Source code for qibolab

import importlib.metadata as im
import importlib.util
import os
from pathlib import Path

from qibo import Circuit
from qibo.config import raise_error

from qibolab.execution_parameters import (
from qibolab.platform import Platform
from qibolab.serialize import PLATFORM

__version__ = im.version(__package__)


[docs]def get_platforms_path(): """Get path to repository containing the platforms. Path is specified using the environment variable QIBOLAB_PLATFORMS. """ profiles = os.environ.get(PLATFORMS) if profiles is None or not os.path.exists(profiles): raise_error(RuntimeError, f"Profile directory {profiles} does not exist.") return Path(profiles)
[docs]def create_platform(name) -> Platform: """A platform for executing quantum algorithms. It consists of a quantum processor QPU and a set of controlling instruments. Args: name (str): name of the platform. Options are 'tiiq', 'qili' and 'icarusq'. path (pathlib.Path): path with platform serialization Returns: The plaform class. """ if name == "dummy" or name == "dummy_couplers": from qibolab.dummy import create_dummy return create_dummy(with_couplers=name == "dummy_couplers") platform = get_platforms_path() / f"{name}" if not platform.exists(): raise_error(ValueError, f"Platform {name} does not exist.") spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("platform", platform / PLATFORM) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) return module.create()
[docs]def execute_qasm(circuit: str, platform, initial_state=None, nshots=1000): """Executes a QASM circuit. Args: circuit (str): the QASM circuit. platform (str): the platform where to execute the circuit. initial_state (:class:`qibo.models.circuit.Circuit`): Circuit to prepare the initial state. If ``None`` the default ``|00...0>`` state is used. nshots (int): Number of shots to sample from the experiment. Returns: ``MeasurementOutcomes`` object containing the results acquired from the execution. """ from qibolab.backends import QibolabBackend circuit = Circuit.from_qasm(circuit) return QibolabBackend(platform).execute_circuit( circuit, initial_state=initial_state, nshots=nshots )