
This section covers the API reference for obtaining the expectation value of a (molecular) Hamiltonian, either from a state vector simulation, or from sample measurements.

Expectation value of Hamiltonian

qibochem.measurement.result.expectation(circuit: Circuit, hamiltonian: SymbolicHamiltonian)

Expectation value using state vector simulations

  • circuit (qibo.models.Circuit) – Quantum circuit ansatz

  • hamiltonian (qibo.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian) – Molecular Hamiltonian


Expectation value of the Hamiltonian for the given circuit

Return type:


qibochem.measurement.result.expectation_from_samples(circuit: Circuit, hamiltonian: SymbolicHamiltonian, n_shots: int = 1000, group_pauli_terms=None, n_shots_per_pauli_term: bool = True, shot_allocation=None) float

Calculate expectation value of some Hamiltonian using sample measurements from running a Qibo quantum circuit

  • circuit (qibo.models.Circuit) – Quantum circuit ansatz

  • hamiltonian (qibo.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian) – Molecular Hamiltonian

  • n_shots (int) – Number of times the circuit is run. Default: 1000

  • group_pauli_terms (str) – Whether or not to group Hamiltonian terms together to reduce the measurement cost. Available options: None: (Default) No grouping of Hamiltonian terms, and "qwc": Terms that commute qubitwise are grouped together

  • n_shots_per_pauli_term (bool) – Whether or not n_shots is used for each Pauli term (or group of terms) in the Hamiltonian, or for all the (group of) terms in the Hamiltonian. Default: True; n_shots are used to get the expectation value for each term (group of terms) in the Hamiltonian.

  • shot_allocation – Iterable containing the number of shots to be allocated to each term (or group of terms) in the Hamiltonian respectively if the n_shots_per_pauli_term argument is False. Default: None; shots are allocated based on the magnitudes of the coefficients of the Hamiltonian terms.


Hamiltonian expectation value for the given circuit using sample measurements

Return type:


Measurement cost reduction

The following functions are used for reducing and optimising the measurement cost of obtaining the Hamiltonian expectation value using sample measurements instead of a state vector simulation.

qibochem.measurement.optimization.measurement_basis_rotations(hamiltonian, grouping=None)

Split up and sort the Hamiltonian terms to get the basis rotation gates to be applied to a quantum circuit for the respective (group of) terms in the Hamiltonian

  • hamiltonian (qibo.hamiltonians.SymbolicHamiltonian) – Hamiltonian of interest

  • grouping (str) – Whether or not to group Hamiltonian terms together, i.e. use the same set of measurements to get the expectation values of a group of terms simultaneously. Default value of None will not group any terms together, while "qwc" will group qubitwise commuting terms together, and return the measurement gates associated with each group of terms


List of two-tuples; the first item is a list of measurement gates (qibo.gates.M), and the second

item is the corresponding list of Hamiltonian terms (qibo.hamiltonian.terms.SymbolicTerm).

Return type:


qibochem.measurement.optimization.allocate_shots(grouped_terms, n_shots, method=None, max_shots_per_term=None)

Allocate shots to each group of terms in the Hamiltonian for calculating the expectation value of the Hamiltonian.

  • grouped_terms (list) – Output of measurement_basis_rotations

  • n_shots (int) – Total number of shots to be allocated

  • method (str) – How to allocate the shots. The available options are: "c"/"coefficients": n_shots is distributed based on the relative magnitudes of the term coefficients, "u"/"uniform": n_shots is distributed evenly amongst each term. Default value: "c".

  • max_shots_per_term (int) – Upper limit for the number of shots allocated to an individual group of terms. If not given, will be defined as a fraction (largest coefficient over the sum of all coefficients in the Hamiltonian) of n_shots.


A list containing the number of shots to be used for each group of Pauli terms respectively.

Return type:
