This workflow deploys the latest
and stable
sphinx documentations and publish them using github pages.
uses: qiboteam/workflows/.github/workflows/deploy-ghpages-latest-stable.yml@main
# The python version to be installed.
# Mandatory input
python-version: 3.9
# Choose one package manager between 'pip' and 'poetry'
# Mandatory input
package-manager: 'pip'
# Specify the path to the dependency file
# Mandatory input
dependency-path: '**/'
# Project's name
# Mandatory input
project: qibo
# Url where to pubish the documentation
# Default:
url: https://this/is/an/example
# Label classifing the trigger (e.g. 'latest' or 'stable')
# Default: none
trigger-label: latest
# Documentation's path.
# Default: ./doc
path-doc: ./docs
# poetry extra flags to add
# to package's installation.
# Default: ""
poetry-extras: ""