Source code for qibocal.protocols.resonator_spectroscopy

from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from _collections_abc import Callable
from qibolab.platform import Platform
from qibolab.pulses import PulseSequence
from qibolab.qubits import QubitId
from qibolab.sweeper import Parameter, Sweeper, SweeperType

from qibocal import update
from import Data, Parameters, Results, Routine

from .utils import (

ResSpecType = np.dtype(
        ("freq", np.float64),
        ("signal", np.float64),
        ("phase", np.float64),
        ("error_signal", np.float64),
        ("error_phase", np.float64),
"""Custom dtype for resonator spectroscopy."""

[docs]@dataclass class ResonatorSpectroscopyFit: """ResonatorSpectroscopy fit.""" function: Callable """Routine function to fit data with a model.""" fit: Callable """Fit function used for the resonance.""" chi2: Callable """Chi2 reduced.""" values: Callable """Extract values from data.""" errors: Callable """Extract errors from data.""" plot: Callable """Plotting function for ResonatorSpectroscopy."""
FITS = { "lorentzian": ResonatorSpectroscopyFit( lorentzian, lorentzian_fit, chi2_reduced, lambda z: z.signal, lambda z: z.error_signal, spectroscopy_plot, ), "s21": ResonatorSpectroscopyFit( s21, s21_fit, chi2_reduced_complex, lambda z: (z.signal, z.phase), lambda z: (z.error_signal, z.error_phase), s21_spectroscopy_plot, ), } """Dictionary of available fitting routines for ResonatorSpectroscopy."""
[docs]@dataclass class ResonatorSpectroscopyParameters(Parameters): """ResonatorSpectroscopy runcard inputs.""" freq_width: int """Width for frequency sweep relative to the readout frequency [Hz].""" freq_step: int """Frequency step for sweep [Hz].""" power_level: Union[PowerLevel, str] """Power regime (low or high). If low the readout frequency will be updated. If high both the readout frequency and the bare resonator frequency will be updated.""" fit_function: str = "lorentzian" """Routine function (lorentzian or s21) to fit data with a model.""" phase_sign: bool = True """Several instruments have their convention about the sign of the phase. If True, the routine will apply a minus to the phase data.""" amplitude: Optional[float] = None """Readout amplitude (optional). If defined, same amplitude will be used in all qubits. Otherwise the default amplitude defined on the platform runcard will be used""" attenuation: Optional[int] = None """Readout attenuation (optional). If defined, same attenuation will be used in all qubits. Otherwise the default attenuation defined on the platform runcard will be used""" hardware_average: bool = True """By default hardware average will be performed.""" def __post_init__(self): if isinstance(self.power_level, str): self.power_level = PowerLevel(self.power_level)
[docs]@dataclass class ResonatorSpectroscopyResults(Results): """ResonatorSpectroscopy outputs.""" frequency: dict[QubitId, float] """Readout frequency [Hz] for each qubit.""" fitted_parameters: dict[QubitId, list[float]] """Raw fitted parameters.""" bare_frequency: Optional[dict[QubitId, float]] = field( default_factory=dict, ) """Bare resonator frequency [Hz] for each qubit.""" error_fit_pars: dict[QubitId, list] = field(default_factory=dict) """Errors of the fit parameters.""" chi2_reduced: dict[QubitId, tuple[float, Optional[float]]] = field( default_factory=dict ) """Chi2 reduced.""" amplitude: Optional[dict[QubitId, float]] = field( default_factory=dict, ) """Readout amplitude for each qubit.""" attenuation: Optional[dict[QubitId, int]] = field( default_factory=dict, ) """Readout attenuation [dB] for each qubit.""" def __contains__(self, key: QubitId): return all( key in getattr(self, for field in fields(self) if isinstance(getattr(self,, dict) and != "bare_frequency" )
[docs]@dataclass class ResonatorSpectroscopyData(Data): """Data structure for resonator spectroscopy with attenuation.""" resonator_type: str """Resonator type.""" amplitudes: dict[QubitId, float] """Amplitudes provided by the user.""" fit_function: str = "lorentzian" """Fit function (optional) used for the resonance.""" phase_sign: bool = False """Several instruments have their convention about the sign of the phase. If True, the routine will apply a minus to the phase data.""" data: dict[QubitId, npt.NDArray[ResSpecType]] = field(default_factory=dict) """Raw data acquired.""" power_level: Optional[PowerLevel] = None """Power regime of the resonator.""" attenuations: Optional[dict[QubitId, int]] = field(default_factory=dict) """Readout attenuation [dB] for each qubit""" @classmethod def load(cls, path): obj = super().load(path) # Instantiate PowerLevel object if obj.power_level is not None: # pylint: disable=E1101 obj.power_level = PowerLevel(obj.power_level) # pylint: disable=E1101 return obj
