Source code for qibolab.instruments.qblox.q1asm

"""A library to support generating qblox q1asm programs."""

import numpy as np

END_OF_LINE = "\n"

[docs]class Program: """A class to represent a sequencer q1asm assembly program. A q1asm program is made of blocks of code (:class:`qibolab.instruments.qblox.qblox_q1asm.Block`). Real time registers (variables) are necessary to implement sweeps in real time. This class keeps track of the registers used and has a method to provide the next available register. """ MAX_REGISTERS = 64
[docs] def next_register(self): """Provides the number of the next available register.""" self._next_register_number += 1 if self._next_register_number >= Program.MAX_REGISTERS: raise RuntimeError("There are no more registers available.") return self._next_register_number
def __init__(self): self._blocks: list = [] self._next_register_number: int = -1
[docs] def add_blocks(self, *blocks): """Adds a :class:`qibolab.instruments.qblox.qblox_q1asm.Block` of code to the list of blocks.""" for block in blocks: self._blocks.append(block)
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Returns the program.""" block_str: str = "" for block in self._blocks: block_str += repr(block) + END_OF_LINE return block_str
[docs]class Block: """A class to represent a block of q1asm assembly code. A block is comprised of code lines. Attributes: name (str): A name for the block of code. lines (list(tupple)): A list of lines of code (code, comment, indentation level). """ # TODO: replace tupples used for code lines with a Line object GLOBAL_INDENTATION_LEVEL = 3 SPACES_PER_LEVEL = 4 SPACES_BEFORE_COMMENT = 4 def __init__(self, name=""): = name self.lines: list = [] self._indentation = 0 def _indentation_string(self, level): return " " * Block.SPACES_PER_LEVEL * level @property def indentation(self): return self._indentation @indentation.setter def indentation(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError( f"indentation type should be int, got {type(value).__name__}" ) diff = value - self._indentation self._indentation = value self.lines = [ (line, comment, level + diff) for (line, comment, level) in self.lines ]
[docs] def append(self, line, comment="", level=0): self.lines = self.lines + [(line, comment, self._indentation + level)]
[docs] def prepend(self, line, comment="", level=0): self.lines = [(line, comment, self._indentation + level)] + self.lines
[docs] def append_spacer(self): self.lines = self.lines + [("", "", self._indentation)]
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Returns a string with the block of code, taking care of the indentation of instructions and comments.""" def comment_col(line, level): col = Block.SPACES_PER_LEVEL * (level + Block.GLOBAL_INDENTATION_LEVEL) col += len(line) return col max_col: int = 0 for line, comment, level in self.lines: if comment: max_col = max(max_col, comment_col(line, level)) block_str: str = "" if block_str += ( self._indentation_string( self._indentation + Block.GLOBAL_INDENTATION_LEVEL ) + "# " + + END_OF_LINE ) for line, comment, level in self.lines: block_str += ( self._indentation_string(level + Block.GLOBAL_INDENTATION_LEVEL) + line ) if comment: block_str += ( " " * (max_col - comment_col(line, level) + Block.SPACES_BEFORE_COMMENT) + " # " + comment ) block_str += END_OF_LINE return block_str def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Block): block = Block() for line, comment, level in self.lines: block.append(line, comment, level) for line, comment, level in other.lines: block.append(line, comment, level) else: raise TypeError(f"Expected Block, got {type(other).__name__}") return block def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Block): block = Block() for line, comment, level in other.lines: block.append(line, comment, level) for line, comment, level in self.lines: block.append(line, comment, level) else: raise TypeError(f"Expected Block, got {type(other).__name__}") return block def __iadd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Block): for line, comment, level in other.lines: self.append(line, comment, level) else: raise TypeError(f"Expected Block, got {type(other).__name__}") return self
[docs]class Register: """A class to represent a q1asm program register. Registers are used as variables in real time FPGA code. Attributes: name (str): a name to identify the register """ def __init__(self, program: Program, name: str = ""): self._number = program.next_register() self._name = name self._type = type def __repr__(self) -> str: return "R" + str(self._number) @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value
