array as the initial guess parameter. Default: True; use the MP2 amplitudes as the default guess parameters


Circuit corresponding to an UCC ansatz

Return type:

Qibo Circuit

qibochem.ansatz.qeb.qeb_circuit(n_qubits, excitation, theta=0.0) Circuit

Qubit-excitation-based (QEB) circuit corresponding to the unitary coupled-cluster ansatz for a single excitation

Supports only Jordan-Wigner encoded circuits

Ref: arXiv:2210.05771

  • n_qubits – Number of qubits in the quantum circuit

  • excitation – Iterable of orbitals involved in the excitation; must have an even number of elements E.g. [0, 1, 2, 3] represents the excitation of electrons in orbitals (0, 1) to (2, 3)

  • theta – UCC parameter. Defaults to 0.0

  • trotter_steps – Number of Trotter steps; i.e. number of times this ansatz is applied with theta = theta / trotter_steps. Default: 1


Circuit corresponding to a single UCC excitation

Return type:

Qibo Circuit

Basis rotation

qibochem.ansatz.basis_rotation.basis_rotation_gates(A, z_array, parameters)

places the basis rotation gates on circuit in the order of Clements scheme QR decomposition

  • A – NxN matrix, with -1 being null, 0 is the control and integers 1 or greater being the index for angles in clements QR decomposition of the unitary matrix representing the unitary transforms that rotate the basis

  • z_array – array of givens rotation angles in order of traversal from QR decomposition

  • parameters – array of parameters in order of traversal from QR decomposition


list of gates which implement the basis rotation using Clements scheme QR decomposition


list of angles ordered by sequence of singles excitation gates added to circuit

Givens Excitation

qibochem.ansatz.givens_excitation.givens_excitation_circuit(n_qubits, excitation, theta=None)

Circuit ansatz corresponding to the Givens rotation excitation from Arrazola et al.

  • n_qubits – Number of qubits in the circuit

  • excitation – Iterable of orbitals involved in the excitation; must have an even number of elements E.g. [0, 1, 2, 3] represents the excitation of electrons in orbitals (0, 1) to (2, 3)

  • theta (float) – Rotation angle. Default: 0.0


Circuit ansatz for a single Givens excitation

Return type:

Qibo Circuit

qibochem.ansatz.givens_excitation.givens_excitation_ansatz(molecule, excitations=None, include_hf=True, use_mp2_guess=True)

Convenience function for buildng a circuit corresponding to the Givens excitation ansatz with multiple excitations for a given Molecule. If no excitations are given, it defaults to including all possible spin-allowed excitations, up to doubles.

  • molecule – The Molecule of interest.

  • excitations – List of excitations (e.g. [[0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 4, 5]]) used to build the UCC circuit. Overrides the excitation_level argument

  • include_hf – Whether or not to start the circuit with a Hartree-Fock circuit. Default: True

  • use_mp2_guess – Whether to use MP2 amplitudes or a numpy zero array as the initial guess parameter. Default: True; use the MP2 amplitudes as the default guess parameters


Circuit corresponding to a Givens excitation circuit ansatz

Return type:

Qibo Circuit


qibochem.ansatz.symmetry.symm_preserving_circuit(n_qubits, n_electrons)

Symmetry-preserving circuit ansatz from Gard et al. (

  • n_qubits – Number of qubits in the quantum circuit

  • n_electrons – Number of electrons in the molecular system


Circuit corresponding to the symmetry-preserving ansatz

Return type:

Qibo Circuit