Source code for qibolab.qubits

from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from qibolab.channels import Channel
from qibolab.couplers import Coupler
from qibolab.native import SingleQubitNatives, TwoQubitNatives

QubitId = Union[str, int]
"""Type for qubit names."""

CHANNEL_NAMES = ("readout", "feedback", "drive", "flux", "twpa")
"""Names of channels that belong to a qubit.

Not all channels are required to operate a qubit.
EXCLUDED_FIELDS = CHANNEL_NAMES + ("name", "native_gates", "kernel", "_flux")
"""Qubit dataclass fields that are excluded by the ``characterization``

[docs]@dataclass class Qubit: """Representation of a physical qubit. Qubit objects are instantiated by :class:`qibolab.platforms.platform.Platform` but they are passed to instrument designs in order to play pulses. Args: name (int, str): Qubit number or name. readout (:class:`qibolab.platforms.utils.Channel`): Channel used to readout pulses to the qubit. feedback (:class:`qibolab.platforms.utils.Channel`): Channel used to get readout feedback from the qubit. drive (:class:`qibolab.platforms.utils.Channel`): Channel used to send drive pulses to the qubit. flux (:class:`qibolab.platforms.utils.Channel`): Channel used to send flux pulses to the qubit. Other characterization parameters for the qubit, loaded from the runcard. """ name: QubitId bare_resonator_frequency: int = 0 readout_frequency: int = 0 """Readout dressed frequency.""" drive_frequency: int = 0 anharmonicity: int = 0 sweetspot: float = 0.0 asymmetry: float = 0.0 crosstalk_matrix: dict[QubitId, float] = field(default_factory=dict) """Crosstalk matrix for voltages.""" Ec: float = 0.0 """Readout Charge Energy.""" Ej: float = 0.0 """Readout Josephson Energy.""" g: float = 0.0 """Readout coupling.""" assignment_fidelity: float = 0.0 """Assignment fidelity.""" readout_fidelity: float = 0.0 """Readout fidelity.""" effective_temperature: float = 0.0 """Effective temperature.""" peak_voltage: float = 0 pi_pulse_amplitude: float = 0 T1: int = 0 T2: int = 0 T2_spin_echo: int = 0 state0_voltage: int = 0 state1_voltage: int = 0 mean_gnd_states: List[float] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0, 0]) mean_exc_states: List[float] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0, 0]) # parameters for single shot classification threshold: Optional[float] = None iq_angle: float = 0.0 kernel: Optional[np.ndarray] = field(default=None, repr=False) # required for mixers (not sure if it should be here) mixer_drive_g: float = 0.0 mixer_drive_phi: float = 0.0 mixer_readout_g: float = 0.0 mixer_readout_phi: float = 0.0 readout: Optional[Channel] = None feedback: Optional[Channel] = None twpa: Optional[Channel] = None drive: Optional[Channel] = None _flux: Optional[Channel] = None native_gates: SingleQubitNatives = field(default_factory=SingleQubitNatives) def __post_init__(self): if self.flux is not None and self.sweetspot != 0: self.flux.offset = self.sweetspot @property def flux(self): return self._flux @flux.setter def flux(self, channel): if self.sweetspot != 0: channel.offset = self.sweetspot self._flux = channel @property def channels(self): for name in CHANNEL_NAMES: channel = getattr(self, name) if channel is not None: yield channel @property def characterization(self): """Dictionary containing characterization parameters.""" return { getattr(self, for fld in fields(self) if not in EXCLUDED_FIELDS } @property def mixer_frequencies(self): """Get local oscillator and intermediate frequencies of native gates. Assumes RF = LO + IF. """ freqs = {} for gate in fields(self.native_gates): native = getattr(self.native_gates, if native is not None: channel_type = _lo = getattr(self, channel_type).lo_frequency _if = native.frequency - _lo freqs[] = _lo, _if return freqs
QubitPairId = Tuple[QubitId, QubitId] """Type for holding ``QubitPair``s in the ``platform.pairs`` dictionary."""
[docs]@dataclass class QubitPair: """Data structure for holding the native two-qubit gates acting on a pair of qubits. This is needed for symmetry to the single-qubit gates which are storred in the :class:`qibolab.platforms.abstract.Qubit`. """ qubit1: Qubit """First qubit of the pair. Acts as control on two-qubit gates. """ qubit2: Qubit """Second qubit of the pair. Acts as target on two-qubit gates. """ coupler: Optional[Coupler] = None native_gates: TwoQubitNatives = field(default_factory=TwoQubitNatives)