[docs]def _acquisition( params: ResonatorSpectroscopyParameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[QubitId] ) -> ResonatorSpectroscopyData: """Data acquisition for resonator spectroscopy.""" # create a sequence of pulses for the experiment: # MZ # taking advantage of multiplexing, apply the same set of gates to all qubits in parallel sequence = PulseSequence() ro_pulses = {} amplitudes = {} attenuations = {} for qubit in targets: ro_pulses[qubit] = platform.create_qubit_readout_pulse(qubit, start=0) if params.amplitude is not None: ro_pulses[qubit].amplitude = params.amplitude amplitudes[qubit] = ro_pulses[qubit].amplitude if params.attenuation is not None: platform.qubits[qubit].readout.attenuation = params.attenuation try: attenuation = platform.qubits[qubit].readout.attenuation except AttributeError: attenuation = None attenuations[qubit] = attenuation sequence.add(ro_pulses[qubit]) # define the parameter to sweep and its range: delta_frequency_range = np.arange( -params.freq_width / 2, params.freq_width / 2, params.freq_step ) sweeper = Sweeper( Parameter.frequency, delta_frequency_range, pulses=[ro_pulses[qubit] for qubit in targets], type=SweeperType.OFFSET, ) data = ResonatorSpectroscopyData( resonator_type=platform.resonator_type, power_level=params.power_level, amplitudes=amplitudes, attenuations=attenuations, fit_function=params.fit_function, phase_sign=params.phase_sign, ) results = platform.sweep( sequence, params.execution_parameters, sweeper, ) # retrieve the results for every qubit for qubit in targets: result = results[ro_pulses[qubit].serial] # store the results data.register_qubit( ResSpecType, (qubit), dict( signal=result.average.magnitude, phase=result.average.phase, freq=delta_frequency_range + ro_pulses[qubit].frequency, error_signal=result.average.std, error_phase=result.phase_std, ), ) return data
[docs]def _fit( data: ResonatorSpectroscopyData, ) -> ResonatorSpectroscopyResults: """Post-processing function for ResonatorSpectroscopy.""" # TODO: change data.qubits qubits = data.qubits bare_frequency = {} frequency = {} fitted_parameters = {} error_fit_pars = {} chi2 = {} amplitudes = {} fit = FITS[data.fit_function] for qubit in qubits: qubit_data = deepcopy(data[qubit]) qubit_data.phase = ( -qubit_data.phase if data.phase_sign else qubit_data.phase ) # TODO: tmp patch for the sign of the phase qubit_data.phase = np.unwrap( qubit_data.phase ) # TODO: move phase unwrapping in qibolab fit_result = qubit_data, resonator_type=data.resonator_type, fit="resonator" ) if fit_result is not None: ( frequency[qubit], fitted_parameters[qubit], error_fit_pars[qubit], ) = fit_result dof = len(data[qubit].freq) - len(fitted_parameters[qubit]) if data.power_level is PowerLevel.high: bare_frequency[qubit] = frequency[qubit] chi2[qubit] = ( fit.chi2( fit.values(data[qubit]), fit.function(data[qubit].freq, *fitted_parameters[qubit]), fit.errors(data[qubit]), dof, ), np.sqrt(2 / dof), ) amplitudes[qubit] = fitted_parameters[qubit][0] if data.power_level is PowerLevel.high: return ResonatorSpectroscopyResults( frequency=frequency, fitted_parameters=fitted_parameters, bare_frequency=bare_frequency, error_fit_pars=error_fit_pars, chi2_reduced=chi2, amplitude=data.amplitudes, attenuation=data.attenuations, ) return ResonatorSpectroscopyResults( frequency=frequency, fitted_parameters=fitted_parameters, error_fit_pars=error_fit_pars, chi2_reduced=chi2, amplitude=data.amplitudes, attenuation=data.attenuations, )
[docs]def _plot( data: ResonatorSpectroscopyData, target: QubitId, fit: ResonatorSpectroscopyResults ): """Plotting function for ResonatorSpectroscopy.""" return FITS[data.fit_function].plot(data, target, fit)
[docs]def _update(results: ResonatorSpectroscopyResults, platform: Platform, target: QubitId): update.readout_frequency(results.frequency[target], platform, target) # if this condition is satifisfied means that we are in the low power regime # therefore we update also the readout amplitude if len(results.bare_frequency) == 0: update.readout_amplitude(results.amplitude[target], platform, target) if results.attenuation[target] is not None: update.readout_attenuation(results.attenuation[target], platform, target) else: update.bare_resonator_frequency( results.bare_frequency[target], platform, target )
resonator_spectroscopy = Routine(_acquisition, _fit, _plot, _update) """ResonatorSpectroscopy Routine object."""