Client object

The module implementing the Client class.

class qibo_client.qibo_client.Client(token: str, url: str = '')

Bases: object

Class to manage the interaction with the remote server.


Check that client and server qibo package installed versions match.

Raise assertion error if the two versions are not the same.

run_circuit(circuit: Circuit, nshots: int = 1000, device: str = 'k2') QuantumState | None

Run circuit on the cluster.

  • circuit (Circuit) – the QASM representation of the circuit to run

  • nshots (int) – number of shots

  • device (str) – the device to run the circuit on. Default device is k2

  • wait_for_results (bool) – whether to let the client hang until server results are ready or not. Defaults to True.


the numpy array with the results of the computation. None if the job raised an error.

Return type:



Logs the formatted user quota info table.


Logs the formatted user quota info table.

get_job(pid: str) QiboJob

Retrieves the job from the unique process id.


pid (str) – the job’s process identifier


the requested QiboJob object

Return type:


Job object

qibo_client.qibo_job.convert_str_to_job_status(status: str)
class qibo_client.qibo_job.QiboJobStatus(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

QUEUED = 'to_do'
RUNNING = 'in_progress'
DONE = 'success'
ERROR = 'error'
class qibo_client.qibo_job.QiboJob(pid: str, base_url: str = '', circuit: Circuit | None = None, nshots: int | None = None, device: str | None = None)

Bases: object


Refreshes job information from server.

This method does not query the results from server.

status() QiboJobStatus
running() bool
done() bool
result(wait: int = 5, verbose: bool = False) QuantumState | None

Send requests to server checking whether the job is completed.

This function populates the Client.results_folder and Client.results_path attributes.


the numpy array with the results of the computation. None if the job raised an error.

Return type:
