Source code for qibolab.instruments.qm.controller

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, Optional

from qm import QuantumMachinesManager, SimulationConfig, generate_qua_script, qua
from qm.octave import QmOctaveConfig
from qm.qua import declare, for_
from qm.simulate.credentials import create_credentials
from qualang_tools.simulator_tools import create_simulator_controller_connections

from qibolab import AveragingMode
from qibolab.instruments.abstract import Controller
from qibolab.pulses import PulseType
from qibolab.sweeper import Parameter
from qibolab.unrolling import Bounds

from .acquisition import declare_acquisitions, fetch_results
from .config import SAMPLING_RATE, QMConfig
from .devices import Octave, OPXplus
from .ports import OPXIQ
from .sequence import BakedPulse, QMPulse, Sequence
from .sweepers import sweep

"""Offset to be added to Octave addresses, because they must be 11xxx, where
xxx are the last three digits of the Octave IP address."""

[docs]def declare_octaves(octaves, host, calibration_path=None): """Initiate Octave configuration and add octaves info. Args: octaves (dict): Dictionary containing :class:`qibolab.instruments.qm.devices.Octave` objects for each Octave device in the experiment configuration. host (str): IP of the Quantum Machines controller. calibration_path (str): Path to the JSON file with the mixer calibration. """ if len(octaves) == 0: return None config = QmOctaveConfig() if calibration_path is not None: config.set_calibration_db(calibration_path) for octave in octaves.values(): config.add_device_info(, host, OCTAVE_ADDRESS_OFFSET + octave.port) return config
[docs]def find_baking_pulses(sweepers): """Find pulses that require baking because we are sweeping their duration. Args: sweepers (list): List of :class:`qibolab.sweeper.Sweeper` objects. """ to_bake = set() for sweeper in sweepers: values = sweeper.values step = values[1] - values[0] if len(values) > 0 else values[0] if sweeper.parameter is Parameter.duration and step % 4 != 0: for pulse in sweeper.pulses: to_bake.add(pulse.serial) return to_bake
[docs]def controllers_config(qubits, time_of_flight, smearing=0): """Create a Quantum Machines configuration without pulses. This contains the readout and drive elements and controllers and is used by :meth:`qibolab.instruments.qm.controller.QMController.calibrate_mixers`. Args: qubits (list): List of :class:`qibolab.qubits.Qubit` objects to be included in the config. time_of_flight (int): Time of flight used on readout elements. smearing (int): Smearing used on readout elements. """ config = QMConfig() for qubit in qubits: if qubit.readout is not None: config.register_port(qubit.readout.port) config.register_readout_element( qubit, qubit.mixer_frequencies["MZ"][1], time_of_flight, smearing ) if is not None: config.register_port( config.register_drive_element(qubit, qubit.mixer_frequencies["RX"][1]) return config
[docs]@dataclass class QMController(Controller): """:class:`qibolab.instruments.abstract.Controller` object for controlling a Quantum Machines cluster. A cluster consists of multiple :class:`qibolab.instruments.qm.devices.QMDevice` devices. Playing pulses on QM controllers requires a ``config`` dictionary and a program written in QUA language. The ``config`` file is generated in parts in :class:`qibolab.instruments.qm.config.QMConfig`. Controllers, elements and pulses are all registered after a pulse sequence is given, so that the config contains only elements related to the participating qubits. The QUA program for executing an arbitrary :class:`qibolab.pulses.PulseSequence` is written in :meth:`` and executed in :meth:`qibolab.instruments.qm.controller.QMController.execute_program`. """ name: str """Name of the instrument instance.""" address: str """IP address and port for connecting to the OPX instruments. Has the form XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXX. """ opxs: Dict[int, OPXplus] = field(default_factory=dict) """Dictionary containing the :class:`qibolab.instruments.qm.devices.OPXplus` instruments