Source code for qibolab.kernels

import json
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from qibolab.qubits import QubitId

KERNELS = "kernels.npz"

[docs]class Kernels(dict[QubitId, np.ndarray]): """A dictionary subclass for handling Qubit Kernels. This class extends the built-in dict class and maps QubitId to numpy arrays. It provides methods to load and dump the kernels from and to a file. """
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path: Path): """Class method to load kernels from a file. The file should contain a serialized dictionary where keys are serialized QubitId and values are numpy arrays. """ return cls( {json.loads(key): value for key, value in np.load(path / KERNELS).items()} )
[docs] def dump(self, path: Path): """Instance method to dump the kernels to a file. The keys (QubitId) are serialized to strings and the values (numpy arrays) are kept as is. """ np.savez( path / KERNELS, **{json.dumps(qubit_id): value for qubit_id, value in self.items()} )