[docs]def wait_block( wait_time: int, register: Register, force_multiples_of_four: bool = False ): """Generates blocks of code to implement long delays. Arguments: wait_time (int): the total time to wait. register (:class:`qibolab.instruments.qblox.qblox_q1asm.Register`): the register used to loop force_multiples_of_four (bool): a flag that forces the delay to be a multiple of 4(ns) """ n_loops: int loop_wait: int wait: int block = Block() # constrains # extra_wait and wait_loop_step need to be within (4,65535) (2**16 bits variable) # extra_wait and wait_loop_step need to be multiples of 4ns * if wait_time < 0: raise ValueError("wait_time must be positive.") elif wait_time == 0: n_loops = 0 loop_wait = 0 wait = 0 elif wait_time > 0 and wait_time < 4: # TODO: log("wait_time > 0 and wait_time < 4 is not supported by the instrument, wait_time changed to 4ns") n_loops = 0 loop_wait = 0 wait = 4 elif wait_time >= 4 and wait_time < 2**16: # 65536ns n_loops = 0 loop_wait = 0 wait = wait_time elif wait_time >= 2**16 and wait_time < 2**32: # 4.29s loop_wait = 2**16 - 4 n_loops = wait_time // loop_wait wait = wait_time % loop_wait while loop_wait >= 4 and (wait > 0 and wait < 4): loop_wait -= 4 n_loops = wait_time // loop_wait wait = wait_time % loop_wait if loop_wait < 4 or (wait > 0 and wait < 4): raise ValueError( f"Unable to decompose {wait_time} into valid (n_loops * loop_wait + wait)" ) else: raise ValueError("wait_time > 65535**2 is not supported yet.") if force_multiples_of_four: wait = int(np.ceil(wait / 4)) * 4 wait_time = n_loops * loop_wait + wait if n_loops > 0: block.append(f"# wait {wait_time} ns") block.append(f"move {n_loops}, {register}") block.append(f"wait_loop_{register}:") block.append(f"wait {loop_wait}", level=1) block.append(f"loop {register}, @wait_loop_{register}", level=1) if wait > 0: block.append(f"wait {wait}") return block
[docs]def loop_block( start: int, stop: int, step: int, register: Register, block: Block ): # validate values """Generates blocks of code to implement loops. Its behaviour is similar to range(): it includes the first value, but never the last. Arguments: start (int): the initial value. stop (int): the final value (excluded). step (int): the step in which the register is incremented. register (:class:`qibolab.instruments.qblox.qblox_q1asm.Register`): the register modified within the loop. block (:class:`qibolab.instruments.qblox.qblox_q1asm.Register`): the block of code to be iterated. """ if not (isinstance(start, int) and isinstance(stop, int) and isinstance(step, int)): raise ValueError("begin, end and step must be int") if stop != start and step == 0: raise ValueError("step must not be 0") if (stop > start and not step > 0) or (stop < start and not step < 0): raise ValueError("invalid step") if start < 0 or stop < 0: raise ValueError("sweep possitive values only") header_block = Block() # same behaviour as range() includes the first but never the last header_block.append(f"move {start}, {register}", + " loop") header_block.append("nop") header_block.append(f"loop_{register}:") header_block.append_spacer() body_block = Block() body_block.indentation = 1 body_block += block footer_block = Block() footer_block.append_spacer() if stop > start: footer_block.append(f"add {register}, {step}, {register}") footer_block.append("nop") footer_block.append( f"jlt {register}, {stop}, @loop_{register}", + " loop" ) elif stop < start: footer_block.append(f"sub {register}, {abs(step)}, {register}") footer_block.append("nop") footer_block.append( f"jge {register}, {stop + 1}, @loop_{register}", + " loop", ) return header_block + body_block + footer_block
[docs]def convert_phase(phase_rad: float): """Converts phase values in radiants to the encoding used in qblox FPGAs. The phase is divided into 1e9 steps between 0° and 360°, expressed as an integer between 0 and 1e9 (e.g 45°=125e6). """ phase_deg = (phase_rad * 360 / (2 * np.pi)) % 360 return int(phase_deg * 1e9 / 360)
[docs]def convert_frequency(freq: float): """Converts frequency values to the encoding used in qblox FPGAs. The frequency is divided into 4e9 steps between -500 and 500 MHz and expressed as an integer between -2e9 and 2e9. (e.g. 1 MHz=4e6). """ if not (freq >= -500e6 and freq <= 500e6): raise ValueError("frequency must be a float between -500e6 and 500e6 Hz") return int(freq * 4) % 2**32 # two's complement of 18? TODO: confirm with qblox
[docs]def convert_gain(gain: float): """Converts gain values to the encoding used in qblox FPGAs. Both gain values are divided in 2**sample path width steps. QCM DACs resolution 16bits, QRM DACs and ADCs 12 bit """ if not (gain >= -1 and gain <= 1): raise ValueError("gain must be a float between -1 and 1") if gain == 1: return 2**15 - 1 else: return int(np.floor(gain * 2**15)) % 2**32 # two's complement 32 bit number
[docs]def convert_offset(offset: float): """Converts offset values to the encoding used in qblox FPGAs. Both offset values are divided in 2**sample path width steps. QCM DACs resolution 16bits, QRM DACs and ADCs 12 bit QCM 5Vpp, QRM 2Vpp """ scale_factor = 1.25 * np.sqrt(2) normalised_offset = offset / scale_factor if not (normalised_offset >= -1 and normalised_offset <= 1): raise ValueError( f"offset must be a float between {-scale_factor:.3f} and {scale_factor:.3f} V" ) if normalised_offset == 1: return 2**15 - 1 else: return ( int(np.floor(normalised_offset * 2**15)) % 2**32 ) # two's complement 32 bit number? or 12 or 24?