being used.""" octaves: Dict[int, Octave] = field(default_factory=dict) """Dictionary containing the :class:`qibolab.instruments.qm.devices.Octave` instruments being used.""" time_of_flight: int = 0 """Time of flight used for hardware signal integration.""" smearing: int = 0 """Smearing used for hardware signal integration.""" bounds: Bounds = Bounds(0, 0, 0) """Maximum bounds used for batching in sequence unrolling.""" calibration_path: Optional[str] = None """Path to the JSON file that contains the mixer calibration.""" script_file_name: Optional[str] = None """Name of the file that the QUA program will dumped in that after every execution. If ``None`` the program will not be dumped. """ manager: Optional[QuantumMachinesManager] = None """Manager object used for controlling the Quantum Machines cluster.""" config: QMConfig = field(default_factory=QMConfig) """Configuration dictionary required for pulse execution on the OPXs.""" is_connected: bool = False """Boolean that shows whether we are connected to the QM manager.""" simulation_duration: Optional[int] = None """Duration for the simulation in ns. If given the simulator will be used instead of actual hardware execution. """ cloud: bool = False """If ``True`` the QM cloud simulator is used which does not require access to physical instruments. This assumes that a proper cloud address has been given. If ``False`` and ``simulation_duration`` was given, then the built-in simulator of the instruments is used. This requires connection to instruments. Default is ``False``. """ def __post_init__(self): super().__init__(, self.address) # redefine bounds because abstract instrument overwrites them self.bounds = Bounds( waveforms=int(4e4), readout=30, instructions=int(1e6), ) # convert lists to dicts if not isinstance(self.opxs, dict): self.opxs = { instr for instr in self.opxs} if not isinstance(self.octaves, dict): self.octaves = { instr for instr in self.octaves} if self.simulation_duration is not None: # convert simulation duration from ns to clock cycles self.simulation_duration //= 4
[docs] def ports(self, name, output=True): """Provides instrument ports to the user. Note that individual ports can also be accessed from the corresponding devices using :meth:`qibolab.instruments.qm.devices.QMDevice.ports`. Args: name (tuple): Contains the numbers of controller and port to be obtained. For example ``((conX, Y),)`` returns port-Y of OPX+ controller X. ``((conX, Y), (conX, Z))`` returns port-Y and Z of OPX+ controller X as an :class:`qibolab.instruments.qm.ports.OPXIQ` port pair. output (bool): ``True`` for obtaining an output port, otherwise an input port is returned. Default is ``True``. """ if len(name) == 1: con, port = name[0] return self.opxs[con].ports(port, output) elif len(name) == 2: (con1, port1), (con2, port2) = name return OPXIQ( self.opxs[con1].ports(port1, output), self.opxs[con2].ports(port2, output), ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid port {name} for Quantum Machines controller.")
@property def sampling_rate(self): """Sampling rate of Quantum Machines instruments.""" return SAMPLING_RATE
[docs] def connect(self): """Connect to the Quantum Machines manager.""" host, port = self.address.split(":") octave = declare_octaves(self.octaves, host, self.calibration_path) credentials = None if credentials = create_credentials() self.manager = QuantumMachinesManager( host=host, port=int(port), octave=octave, credentials=credentials ) self.is_connected = True
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from QM manager.""" if self.manager is not None: self.manager.close_all_quantum_machines() self.manager.close() self.is_connected = False
