Source code for qibocal.protocols.couplers.coupler_chevron

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from qibolab import AcquisitionType, AveragingMode, ExecutionParameters
from qibolab.platform import Platform
from qibolab.pulses import PulseSequence
from qibolab.qubits import QubitPairId
from qibolab.sweeper import Parameter, Sweeper, SweeperType

from import Results, Routine

from ..two_qubit_interaction.chevron.chevron import (
from ..two_qubit_interaction.utils import order_pair

[docs]@dataclass class ChevronCouplersParameters(ChevronParameters): native_gate: Optional[str] = "CZ" """Native gate to implement, CZ or iSWAP.""" """ChevronCouplers protocol parameters. Amplitude and duration are referred to the coupler pulse. """
[docs]@dataclass class ChevronCouplersData(ChevronData): """Data structure for chevron couplers protocol."""
[docs]def _aquisition( params: ChevronCouplersParameters, platform: Platform, targets: list[QubitPairId], ) -> ChevronData: r""" Perform an CZ experiment between pairs of qubits by changing the coupler state, qubits need to be pulses into their interaction point. Args: platform: Platform to use. params: Experiment parameters. targets (list): List of pairs to use sequentially. Returns: ChevronCouplersData: Acquisition data. """ # define the parameter to sweep and its range: delta_amplitude_range = np.arange( params.amplitude_min_factor, params.amplitude_max_factor, params.amplitude_step_factor, ) delta_duration_range = np.arange( params.duration_min, params.duration_max, params.duration_step ) # create a DataUnits object to store the results, data = ChevronData() # sort high and low frequency qubit for pair in targets: sequence = PulseSequence() ordered_pair = order_pair(pair, platform) # initialize in system in 11(CZ) or 10(iSWAP) state if params.native_gate == "CZ": initialize_lowfreq = platform.create_RX_pulse(ordered_pair[0], start=0) sequence.add(initialize_lowfreq) initialize_highfreq = platform.create_RX_pulse(ordered_pair[1], start=0) sequence.add(initialize_highfreq) if params.native_gate == "CZ": native_gate, _ = platform.create_CZ_pulse_sequence( (ordered_pair[1], ordered_pair[0]), start=sequence.finish + params.dt, ) elif params.native_gate == "iSWAP": native_gate, _ = platform.create_iSWAP_pulse_sequence( (ordered_pair[1], ordered_pair[0]), start=sequence.finish + params.dt, ) data.native_amplitude[ordered_pair] = getattr( native_gate.coupler_pulses(*pair)[:1][0], "amplitude" ) sequence.add(native_gate) ro_pulse1 = platform.create_MZ_pulse( ordered_pair[1], start=sequence.finish + params.dt ) ro_pulse2 = platform.create_MZ_pulse( ordered_pair[0], start=sequence.finish + params.dt ) sequence += ro_pulse1 + ro_pulse2 sweeper_amplitude = Sweeper( Parameter.amplitude, delta_amplitude_range, pulses=[p for p in native_gate.coupler_pulses(*pair)][:1], type=SweeperType.FACTOR, ) sweeper_duration = Sweeper( Parameter.duration, delta_duration_range, pulses=[p for p in native_gate.coupler_pulses(*pair)], ) # repeat the experiment as many times as defined by nshots results = platform.sweep( sequence, ExecutionParameters( nshots=params.nshots, acquisition_type=AcquisitionType.INTEGRATION, averaging_mode=AveragingMode.CYCLIC, ), sweeper_duration, sweeper_amplitude, ) # TODO: Explore probabilities instead of magnitude data.register_qubit( ordered_pair[0], ordered_pair[1], delta_duration_range, delta_amplitude_range * data.native_amplitude[ordered_pair], results[ordered_pair[0]].magnitude, results[ordered_pair[1]].magnitude, ) return data
[docs]@dataclass class ChevronCouplersResults(Results): """Empty fitting outputs for chevron couplers is not implemented in this case."""
[docs]def _fit(data: ChevronCouplersData) -> ChevronCouplersResults: """ "Results for ChevronCouplers.""" return ChevronCouplersResults()
[docs]def plot(data: ChevronCouplersData, fit: ChevronCouplersResults, target): return _plot(data, None, target)
coupler_chevron = Routine(_aquisition, _fit, plot, two_qubit_gates=True) """Coupler cz/swap flux routine."""