What is QiboTN?#

Qibotn is an high-level library which integrates tensor network simulation within the Qibo ecosystem.

If you are familiar with Qibo, you will be well aware of the modularity we provide through the use of our backends: after building a specific algorithm or quantum circuit, any of our backends can be selected to perform operations on the desired hardware (classical or quantum).

Here, we extend this modularity to one of the most famous quantum inspired simulation technique.

We do this by relying on well-known and maintained packages, and integrating their operation into our own dedicated backends.


As shown in the figure above, we currently support three different backends, which correspond to the three mentioned packages:

  • cuQuantum: an NVIDIA SDK of optimized libraries and tools for accelerating quantum computing workflows (we refer to the specific Cutensornet library);

  • quimb: an easy but fast python library for ‘quantum information many-body’ calculations, focusing primarily on tensor networks;

  • Quantum Matcha Tea: a logical quantum computer emulator powered by matrix product states. Read here if you want to have an example on how using the Quantum Matcha Tea backend.


There are currently two ways to use the three backends (qmatchatea is slightly different from the others), but we are working to standardize the interface.

Thanks to the mentioned packages, we currently support some tensor network ansatze: Matrix Product States (MPS) on any mentioned backend, Tree Tensor Networks (TTN) through the Quantum Matcha Tea backend and a more general Tensor Network (TN) ansatz through Cutensornet and Quimb.

Supported simulation features#

We support Tensor Network contractions to:

  • dense vectors (all the backends)

  • expecation values of given Pauli string (Cutensornet and Qmatchatea)

The supported HPC configurations are:

  • single-node CPU through Quimb and Qmatchatea

  • single-node GPU or GPUs through Cutensornet and Qmatchatea

  • multi-node multi-GPU with Message Passing Interface (MPI) through Cutensornet

  • multi-node multi-GPU with NVIDIA Collective Communications Library (NCCL) through Cutensornet

How to Use the Documentation#

Welcome to the comprehensive documentation for QiboTN! This guide will help you navigate through the various sections and make the most of the resources available.

  1. Getting started: Begin by referring to the Installation instructions guide to set up the QiboTN library in your environment.

  2. Tutorials: Explore the Quick start section for basic usage examples

Main documentation

Indices and tables#