[docs] def calibrate_mixers(self, qubits): """Calibrate Octave mixers for readout and drive lines of given qubits. Args: qubits (list): List of :class:`qibolab.qubits.Qubit` objects for which mixers will be calibrated. """ if isinstance(qubits, dict): qubits = list(qubits.values()) config = controllers_config(qubits, self.time_of_flight, self.smearing) machine = self.manager.open_qm(config.__dict__) for qubit in qubits: print(f"Calibrating mixers for qubit {}") if qubit.readout is not None: _lo, _if = qubit.mixer_frequencies["MZ"] machine.calibrate_element(f"readout{}", {_lo: (_if,)}) if is not None: _lo, _if = qubit.mixer_frequencies["RX"] machine.calibrate_element(f"drive{}", {_lo: (_if,)})
[docs] def execute_program(self, program): """Executes an arbitrary program written in QUA language. Args: program: QUA program. """ machine = self.manager.open_qm(self.config.__dict__) return machine.execute(program)
[docs] def simulate_program(self, program): """Simulates an arbitrary program written in QUA language. Args: program: QUA program. """ ncontrollers = len(self.config.controllers) controller_connections = create_simulator_controller_connections(ncontrollers) simulation_config = SimulationConfig( duration=self.simulation_duration, controller_connections=controller_connections, ) return self.manager.simulate(self.config.__dict__, program, simulation_config)
[docs] def create_sequence(self, qubits, sequence, sweepers): """Translates a :class:`qibolab.pulses.PulseSequence` to a :class:`qibolab.instruments.qm.sequence.Sequence`. Args: qubits (list): List of :class:`qibolab.platforms.abstract.Qubit` objects passed from the platform. sequence (:class:`qibolab.pulses.PulseSequence`). Pulse sequence to translate. sweepers (list): List of sweeper objects so that pulses that require baking are identified. Returns: (:class:`qibolab.instruments.qm.sequence.Sequence`) containing the pulses from given pulse sequence. """ # Current driver cannot play overlapping pulses on drive and flux channels # If we want to play overlapping pulses we need to define different elements on the same ports # like we do for readout multiplex pulses_to_bake = find_baking_pulses(sweepers) qmsequence = Sequence() ro_pulses = [] for pulse in sorted( sequence.pulses, key=lambda pulse: (pulse.start, pulse.duration) ): qubit = qubits[pulse.qubit] self.config.register_port(getattr(qubit, if pulse.type is PulseType.READOUT: self.config.register_port( self.config.register_element( qubit, pulse, self.time_of_flight, self.smearing ) if ( pulse.duration % 4 != 0 or pulse.duration < 16 or pulse.serial in pulses_to_bake ): qmpulse = BakedPulse(pulse) qmpulse.bake(self.config, durations=[pulse.duration]) else: qmpulse = QMPulse(pulse) if pulse.type is PulseType.READOUT: ro_pulses.append(qmpulse) self.config.register_pulse(qubit, qmpulse) qmsequence.add(qmpulse) qmsequence.shift() return qmsequence, ro_pulses
[docs] def play(self, qubits, couplers, sequence, options): return self.sweep(qubits, couplers, sequence, options)
[docs] def sweep(self, qubits, couplers, sequence, options, *sweepers): if not sequence: return {} buffer_dims = [len(sweeper.values) for sweeper in reversed(sweepers)] if options.averaging_mode is AveragingMode.SINGLESHOT: buffer_dims.append(options.nshots) # register flux elements for all qubits so that they are # always at sweetspot even when they are not used for qubit in qubits.values(): if qubit.flux: self.config.register_port(qubit.flux.port) self.config.register_flux_element(qubit) qmsequence, ro_pulses = self.create_sequence(qubits, sequence, sweepers) # play pulses using QUA with qua.program() as experiment: n = declare(int) acquisitions = declare_acquisitions(ro_pulses, qubits, options) with for_(n, 0, n < options.nshots, n + 1): sweep( list(sweepers), qubits, qmsequence, options.relaxation_time, self.config, ) with qua.stream_processing(): for acquisition in acquisitions:*buffer_dims) if self.script_file_name is not None: with open(self.script_file_name, "w") as file: file.write(generate_qua_script(experiment, self.config.__dict__)) if self.simulation_duration is not None: result = self.simulate_program(experiment) results = {} for qmpulse in ro_pulses: pulse = qmpulse.pulse results[pulse.qubit] = results[pulse.serial] = result return results else: result = self.execute_program(experiment) return fetch_results(result, acquisitions)