Source code for qibolab.instruments.abstract

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import Optional

from qibolab.unrolling import Bounds

from .port import Port

InstrumentId = str

[docs]@dataclass class InstrumentSettings: """Container of settings that are dumped in the platform runcard json."""
[docs] def dump(self): """Dictionary containing the settings. Useful when dumping the instruments to the runcard JSON. """ return asdict(self)
[docs]class Instrument(ABC): """Parent class for all the instruments connected via TCPIP. Args: name (str): Instrument name. address (str): Instrument network address. """ def __init__(self, name, address): InstrumentId = name self.address: str = address self.is_connected: bool = False self.settings: Optional[InstrumentSettings] = None @property def signature(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}@{self.address}"
[docs] @abstractmethod def connect(self): """Establish connection to the physical instrument."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def disconnect(self): """Close connection to the physical instrument."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set instrument settings."""
[docs]class Controller(Instrument): """Instrument that can play pulses (using waveform generator).""" PortType = Port """Class used by the instrument to instantiate ports.""" def __init__(self, name, address): super().__init__(name, address) self._ports = {} self.bounds: Bounds = Bounds(0, 0, 0) """Estimated limitations of the device memory."""
[docs] def setup(self, bounds): """Set unrolling batch bounds.""" self.bounds = Bounds(**bounds)
[docs] def dump(self): """Dump unrolling batch bounds.""" return {"bounds": asdict(self.bounds)}
@property @abstractmethod def sampling_rate(self): """Sampling rate of control electronics in giga samples per second (GSps)."""
[docs] def ports(self, port_name, *args, **kwargs): """Get ports associated to this controller. Args: port_name: Identifier for the port. The type of the identifier depends on the specialized port defined for each instrument. Returns: :class:`qibolab.instruments.port.Port` object providing the interface for setting instrument parameters. """ if port_name not in self._ports: self._ports[port_name] = self.PortType(port_name) return self._ports[port_name]
[docs] @abstractmethod def play(self, *args, **kwargs): """Play a pulse sequence and retrieve feedback. Returns: (Dict[ResultType]) mapping the serial of the readout pulses used to the acquired :class:`qibolab.result.ExecutionResults` object. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def sweep(self, *args, **kwargs): """Play a pulse sequence while sweeping one or more parameters. Returns: (dict) mapping the serial of the readout pulses used to the acquired :class:`qibolab.result.ExecutionResults` object. """
[docs]class InstrumentException(Exception): def __init__(self, instrument: Instrument, message: str): header = f"InstrumentException with {instrument.signature}" full_msg = header + ": " + message super().__init__(full_msg)